Do You Follow "all" The Campgrounds Rules?

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by moqui51, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. Keeping up with the Joneses

    Keeping up with the Joneses
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    Jun 24, 2009
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    The only "rule" I don't follow is admitting I travel with 2 cats. I feel kind of guilty about it, but they stay inside the RV at all times. They don't make any noise or inconvenience anyone. I just don't understand why I should have to pay extra for them. Maybe someone can explain.
  2. gilda

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    Aug 20, 2007
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  3. cottonkyle

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    Aug 5, 2008
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    I am only commenting on this because of our last stay at a park where one of the staff commented to another member opf the staff about my truck being parked in the road... WHILE I WAS HOOKING UP to leave! And the bad thing is that this person didn't have the guts to say it my face... But, since I heard him, I made the comment that I was hooking up and he sheepishly said, "well alright since you are leaving..." and then he quickly made his way down the road. But this brings to mind that of the MANY reviews I have read. if there are negative things to say, they are usually about the narrowness of the park roads, and how hard it is to get in and out... Well, I AGREE! If there is one thing that needs to be addressed ACROSS THE BOARD, it is that all parks need to have wider roads. I think the designers/architects don't take into consideration how long a one-ton vehicle is with a 35 foot fifth-wheel in tow.

    Just my two-cents worth! Great posts by all. I have read most of them.
  4. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    Is Picea Mariana for real or is he/she just having fun pulling our collective legs?
  5. The Kahuna

    The Kahuna
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    Nov 12, 2007
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    As a campground owner I actually find it unfortunate that I need to have a list of rules that are nothing more than common sense. A few things drives this. First is the comment I typically hear, "It's not in the rules" or "there isn't a sign". Secondly, it becomes a legal issue. If I end up in court I have to be able to prove that the person was made aware that it's not appropriate to dive into the shallow end of the pool.

    When asked about enforcement I will tell folks that they can do most anything they want as long as they do not disturb the closest camper to them.

    I like the comment, "I don't drive 5 mph". Most of the campgrounds I've visited tend to be fairly compact. Typically, there are a good number of children in the park. And as much as the parents and children do need to be responsible for themselves, I think we all know it doesn't happen that way. So the 5 mph speed limit. I have no desire to see a child, even if they are not paying attention, get hit by a car.

    I try to follow common sense when enforcing the rules, but when faced with the response "what if I don't", that person will soon leave the park.

    And unfortunately, it is the 2% of campers that refuse to follow common sense rules that make camping more difficult for the 98% of quality campers.
  6. pianotuna

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    Jan 7, 2007
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    Hi Kahuna,

    Your post is very reasoned. It is so nice to see that. Thanks for your input.
  7. jobob

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    Sep 24, 2008
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    Your park sounds like a place I'd like to stay. Consideration for fellow campers is absolutely vital and most people appreciate that. Unfortunately, a few people have to be told, via written rules, how to be considerate.
  8. Tom

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    Oct 12, 2004
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    When we started "family camping" in campgrounds about 9 years ago (Yeesh! Time flies!), we were in a tent and would go with friends of ours who had a travel trailer. I had never been in a campground before, always wilderness tent camping, so the rules and "way things are done" was all new to me. Our friends basically "taught" us about the campgrounds and rules, and why many things were setup the way they were. So we had a bit of an advantage over complete "newbies".

    As previously posted, most rules at campgrounds came about because of slobs or inconsiderate people. Picking up dog poop? Honestly, we never thought about that until going to camp grounds -- I always just figured that was something that was on the ground! Now we cleanup after our dog everywhere, not just in campgrounds.

    5 mph speed limit? Yep, that is slow, and I was warned (threatened with being kicked out of the campground) once years ago about speeding in a campground. Now I basically go at idle speed, under 5mph. Gives me a chance to check out the campground and other campers on the way in. I don't go camping so I can rush around. Kids WILL be in the road playing, EXPECT that at camgrounds!!!

    Quiet hours? Love'em!! Party all you want up to 10 or 11pm, then quiet down. I don't do or say anything about partiers until quiet hours. The only "problem" we have run into is campgrounds that host a DJ dance party that lasts past quiet hours... that makes no sense to me. If campers are supposed to be quiet at 11pm, why is the campground blasting a mega-watt stereo system until 1AM??

    Hanging clothes.... In our experience, this mostly is a "seasonals" rule, and is not usually enforced on weekends. I have asked campground owners about the rule, and they have told me that they let it slide on weekends, it is to keep the campground neat and clean looking most of the time. People just coming for a weekend are using the pool and / or river or lake, and will have towels and suits they want to hang. Just don't tie ropes to the trees, and try to keep your site from looking completely "hillybilly" (not that there is anything wrong with that... I basically are one!).

    Cutting through campsites? Sounds like you are being a mean old bitty complaining about that... until time after time people trip over your bikes, or accidentally hit your picnic table, while you are eating, with their fishing poles as they walk through your site (that has happened to us!!).

