DISCLAIMER: In no way is the below post intended to be a "slam/poke" against anyone who is blonde. Some of my most cherished and loved friends are blonde. If you would be offended then I would ask that you simply not read any further... A blonde walks into a public library, spots the librarian sitting at a desk and walks over. The librarian looks up and asks in hushed voice, "May I help you?" Without hesitation the blonde says in a normal voice, "Yes, I'd like a cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate shake please. With a shocked look, the librarian looks up and says in a hushed voice, " Don't you realize you're in a library?" The blonde looks around, turns back to the librarian and says in a hushed voice, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I'd like a cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate shake please". BankShot......(aka Terry)
ok, Bankshot you do realize you have opened a can of worms. This forum will be inundated with blond jokes. i say bring it on…. we can always use a good laugh..
A blonde calls American Airlines. She asks how long it takes to fly from Miami to Los Angeles. The airline agent says, “Just a minute....” The blonde says, “Thank you!” and hangs up.
so, one time i accidentially put my car key in my home lock, and it started up! i drove it around a while, then parked on the highway, and told everyone to get the heck off my driveway!