If you're looking for a TRULY unlimited data hotspot then take a look at Calyx. I own a cyber tech firm and live in my diesel pusher. I use Starlink now but also still have the annual subscription to the Calyx data package. I can attest to it being truly an unlimited data package without throttling. I have literally used so much data each month that hotspot never gets a break, given what I do for a living. It's never let me down and never throttled me. It does cost about $400 a year, BUT Calyx is a non-profit ISP, and their unique hotspot data plan with T-Mobile remains rock solid and my backup for Starlink when I hit a park with excessive tree coverage. I can stay cool under the trees and switch to the Calyx hotspot without issue. It's not quite as fast as toe Starlink but it does provide consistent 50Mb/s up and down. **I have no affiliation with Calyx**.
Jason, does Calyx just use a plug-in router (like our T-mobile "home" internet) or is it something that has to be wired up like Starlink? We're not very tech savvy so we need something that's plug and play.