Koa At Va Beach - Observations

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by BoomerNY, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. BoomerNY

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    May 10, 2014
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    (I will be submitting a review when I can find my receipt! Want the pricing to be accurate)

    So we just got back from a 10-day trip to Virginia Beach. Stayed at the KOA, and i gotta say that the staff there was top-notch. From check-in personnel to the staff that cleans the restrooms, I was very impressed with the professionalism and helpfulness displayed across the board.

    We had a nasty storm roll through Saturday evening. A lightning strike hit the ground across the road from us, about 20' from the pop-up that occupied the site. Not 5 minutes later staff members were at the camper. Long story short, the father in the camper got zapped by the electrical discharge, and the staff had EMS on site within 10 minutes of the incident. From my assessment, the staff did an A+ job handling the situation and directing help to the family (who were from Montreal and unsure how to access EMS).

    My biggest negative was this park's pricing system. The site price is based on 2 people occupying the site. I didn't catch it when I reserved the site back in March, and that's on me. Even now that I look at their website, it's still kinda sorta hidden - when you put in how many people are on the site, it says that kids under 6 are "free". When I double checked the receipt, it showed a $6 per night charge for "extra" person. I went back to the front desk, and was explained that the site price is for 2 people, etc... I had not come across this before as all the parks we have stayed at have been priced for 4 people. The explanation given me was when a site is only occupied by 2 people, they feel they should be given a discount since they shouldn't have to pay for 2 extra people. I get it, Ive just not encountered it before. Shame on me for not recognizing the pricing policy. (No I'm not going to blast the park on the rating for my mistake). Anyone else come across this? I've stayed at other KOA's and have not seen this before.

    Lastly, the noise from the F/A-18s that people complain about: it's not as bad as its made out to be (all hours of the night, constant, disruptive, etc.). Yes, you're gonna hear them. Yes, they will be loud. For the 10 days we were there, only 1 night were they flying past 10 or 11pm. It did not interrupt or spoil any of our camping experience. To me, it's an awesome sound! And, if you're a man and an American, you would NEVER complain about the sound of freedom raining down from above! Heck, if it bothers you, just pretend it's the wife yapping at you and tune it out!

    As I said, I'll post an official review soon. For now, time to start unloading and cleaning out the rv!
  2. kcmoedoe

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    May 22, 2008
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    Many parks have gone double occupancy. It is becoming quite common.
  3. tiffinman

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    May 28, 2014
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    I've never seen it in any parks visited ...... or heard of it. I' d assume the site cost is also shared. ?
  4. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    I think the 2-person pricing policy has become common at lots of KOA's these days, not just this one. We've also encountered it at non-KOA parks, as well. From the perspective of a couple who travel without children I think it's great although I can understand that families with children may find the extra costs burdensome. Unfortunately, it's difficult to come up with a solution that pleases everyone. As a senior couple who rarely use the pool and don't use playgrounds, mini-golf, etc, I think allocating costs to those who use amenities makes sense. But doing so may price a park out of the reach of some families. Like I said there's no simple solution.

    Please do post your review; we're far less concerned about you using the exact price than we are getting your review online. It will be read by far more people than will see it on this forum and it is a well-written review and well worth reading. Thanks for being a participating member of RVParkReviews.
  5. tiffinman

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    May 28, 2014
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    OK....my mistake ....I mis-read he OP . I assumed he meant they doubled up site occupancy ( put a second unit on a larger site.) As far as the extra cost for extra people.....we always travel with just the 2 of us......so I never encountered that.
  6. BoomerNY

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    May 10, 2014
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    The 2 - person per site pricing is definitely something I will be on the lookout for henceforth. Caught me off-guard this trip as it was the first. Again, my own fault for not catching it, though I'd like to see the notice be more deliberate.

    I will post the review soon. Still cleaning up from the trip!!!
  7. dalsgal

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    The park I manage has rates for 2 people. If someone comes in with 4-5 kids I will only charge extra for 1/2 of them and, so far, the owners haven't said anything. Most people that complain about paying for extra people don't think twice about paying high extra fees at hotels and yet don't like paying a few extra dollars at a campground. Many hotels are priced for one person and you pay extra for 1 other person.
  8. John S.

    John S.
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    Nov 2, 2003
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    We stayed at this park twice. The first time was over thanksgiving a coupke years back. It was fairly empty and they put me in a site too small. I chose another site and talked to them in the morning and all was well. The second time was more interesting. I was in the area for business and the hotel I was staying at had water issues. So rather then pick another I went over to rent a cabin. No problem till the girl at the counter wanted a blank card receipt signed. Said no way and get the manager. He showed up and I listened to his explanation and then I told him that a blank receipt signed was a violation of his agreement. Put a number in and I will sign it. He could choose it too. He said is 200 dollars fine and I said yes. As I was checking out the same girl said they have a new policy now since I complained. They were putting in new furniture that morning too. I would stay there again. The planes are not that bad either.
  9. BoomerNY

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    May 10, 2014
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    QUOTE(John S. @ Aug 1 2014, 09:09 AM) [snapback]37556[/snapback]

    Said no way and get the manager. He showed up and I listened to his explanation and then I told him that a blank receipt signed was a violation of his agreement. Put a number in and I will sign it. He could choose it too. He said is 200 dollars fine and I said yes. As I was checking out the same girl said they have a new policy now since I complained.

    The fact that the manager listened and took action to avoid a similar situation is the mark of good customer service, in my opinion.

    (Review just submitted)

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