The Future Of "camping"

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by BigNuge, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. nedmtnman

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    Sep 14, 2008
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    We all have our idea of camping. I DO NOT camp. I live fulltime in an RV and have for 10 years. I can count on one hand the number of times I have sat at a campfire dodging the smoke. I live the lifestyle I do because it is what I want to do so don't judge me and I won't judge you. I too really don't get excited about holiday weekends as they are crowded and noisy but that is life. I can't always get what I want but I get what I need. I got to tent camp when I was employed by Uncle Sam in the 60's. I had 1/2 a tent and my buddy had the other 1/2. That cured me of tent camping and sleeping on the ground. I have not "camped" since I left that employment in 1969.
  2. mdcamping

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    Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    QUOTE(nedmtnman @ Sep 3 2013, 10:52 AM) [snapback]34668[/snapback]

    We all have our idea of camping. I DO NOT camp. I live fulltime in an RV and have for 10 years. I can count on one hand the number of times I have sat at a campfire dodging the smoke. I live the lifestyle I do because it is what I want to do so don't judge me and I won't judge you. I too really don't get excited about holiday weekends as they are crowded and noisy but that is life. I can't always get what I want but I get what I need. I got to tent camp when I was employed by Uncle Sam in the 60's. I had 1/2 a tent and my buddy had the other 1/2. That cured me of tent camping and sleeping on the ground. I have not "camped" since I left that employment in 1969.

    My sincere gratitude to you for your employment by Uncle Sam!!

  3. Rollin Ollens

    Rollin Ollens
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    Sep 17, 2007
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    Greetings CMCSMC,

    ***** Cut from your posts*****

    “My wife and I decided we were going to try camping again. We are older so a few amenities would be nice. Running water, electricity for a fan in the summer, small things. We even bought a tent to see if we would like it before I modify a utility trailer to be our camper. That's right, modify a utility trailer to be a camper, because we can't afford a real camper.

    You are absolutely right, RV'ing is not for me. Camping is. The problem is RV'ers have taken over the activity of camping and left those who enjoyed that activity with nothing left. Funny thing is the only reason RV'ers can do what they do is because of money. It is not about their ability to actually ENJOY the outdoors. More than likely if the money was taken away the RV parks would be empty, and the true campers would come back.

    If I could say anything to the people on this forum, remember your past and give others a chance. If you like the comforts of home, stay home. If you like the fresh air of nature, (what's left of it) and ruggedness of being in it, consider downsizing so others can fit in. Remember you're supposed to be camping. The word camping has lost its meaning. That is a shame.”

    ***** MY turn *****

    I found your posts to be somewhat melancholy. Like you were wishing for a simpler time when it seemed that everyone was in the same financial position. I can remember when most folks “camped” in tents. Most people spent a lot of time outside ‘cause there wasn’t much to do in a tent other than sleep. If it rained, there was always a tarp that provided shelter and you shared it with your neighbor if they didn’t have one. Cook houses were a great place to meet new people too. I guess, if you haven’t been exposed to the camping evolution, the transition could be somewhat shocking. But the change did not take place over night. It activity did evolve.

    I have enjoyed ”getting away” since before I can remember and I am getting on in years now. I started with my folks in a small “tourist” tent along with four brothers. (That’s seven people in a car! No toys bikes or anything else for entertainment.) Once on my own and married, we still had a tent. It wasn’t long after children were born when we decided that a Tent Trailer would offer a little more comfort and convenience. From there, another larger Tent Trailer, a Travel Trailer, two class “C” s and now a class “A” and I’m still just “getting away from it all”. Does it really matter what your mode of “camping” is? The premise is still the same. If you enjoy meeting people and seeing the world, there should be nothing to stop you from doing so.

    You sir, are guilty of the same “wants” as those who have more elaborate facilities. The first of your paragraphs listed above states that you are/were looking for more than just a tent. It doesn’t matter if you are converting a utility trailer or purchasing a “ready-made” RV. You would have been joining the “evolution”. You would have been backing over a tent to park your trailer. Your words, not mine.

    The second of your paragraphs kind of back tracks. Now you don’t want the Trailer because every one that has more than a tent is ruining the experience. Again I say, what does it matter what you camp in? It’s all about getting away from it all. Are you worried that some folks would look down at you because of what you can afford? If that’s the case, then I am sad for you. I have to spend within my means. If that means I have a tent with patches or a mega dollar class A. It is what it is. I am not going to limit my enjoyment for fear of someone thinking they are better or worse than me. We all leave this world broke. I suggest you enjoy it whatever way you can.

