Trans Canada Highway

Discussion in 'Trip Planning and Travel Concerns' started by acadiandave, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. acadiandave

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    Aug 25, 2008
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    Not dog related but, noticed you travel in the west a lot. How does towing east on Trans Canada compare to towing I84 as far as grades and Elevations? We have a gas F150 and an Aerolite TT 6,000 lbs trailer weight. We are going out I80, I84 but thought we might try going back via Trans Canada 1. Thanks Dave.
    Medic73 likes this.
  2. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    A dozen years ago we drove the TransCanada back from Stampede rather than take the interstates on the US side. Other than the fact that, at that time, much of the road in Saskatchewan and Manitoba was two-lane, the drive was easy. As for grades, there were hardly any for most of the route.
  3. Onemoretrail

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    Jun 19, 2006
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    The Trans Canada through the Rocky Mountains is four lane and fairly easy grade from Calgary to Lake Louise. From there into BC the road narrows to two lanes in most areas until east of Kamloops, BC. Grades can be up to 10%, but that's rare. From what I recall, most signs showed 6 or 7%. We have a motorhome without a towed vehicle, so don't have to worry as much about the grade. I've seen plenty of trucks towing trailers on the TCH, so don't think you should have any trouble. The worst on this route is the summer highway construction and the snow sheds. Here is a link that may interest you.
    The Travellers likes this.
  4. Hutch333id

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    Sep 6, 2009
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    I drove the TCH last year from Calgary to Toronto. The road is four lanes and flat. If you've ever listened to the theme tune for a comedy show called "Corner Gas" it is true, you can watch your dog run away for three days, and with the prevailing west wind pushing us along, I also managed to get great fuel consumption. There are plenty of gas stations along the route and major cities also have a Costco for even cheaper fuel.
    The Travellers likes this.
  5. Hutch333id

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    Sep 6, 2009
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    Travelling the TCH (in either direction) I would recommend stopping at Penn Lake CG in Marathon, ON and also Crystal Lake CG, Vermilion, ON. We found both to be very good last year on your journey east. When you finally reach Calgary, keep going. I could not recommend anywhere immediately close to the city. We live just NW of the city and there is a good CG here that has FHU although I haven't stayed - just visited friends who stayed. We use a small CG with FHU about 70km NW of us for our local weekend getaway.
    We also travelled further west to Kamloops on the TCH later in the year. There's a couple of good hills between Lake Louise and Revelstoke then up through the Rogers Pass but nothing too taxing. We towed a 40' 5er up and down without a problem and really found the engine brake on the truck to be helpful.
  6. Rollin Ollens

    Rollin Ollens
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    Sep 17, 2007
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    I agree with Hutch. Do not stay in any park from between and including Strathmore and Calgary. Cochrane has two great parks.

    I have a gas powered Class A (Ford V10) and tow a Jeep. I normally set the cruise at 90 K (55 MPH) and seldom does it kick out (or do I take it out) from Vancouver to Calgary. Exceptions being two hills on the Coquihalla (not really part of the TCH but used by almost everyone traveling East and West), Revelstoke, Field and Scott Lake.

    Enjoy your trip.

    Darrell & Jerry
    Hutch333id likes this.
  7. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Considering that lots of tourists want to stay near Calgary for a variety of reasons, not the least of which being Stampede, I don't think that telling people to stay away is all that helpful.

    Several years ago we stayed at Aspen Crossing in Mossleigh and it was quite acceptable. It would have been nice to have been closer to downtown Calgary, but at least it was a decent park. I searched extensively to find it and I was glad I had done so. The alternatives closer to Calgary are truly depressing!
  8. Hutch333id

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    Sep 6, 2009
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    Joel, just trying to be honest. I would be so embarrassed to recommend somewhere close to Calgary and have readers so disappointed.
    I too have stayed at Aspen Crossing and that isn't too bad - a long way from anywhere but peaceful. The Lions CG in Okotoks is also pretty good as is the Lions site at Cochrane. But honestly, the poor quality of CG's close to Calgary is embarrassing for a major city and especially one that hosts a major event such as the Stampede.
  9. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Quite honestly, when we stayed at Aspen Crossing we had our grandsons with us. We attended the rodeo and watched the chuck wagon races at the Strathmore Stampede and had just as much fun as we did in Calgary a number of years earlier (and for a lot less money!)
  10. Rollin Ollens

    Rollin Ollens
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    Sep 17, 2007
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    Greetings Joel;

    I think you misinterpreted my post. No where did I suggest that one should not visit Calgary. I only suggested that they not use any of the RV Parks between Strathmore and Calgary.

