" It Happened On The Way To Get Gas"

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by BankShot, Jul 8, 2017.

  1. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    So there I am driving down the freeway to gas up for an upcoming trip. I hear a car honking its horn next to me and look down to see a woman passenger waving her arms and pointing to the rear of the coach. Did a bay door open by chance? Was a hose or something else hanging out? Nope, a quick look in mirror shows all doors to be closed and nothing hanging out. I am in the slow lane and my exit is fast coming up so I click on my turn signal to exit. As I am going up the off ramp I notice that same car has pulled over in back of me and is following me up the off ramp. A couple of quick turns and I pull into the gas station. As I get out I am greeted by a guy and his wife who commence to tell me that my rear window blind is closed and did I forge to open it so I could see out of it. I started to tell them about that not being an issue due to the triple mirrors I have, and triple rear cameras, etc. but decided rather than to try and explain how it all works, to just thank them for spotting my error and saving me from possibly hitting a vehicle due to not seeing it. They both said they were glad they spotted it and walked away with smiley faces knowing they had just become heroes for a moment and did their good deed for the day. And to think I was believing that most all four wheel vehicle drivers were morons when it comes to taking notice of a big motorhome driving anywhere near them. These folks have restored my faith (somewhat) in them................... :D

    Happened on I-80 westbound in Auburn, CA...........BankShot............(aka Terry)
    Wildfire likes this.
  2. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    Wow! Despite being unnecessary, it was really nice of them to take the time let you know about the perceived issue. Mostly what I get from 4-wheelers is crowded back when they don't want to get stuck behind me at on-ramps. :eek:
  3. Rollin Ollens

    Rollin Ollens
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    Sep 17, 2007
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    It's nice to know you were alert Terry. A few months ago I noticed a fellow RVer pulling his towed who forgot to unlock the steering. I was behind him as he made a left turn at an intersection and heard tires squeal as he made the turn. I did my best to alert him. Honking, flashing head lamps and pulling as much into the left (on-coming) lane as I could hoping he would look in his mirror. He just wouldn't get the message. Finally, we were able to get along side of him when the road widened to four lanes and my wife was able to yell and wave her arms to catch his attention. He slid his window open and finally got the message. He did pull over right away but I didn't hang around to give him hell so I don't know if he was oblivious to us, had us on ignore or maybe he just thought we were a couple of nuts driving behind him.

    My coach does not have a rear window nor an inside rear view mirror but I do have two large side view mirrors and three rear view cameras (that I mostly ignore). I do check my mirrors often 'cause I like to know if I'm backing up traffic or if there is a cop behind me. Sometimes my foot does get a little heavy.

    BankShot likes this.
  4. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    I'd much rather have someone waving and pointing than sticking their middle finger up at me...... :D

    BankShot..............(aka Terry)
    GaTripsters and Wildfire like this.
  5. John S.

    John S.
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    Nov 2, 2003
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    Wow, I wonder what they would have done with my old coach. It did not have a window in the back
  6. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    We've been thru that scenario also and that one took a little "splainin" to make the folks asking the questions understand how the "system" in a Class A works........... :rolleyes:

    Safe travels to you, BankShot..............(aka Terry)
  7. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    There's a propane refiller near our NY cottage where I have to back the coach within inches of a concrete barrier so the hose will reach the onboard tank. Every time I back in there, one or two people start waving their arms like crazy as I get closer to the barrier. After I stop a couple of inches from it, I always have to explain the camera on the back that lets me see from the bumper out. If the station owner is waiting to fill the tank, he just laughs at the folks waving, since he's seen me do it many times now. :D
    BankShot likes this.

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