    The third paragraph I have quoted of yours really shows your sour grapes. To some, camping has become “Glamping”. In case you don’t understand, it pretty much means traveling in ultra-luxury. If this is what turns your crank, have at it. Life is short. Enjoy however and whatever way suits your needs. Be glad for those out there who are enjoying themselves. Most of us would not think any less of you if you were tenting or joining the “Land Yacht” class. The word “camping” has always meant getting out of your house and enjoying the world.

    I do hope you get over your feeling of inadequacy and get on with life.


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    Dec 25, 2009
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    We used to call it "camping" when we used a tent and pop up, Now after the 5th wheel and now the Motorhome we call it RVing. Either way it is a great way to escape the everyday hustle and bustle, relax and recharge.
  5. NorthernIllinoisPlumber

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    Jan 20, 2010
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    QUOTE(SASMITH @ Oct 20 2013, 10:08 PM) [snapback]35073[/snapback]

    We used to call it "camping" when we used a tent and pop up, Now after the 5th wheel and now the Motorhome we call it RVing. Either way it is a great way to escape the everyday hustle and bustle, relax and recharge.

    Not ripping on you, but is it really an escape if we have the TV, computer, games, A/c?

    Camping has definitely been taken over by capitalism. Build it and they will buy it.

    I can understand the OP's point...we all have our idea of camping, vacations, hiking etc.

    Right now we all are different in our habits and ways...hopefully we will stay that way forever! :p
  6. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    We don't consider traveling in our motorhome "camping" at all. We call it, "Seeing the wonders of this great country from the comfort of our own home."
  7. Luvtheroad

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    Jul 7, 2010
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    QUOTE(NorthernIllinoisPlumber @ Oct 22 2013, 06:45 PM) [snapback]35084[/snapback]

    Not ripping on you, but is it really an escape if we have the TV, computer, games, A/c?

    Camping has definitely been taken over by capitalism. Build it and they will buy it.

    I can understand the OP's point...we all have our idea of camping, vacations, hiking etc.

    Right now we all are different in our habits and ways...hopefully we will stay that way forever! :p

    Yes, it is still an escape for me, even with the comforts of home. It's our home for a 4-6 month stretch every year and I like to come "home" after a hard day of hiking or sightseeing and stretch out with the AC on and watch TV or blog on the computer. I did the tent camping route for many, many years, cooking over a fire and sleeping on leaky air mattresses, but now my tired old bones need some luxuries at the end of the day. When I can look out the window of my fiver and see majestic mountains, babbling creeks, or austere deserts instead of the side of the house next door, then it's definitely an "escape". Only, this time, I've taken the innerspring mattress and the hot showers with me....
  8. NorthernIllinoisPlumber

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    Jan 20, 2010
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    QUOTE(jamarynn1 @ Oct 23 2013, 01:05 AM) [snapback]35094[/snapback]

    Yes, it is still an escape for me, even with the comforts of home. It's our home for a 4-6 month stretch every year and I like to come "home" after a hard day of hiking or sightseeing and stretch out with the AC on and watch TV or blog on the computer. I did the tent camping route for many, many years, cooking over a fire and sleeping on leaky air mattresses, but now my tired old bones need some luxuries at the end of the day. When I can look out the window of my fiver and see majestic mountains, babbling creeks, or austere deserts instead of the side of the house next door, then it's definitely an "escape". Only, this time, I've taken the innerspring mattress and the hot showers with me....

    That is a great way to explain it! Thanks.
  9. dodge guy

    dodge guy
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    May 13, 2007
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    The last time I did a state park campground my dog got fleas from the sand! no thanks!!! I see nothing wrong with a resort type campground, because I`m out to relax! doesn`t matter if I`m dry camping (haven`t done it and have no reason for it) or at a high end resort (only once in a great while). I don`t think it`s getting to expensive to camp. I try and avoid the places that charge extra for kids. in reality it is still cheap to camp compared to going to a hotel. and I can enjoy the outside! I`ve got a lot of $$$$ wrapped up in my Excursion and TT, and I want to be comfortable using it. if it means paying $30-50 even $60 a night, I`ll take it!

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