Recommended feature toggle to add

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by David Boyd, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. David Boyd

    David Boyd
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    Feb 19, 2019
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    Lately it's become fashionable among certain campgrounds to discriminate against RVs more than a certain age (usually 10 or 15 years.) It would be nice to be able to filter out any campground with such a rule just on principle (my Airstream won't be 10 for 3 more years, but it'll happen!)

    I guess it's not a simple toggle, because some offer exceptions if you send them photos, etc. Also you'd need to know what the limit is.
    mdcamping likes this.
  2. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    I am aware of what you stated as we had a few, thankfully very few, experiences with this in our years of travels. Those parks were ones that referred to not the actual year of the RV, but rather to the condition it was in. In saying that we have also been in a park where our reserved space was next to a filthy dirty RV, not from travels on dirt roads, but from never having been washed or taken care of outside or inside. We have never forgotten this one as it had dents and grime everywhere and even a front bumper that on one side was held on with bungee cords and duct tape. And several windows with Venetian type blinds that were bent and broken to where they wouldn't move up or down. The filthiest and not taken care of RV we've ever seen. And guess what, it was what "had been" a not more than 10 t0 to 15 year old, mid 30s length, Class A, Winnebago. We called it a "Slumbago". Anyway we were thankful that we were only there for a short overnight stop. Personally I don't care what year or type the RV is that is parked next to us but as to the condition it's in, that's another opinion. When we left in the morning we did mention that the next time we stayed overnight we would appreciate a space that wasn't next to the park's dump. The owner kinda sorta laughed a tad and told us that those folks came there twice a year and stayed three months each time, and paid in advance. He apologized and said that he might work up the courage to say something to them about the condition of their RV but was hesitant to do so as they might take offense, leave, and never come back. Sorry for this lengthy story and not saying more about what your post referred to here, but you triggered that memory and my fingers just kept typing away...:D Safe and happy travels, hope you never park next to the Slumbago we did...:eek:

    BankShot,,,,,(aka Terry)
    #2 BankShot, Jun 28, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024
    mdcamping and Paythebill like this.
  3. Fitzjohnfan

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    Apr 6, 2010
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    Interesting suggestion. in over 25 years of traveling with motorhomes, i finally encountered an RV park that had a 10 year restriction. i sent them photos of my 21 year old National Dolphin, and they let me stay.
    I might want some type of note on the campground listing stating the park is "RV age restricted?. they already mention that parks are 55+, but maybe have the 2 notes next to each other.
  4. mdcamping

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    Jul 3, 2007
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    There was 1 park in CT that had the ten year rule, at the time they were the "go to park" then the recession of 2008 hit and some time after the rule disappeared. So far we have never been asked.


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