Stolen RV Recovered

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by ctravelgal01, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. ctravelgal01

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    Jan 31, 2019
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    My husband and I stored our 23 foot 2019 Minnie Winnie at Darrell's Mini Storage in Bakersfield CA. Darrell's is a fairly large storage chain in central CA. The motorhome was stolen from Darrell's on March 9, 2022, it was recovered about three weeks later. There was quite a bit of damage and many valuable items taken from the unit but our insurance carrier opted to have it repaired. Everything inside the motorhome was taken and when I say everything I mean everything. As of today the unit is still in the shop, our insurance carrier has had to make additional payments to the repair shop as they keep finding more things that were broken. While the insurance company is paying to repair the unit they will not pay for the contents. It would be covered under my homeowners policy but our deductible is $3,000 and I feel we can replace most everything for less than that. I asked my insurance company if they were going to go after Darrell's Mini Storage for the damages I was told no, no reason given. The theft was caught on camera and everyone who goes in/out of the storage unit has a unique code and has to provide ID to rent a unit, unfortunately the police department closed my case in June saying no one could be located. I would like to know if anyone has insight/information about possibly taking the storage company to small claims court to try and recoup some of our losses. We hope to have our motorhome back in the next month, but I have hearing this for a while.
  2. weighit

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    Aug 31, 2006
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    As hard a story as it is to listen to, feel really bad for you, I don't think you can win anything. I bet somewhere in the contract you have with that storage yard they have a not responsible clause somewhere and you probably signed that contract. That leaves then an out if they personally didn't damage the rv. Have you been checking with the repair shop to verify that they have found all the inside damages? I mean checking everything, top to bottom. I'm pretty sure the thieves didn't drive that rv as nice as you do. Crawl up on the roof, and look under the bottom. Make sure before you take it. Just my thoughts
    Fitzjohnfan likes this.
  3. Fitzjohnfan

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    Apr 6, 2010
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    I'm not a legal expert by any means, but my guess would be it will come down to what is in your contract with the storage facility. do they have something in it that says "they are not responsible for lost or stolen items or damage". if so, you're probably out of luck aa far as going after them.

    sure, they have a security system and cameras, but if these were working as designed, and the employees turned them on properly, then liability will be hard to prove.
  4. Flottle

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    Dec 12, 2022
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    I would think so too. That's kind of the point of the contract in the first place, or at least a major part of it. Not sure much can be done here, but be glad the insurance is doing what they are. I'd be nervous about the repair shop that keeps finding things and having to jockey with the insurance over the payment.
    mdcamping likes this.
  5. steve&kristi

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    Dec 1, 2008
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    Mine made me get insurance. I pay but it's only $2000 coverage. My car insurance would call it renters insurance. ( Im not mortgaged in a house)
    I hope you moved from that storage lot . And thanks for sharing the name of it for us all . To avoid that place
    Paythebill likes this.

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