Is there a way to download the complete RV park Reviews to a CD. Maybe by state or region [ southeast -southwest ect]. While traveling I do not always have access to my ISP [ local dial-up number ]. I also do not know were I may want to stay, until that day. It would be very handy to have a CD to pop in as we are traveling down the road. I realize it would not be the most complete/current version, but it would sure be a help. Any idea's if this is OK or possible? Thanks
Here's one way using Internet Explorer on Windows: Go to the main page,, and tell IE to add a favorite. When the Add Favorite screen comes up, select the box that says "Make available offline", and hit the customize button. On the customize page, choose yes for make other pages available, and put 2 in the "Download pages xxxx links deep from this page". After that, you can download it when you want it from the tools menu, or setup a schedule to get an updated copy frequently. Tell it no password requite and hit finish, then ok to finish adding the favorite. You should see it download all the pages. Under the File menu, select "Work Offline", and you should be able to browse the site disconnected just like you can when connected. I'll probably create a program users can install that will grab the data and allow you to do this on Windows, Mac's, and Linux without having to rely on the browser to handle it. The FireFox browser also supports offline mode, but it only allows you to browse pages previously visited that are still cached. I didn't find a way to make firefox grab the content though.
Webmaster, will this work so we can complete the forms for a campground review while off line? For the same reason as above question, it would be nice to be able to complete and than send all at once when we get access to internet. Thanks
The review process is interactive, so it won't work in offline mode. Sorry! We do have the form on the main page you can print and fill out while you are on the road.