    Once you have some "experience" camping in busy campgrounds, I think most people begin to understand why the rules are what they are. That "horrible" rule list that was linked to earlier is perfectly normal for the vast majority of campgrounds we go to, private and state parks.

    Okay, now that I have written all that, in answer to the original poster's question: YES, we have broken campground rules, mostly when we were new to "campground camping". Now if we break a rule it is accidental. We also understand why all those rules are in place.
  9. gilda

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    Aug 20, 2007
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  10. wolverine767

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    Apr 26, 2009
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    IMHO it all depends on the owners of the campground. I've run into operators who had unrealistic expectations (do not track dirt or grass into the showers at the campground) to just plain cranky operators who would rather be doing something else. Personally I tend to prefer public campgrounds although there are many great privately owned operations.
  11. RockHound

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    Jul 5, 2009
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    For the most part, my family and I will follow whatever rules the park has, along with what is considered camping common sense (not cutting through occupied sites, etc.). My gray areas are these: Beach/pool towels and bathing suits are getting hung up somewhere outside, unless it's laundry day. I will not, however, be hanging my undies and other laundry out to dry. I think Laundromats are expensive, but everyone knows that going to the campground. I will stay up all night at my site if I desire. I don't get loud or rowdy, so I don't bother anyone. If I wanted to be told when to go to bed, I'd have stayed in military school. But, I am all for a quiet time. Part of my camping enjoyment is the quiet. As for alcohol, as I said, we don't get rowdy, so I'll drink what I want on my site. Camping brothers and sisters will even be offered one. We don't bring our dogs, but if we did, they would be on a leash or in the camper at all times. I don't care if they were super duper trained, genetically altered to obey every command, Einstein dogs. Stuff happens. I don't want them biting someone, or running out in the road and getting killed. Plus, I have enough to do with setting up camp. I don't need to be on clean up "duty" all week. Someone mentioned golf carts earlier. I have come to hate golf carts. I can see their usefulness, especially as I get older and more decrepit. But, most of the people operating them seem to be kids that should be walking, riding bikes, etc. People with no respect or, maybe knowledge, of traffic laws or common sense. They definitely do not follow the 5-MPH speed limits. They expect everyone else to look out for them. I guess golf carts are like all other tools. If you don't use them properly, something bad is going to happen. I can't blame the kids, really. It usually breaks down to lack of parental supervision, upbringing, and a need to just go wild sometimes. I just don't think they should have the opportunity to go wild in something so dangerous. Take 'em to the go cart track. We will obey speed limits. Or even slower. Kids will be kids, and I respect their rights to run around and have fun without getting run over. Yes, they should pay attention to traffic and not mess with other peoples camping experience, but as far as I'm concerned, kids occasionally ending up in the streets of a campground is expected. We are surrounded by trees, lakes, streams, etc. where we live. Some kids are not. When they see such things at a campground, maybe for the first time, it is understandable when they are too excited to watch what they are doing. Campers, by all means please keep up with your kids. Just remember, it's their vacation too. Finally, if the campground managers/hosts are not very concerned with their responsibilities, I'm not going to be too concerned with their rules. If they repeatedly let the bathrooms run out of toilet paper, don't clean the bathhouses, put me on a site with 6 in. long grass, or anything else you expect when you pay your hard earned money for when you camp, I won't be too concerned when I do something against the rules.
  12. hitchup

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    May 1, 2006
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    We always follow the rules, even those that say you can't use a washer or dryer (we have both onboard.)

    Many rules are "common sense" or just plain "good manners". We've found many to be standard throughout the RV World, but like to know what we're allowed to do or not in advance. Because if they aren't written down, I always tell DH, better not do that until we find out if it's allowed! :rolleyes:
  13. jchapman

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    Aug 9, 2009
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    Awesome topic...I must admit..we have never read through the entire list of campground rules, to be honest, most of the time we don't even bother..we don't have a pet, but our biggest rule breaker is probably the washing of the husband likes to scrub off bugs, so I'm sure we will get turned in one of these days.. Also, I must say, if I read a rule that said no alcohol--I would say...NO THANK YOU..and we would go somewhere else...the only major thing I do see a huge problem is the crazy golf cart drivers...we have a 3 year old that was almost squished by a 12-13 year old golf cart driver, we were on the park road teaching him to ride his bike (so I guess we were actually in there way too), but she was out of control..This is one rule I wish campgrounds would enforce..thanks for the topic..
  14. Tom

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    Oct 12, 2004
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    We have gotten to the point now where we steer clear of campgrounds that allow golf carts and ATVs if possible. We have been to a couple campgrounds where those vehicles were just out of control and dangerous. Other campgrounds it has not been a problem, case in point being Fort Wilderness (Disney World) - it was actually "part of the experience" to rent a golf cart there!

    As to kids in the road, similar to my previous post, kids WILL be in the road at a campground, that is just the way it is. We TELL our kids to use the roads, as they are not supposed to cut through other people's campsites! jchapman, you were not the problem, the golf cart driver was.

