Camfire Lodgings NC

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by fredkelk, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. fredkelk

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    Aug 6, 2011
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    I have a question about a particular site I couldn't find in the reviews. From pictures the premium site #1 looks like the view is blocked somewhat. We made reservations and that was the only site available to us. I don't want to pay premium price if we don't have the premium view. Does anyone have experience with this site?
    Thank you.
  2. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    You would for certain get a few responses to assist you with your questions if you were to give us a bit more information on the name of the RV park or campground and the location city it is located in. Your heading says it's "Camfire Lodgings NC" and that doesn't give us much to go on. Did you by chance mean "Campfire"? By the way, welcome to the forum. Once you have given us some better info to go on, you will no doubt get several responses from members who have been to this particular park/campground you are inquiring about..................

    Regards, BankShot................(aka Terry)
  3. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    We stayed at Campfire Lodgings in 2006 in premium site #3. The view was spectacular back then. However, the trees and vegetation must have grown some since then, so I have no idea if the view is less open now. Something that probably has not changed is that because of the angle of all the premium sites, the best view (that of the river) is on the passenger side of the RV and to the rear of the site, but the scenery out the front of the RV is certainly not bad. I do recall that sites #1 and 2 had trees to the rear of the sites so the best view for those sites at that time was definitely toward the front on the passenger side. If you haven't clicked on the Google map link on the park's listing on our website, be sure to do so and then zoom in on the satellite view and you can see that site #1 is not as open at the back as others, but this view also shows that just below all the premium sites there now appears to be a large clearing which was all vegetation when we were there, so maybe the park has removed some of the trees and bushes that began to block the view. If I am totally honest I would say that in my opinion #1 is not the best of the five premium sites (I actually think our #3 was) but all of them are really nice with a great view, and we enjoyed our time there very much. Hope you do too.
  4. fredkelk

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    Aug 6, 2011
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    Thank you Texasrvers. very helpful. Bankshot, I apologize for not restating the park in my post.
  5. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    No apology needed fredkelk. I was just trying to let you know that the very brief way you described the park you were requesting information about wasn't "computing" to this old RVer. Evidently however Texasrevers new exactly which one you were referring to and jumped in with some good info, etc.. I wouldn't have been much help anyway even if I did recognize the park in question because we roam the roads clear over on the other side of the country and haven't worked our way across to visit your neck of the woods as yet. Hopefully one day the old RV will get there but for now we seem to be stranded out west. Oh well, at least we have the RV and are able to get out and about with it. Safe travels, look forward to seeing more of you here on the forum in the future...................

    Best regards, BankShot.............(aka Terry)

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