Welcome to the forum. Suggestion......How about using the internet and typing in "Truck Camper Dealers in Illinois and Wisconsin". You might just find a few near your digs...... BankShot
very bright answer, however it is not so easy as you would think because most dealerships shows in MI and MN.... i did check and most of the regular RV dealerships do not carry truck campers.... so looks to me as much narrowed community than other popular RV types... and this made me to ask here for some good soul pple to advise... so do you know any place worth mentioning?
Fill us in a tad more. Are you looking for a pickup truck with an attached camper shell or just the shell itself. I would think that most RV dealers would be able to get you in touch with o dealership or company that sells both, or at least give some insight on where to go, etc, I would also think that there would be several places in both Illinois and Wisconsin that sell what you are looking? Sorry I can't be of more help with this but perhaps a few other members who reside in your area will jump in with some more beneficial info. I live in California with the rest of us dummies who continue to reside in this "state of insanity" so this is about the best I can do....... Again welcome to the forum, hoper you find what you are looking for..... BankShot........(aka Terry)
Ava Mraz - - - If you look closely at the topic being discussed here you'll find that you have posted your response on the wrong topic... The topic you are responding to is in another thread, a couple of threads down from this one... "Question about purchasing an RV for full-time time living with a 550 credit score" BankShot