    At the large and very popular state park near us, on busy days the roads throughout the campground are literally filled with people walking and bike riding. That is the way it should be.

    QUOTE(jchapman @ Aug 12 2009, 05:24 PM) [snapback]18293[/snapback]

    the only major thing I do see a huge problem is the crazy golf cart drivers...we have a 3 year old that was almost squished by a 12-13 year old golf cart driver, we were on the park road teaching him to ride his bike (so I guess we were actually in there way too), but she was out of control..This is one rule I wish campgrounds would enforce..thanks for the topic..
  15. meatwagon45

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    Aug 25, 2009
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    Before I begin, I want to admit that I only read the first page of responses. As much as I try to follow the rules, I tend to break them too.
    1- If I am at a pool, pond, or beach, and my towel gets wet, I will hang it outside to dry.
    2- I will never walk through an occupied site. If it is empty, it is a passway.
    3- If I am backed up to the woods and there is nobody behind me, I will pee with glee only at night and out of anyones view.
    4- My dog gets tied up when I am setting up and breaking down. 99% of the rest of the time she is free to roam within sight.
    5- Being passed a golf cart is not acceptable when I am in my Ram. Last time I went that slow, I got rearended by a cart. Try explaining that to your insurance company.
    6- I will disagree with anyone telling me to put out my fire at 10:00pm. I will agree to be quiet but there is no way I am putting out the fire without a fight. If I wanted to go to sleep that early, I would stay home.

    There are probably more, but these are the ones that jump out at me right now.
  16. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(meatwagon45 @ Aug 25 2009, 06:25 PM) [snapback]18604[/snapback]

    Before I begin, I want to admit that I only read the first page of responses. As much as I try to follow the rules, I tend to break them too.
    1- If I am at a pool, pond, or beach, and my towel gets wet, I will hang it outside to dry.
    2- I will never walk through an occupied site. If it is empty, it is a passway.
    3- If I am backed up to the woods and there is nobody behind me, I will pee with glee only at night and out of anyones view.
    4- My dog gets tied up when I am setting up and breaking down. 99% of the rest of the time she is free to roam within sight.
    5- Being passed a golf cart is not acceptable when I am in my Ram. Last time I went that slow, I got rearended by a cart. Try explaining that to your insurance company.
    6- I will disagree with anyone telling me to put out my fire at 10:00pm. I will agree to be quiet but there is no way I am putting out the fire without a fight. If I wanted to go to sleep that early, I would stay home.

    There are probably more, but these are the ones that jump out at me right now.

    I had to laugh at your list. There are four of six that would be considered by most to be fairly serious violations. I'm not sure if you are serious, but thanks for the laugh. I'll be looking forward to comments from others on your entry.
  17. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    Ah Meatwagon: Welcome aboard! I too am wiping tears of laughter.
    Breath of fresh air...unless... is that YOU camping behind us ???
    Good grief: is it the dog...or...YIKES!!!
    It's all in the symatics: campground, park or resort.
  18. tsisaprincess

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    Aug 25, 2009
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    First I want to say I read very little replies to this.

    We try to follow the rules, I believe no one follows ALL of them.
    or example, I had ( died in june) a service dog with us camping. she would never leave my side. yet when walking she was on leash and we cleaned up after her. around the site though she new her boundaries and never left my side so she got to be off leash SOME not all the time.
    Quiet hours, heck Mom , Dad and myself usually get up early and go all day so we are beat. We are normally in camper reading or watching tv in evening
    far as golf carts go, I do not mind them.. I think though only workers and owner of the campground should have them. There are so many at some campgrounds sometimes and kids do run them thinking it is play time.
    I do not think it is us people that camp all the time and enjoy it that are the problem I think it is the people that bring their kids for a weekend of fun says " heck with rules we are free" that is what scares me. One campground, we were all sitting inside then Boom! the camper shook. We flew out and neighbors ran wondering what was going on. These people about 10 campers down were trying to start a fire and it did not start. So they took gas ( used for ATV) and put it on wood and lit it. Go figure that one
    Enjoy camping :D No gas on campfire wood :unsure:
  19. rangiebob

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    Jun 2, 2007
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    QUOTE(meatwagon45 @ Aug 25 2009, 07:25 PM) [snapback]18604[/snapback]

    6- I will disagree with anyone telling me to put out my fire at 10:00pm. I will agree to be quiet but there is no way I am putting out the fire without a fight. If I wanted to go to sleep that early, I would stay home.

    And this is why we only camp at parks that don't allow campfires. We camped at one a few years ago where some people around us had fires and the smoke and smell was coming into our windows causing me allergic distress. I really wanted to leave my windows open because it was a nice cool night, but that option was taken away from me.
  20. rollinghills

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    Sep 7, 2009
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    For the most part we follow the rules. We have traveled with our old dog before and she has been outside without a leash, but never got away from my side. We have stayed at a few CG over the years that weren't very kid friendly but you don't know that till you get there our kids always follow the rules, but what ticks me off is when the owners kids or grand kids walk through your site ya think they would know better.

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