    There are many reasons to visit City of Calgary. The Zoo and their Dinosaur exhibit is spectacular. The Stampede and Rodeo are world class events.

    Having lived in and around Calgary for 40 some odd years and staying at or driving through the parks allows me the opportunity to recommend others to stay away from those right inside or very close to the city. I can suggest that one should do their homework and would be much better served using the facilities at some of the other towns nearby (as you did). I can also suggest that if one is going to try to visit during the Stampede that one had better reserve well in advance.

    One of the bonuses of staying outside of the city is the parking dilemma that one encounters trying to get to the Stampede Grounds. I know that Bow River Bend in Cochrane has (or used to have) a shuttle service that will take you right to the grounds from the campground. I'm sure some others might do the same.

    My two cents.......

    Darrell & Jerry
  11. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Although I knew you weren't telling people not to come to Calgary, the way you said it might give a potential visitor the idea that there simply were no decent parks at all to stay at. For us Yanks unfamiliar with the towns around Calgary, telling us not to stay in the Strathmore-Calgary region might make us think that the Calgary area is so unfriendly to RVers that we shouldn't even bother to try.

    Your recommendation to stay in Cochrane, where there might even be a shuttle, is a very positive and helpful post and one I intend to file away for personal use. Thanks for participating in this discussion.

    Joel (AKA docj)
  12. Onemoretrail

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    Jun 19, 2006
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    This discussion has morphed into decent parks in the Calgary area. I believe acadiandave started this thread to find out about the TCH. Haven't heard back from him. Just wondering if he got the info he was looking for.
  13. Medic73

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    Jun 7, 2004
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    acadiandave .. had a look at your profile and it looks like you have NB, NS, PQ camping well in hand (btw we always seem to have trouble getting ANY overnight camping near Montreal and Quebec City .... often end up driving way past our wanted to stop break ... )

    But .... back to your question (we have driven Winnipeg WEST via CDN 1 to Kelowna BC twice (last trip 2016) .... can't recall any great spots to stay other than they are there - CDN 1 / TC from Western end at SASK/MB border is 4 lane's devided hwy (lots of new construction to the west) and 110 kph Then going EAST to about ** 2 miles/ 4 km from MB/ONT border its also 110 km/hr - decent road *** then narrows to single lane - undivided 90 kph - a little dicey as there are the Falcon Lake and West Hawk Lake Prov campground turn-offs. Be darn near impossible to get a spot without pre-booking (very popular).

    ONT western border is rolling hills to some significant hills (2 lane non-divided hwy but a passing lane every 10 - 20 km*** keeps the speed demons off you tail) between Thunder Bay --Wawa - Sault St Maire. (we have done this route MANY times in everything from a (Heavy) 20 foot older Prowler to a - 21 foot (Lance) Lie trailer and then a very heavy 30 foot Cougar TT.) have learned to have a EXCELLENT brake controller is the most important - cause you can go UP as slow as you need to - but slowing / stopping on the way DOWN can be an issue) BTW what year F150 / Engine ??

    SSM east to Ottawa - moderate rolling hills with SOME areas of 4 lane divided (ie around Sudbury ON). Ottawa to Montreal - politicians have spent LOTS of our tax $$ on excellent divided roads.

    Montreal - Quebec City - Riviere-du-loup - Moncton - Amherts - home you most likely have a handle on.

    BTW for several years we skipped NW Qntario and some of the crazy hills for roads WAY LESS hill and went Wpg - Duluth - Marquette - back to CDN at SSM.

    Now no longer in a hurry 55 km is good - going to spend the (way more) $$ go slow and enjoy the drive thru Canada.
    Paythebill likes this.
  14. Medic73

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    Jun 7, 2004
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    Now no longer in a hurry 55 km is good - going to spend the (way more) $$ go slow and enjoy the drive thru Canada.

    OOPS 55 mph / 90 kph
    Paythebill likes this.

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