What happened to spring!

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by mdcamping, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. mdcamping

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    Jul 3, 2007
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    Yet another nor'easter may be bearing down on us early next week and regardless if it does or not I see no spring weather in sight. The last 2 recent storms have finely trashed and ripped to screds my tired adco RV cover. Add another dent to my camping budget!

    Yes I'm still a working stiff who has posted similar threads before but cabin fever as set in and my first camping trip is a little over 4 weeks away. This weather has got to turn the corner! :cool:

  2. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Hey Mike - Sitting out here with my morning cup and saw your post above. I was watching the news earlier and got the report of another possible storm that will come down upon you folks back there. That is really terrible and I feel for you. Doesn't do much good with DST coming on over the weekend if you are housebound and unable to get the RV on the road. Hopefully this one will be the last one and next month you will be able to get going without any setbacks. Sorry to hear about your cover being ripped to shreds. I know what you mean about the old "camping budget". We have our coach in for some warranty work but we are also doing some other things that are using up our camping budget at the wrong time also. Property taxes, income taxes, and everyday expenses make it tough to dig down and pay for all this RV stuff. And of course gas prices out here are going thru the roof again. I filled the tank in my truck on 3-2 and paid $2.76. Yesterday the price had risen to $3.06 and that's at an "indy" station. The Chevron across the street is currently at $3.46. Highway robbery IMHO......!!! Hey, grab a hot toddy and do a "sun dance" with your co-pilot. Who knows, the weather gods may just enjoy it and make some changes so your trip will be clear sailing..:D

    Best regards, Terry............(aka BankShot)
    #2 BankShot, Mar 10, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2018
    mdcamping likes this.
  3. Rollin Ollens

    Rollin Ollens
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    Sep 17, 2007
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    Sorry that your weather is not what you were hoping for. FYI spring seems to have sprung here in Los Angeles......but too late as far as I'm concerned. We were in Borrego Springs last week hoping to see the desert gardens in bloom. Not happening. Not enough rain and, at that time, none in the forecast. So off we head to LA to eliminate some items off of the bucket list.........and now it rains!! ;( . Further more, we had planned on heading north to Canada along the east slope of the Sierras. Not going to happen as they are supposed to be getting snow. Oh well, best laid plans often don't work out. I have to be in Canada for April and it looks like I will arrive to snow. I wish I could hang around down south a little longer. The weather seems to be playing havoc all over.

    Darrell & Jerry
    mdcamping likes this.
  4. mdcamping

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    Jul 3, 2007
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    3 nor'easters in 2 weeks and maybe a 4th early next week. 1st got lucky with a cold wind driven rain. # 2 & 3 got 12'' & 9'' of snow. bitter cold temps predicted for this coming weekend, maybe down to 10 degrees, thats COLD for this time in the season!

    Don't want to sound like I'm complaining all the time so I want to finish with a positive spin. 4 weeks plan to be fly fishing at my favorite fishing hole here in CT, starting my mornings with a hot cup of coffee with the sound and sights of the Natchaug river behind my camper. Get a few hrs of fishing in the morning and again in the late afternoon,cooking lunch on the fire pit and cooking trout for dinner on my colman stove, doesn't get any better! Also no better sleeping pill then the sound of the river behind you! :cool:

    Terry I read your "Sittin' Home in the Rain" post, no corkscrew for me but I will be cracking open a few cold beers! :cool:

    Rollin Ollens and BankShot like this.
  5. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    I cut back on the tall cold ones during the winter months but as soon as the sun starts heating things up again, out comes my bottle opener for sure. That is of course until the old clock ticks 4 pm and then the bottle opener goes away and out comes the corkscrew............ :D

    Drink hearty Mike, Terry............(aka BankShot)
  6. Rollin Ollens

    Rollin Ollens
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    Sep 17, 2007
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    Ol' Mother Nature is not being very helpful right now. We were planning to head up California I-80 from Sacramento to Reno this week. The Caltrans web site tells me I must carry chains so instead of mountain passes we may have to travel north via ocean side instead.

    Does anyone have any insight to what I-80 is really like? I will not compromise safety but if the need for chains is an exaggeration, I would rather be able to carry on with my original route.

    Hoping for answers

    Darrell & Jerry
  7. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Hey Darrell - I live a just few miles off of I-80 between Auburn and Colfax and can tell you that this interstate has been shut down a couple of times this past week due to white out conditions and very treacherous driving conditions. Getting to Reno from Sacramento should be okay in a day or two as the snow is supposed to let up for a few days and the road should be cleared to drive on without chains shortly. I've been on this road many times during bad snowstorms and all I can tell you is not to even try going over Donner Summit when it gets bad like it has been. Especially if you are operating an RV. I'll do a quick weather check tomorrow morning and let you know what conditions are like going over Donner as well as on into Reno and will post here again at that time. If you have an air horn on your motorhome, honk it three times as you pass under the Clipper Gap/Meadow Vista overpass and I will possibly hear it if the wind is in the right direction....... :D Travel safe and when you get to Reno say hi to my money that's circulating around inside the Silver Legacy......:rolleyes:

    Regards, Terry.............(aka BankShot)
    Rollin Ollens likes this.
  8. Rollin Ollens

    Rollin Ollens
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    Sep 17, 2007
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    Thanks Terry. I'll wait for your further info before I make my move. No air horn but I'll wave as I go by and toast you with a glass of wine when I get to Reno!!


    mdcamping and BankShot like this.
  9. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Just checked the forecast for the week ahead and from what it shows your best bet is to either make your run between now and noon on Tuesday as snow is in the forecast from noon Tuesday thru mid day on Saturday. It says "light snow" but up over Donner that can change quickly and turn into a white out condition, which catches folks off guard and traps them for hours at times. Keep checking on that Cal Trans site for updates but you if you can, try to get going asap as it's only about a five hour drive from the bay area and today and tomorrow are looking okay. I-80 and Hwy 50 are the only two main routes to Reno from the Sacramento area. There are other secondary roads but they will be worse off to drive and not advisable at this time of the year. Good luck and have a safe trip............

    Hey, if you care to, there is a "Park and RIde" lot on I-80 east right at the Clipper Gap/Meadow Vista off-ramp. Lots of space for RVs. I'll PM you my phone number and you could let me know on the day you head up to Reno, and.if you have a minute or three I'd jump in the old pickemup truck and drive that long 3 miles down to I-80 and shake a fellow Canadian's hand. Your call as I know you must have your heart set on handing out some money to a few casinos in Reno, and the quicker you get there the more money you can hand out....:D

    Terry...........(aka BankShot)
    mdcamping likes this.
  10. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Mike - Looks like Darrell and I kinda-sorta hijacked your thread here. Sorry about that but we got to get him over Donner Summit so he can drop some of that Canadian money in Reno and keep our economy running..............:D

    Hope things are improving for you back there and that you have that snow removed from the RV so when the weather clears you can head on out...........

    All the best, Terry..............(aka BankShot)
    mdcamping likes this.
  11. Paythebill

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    Nov 23, 2017
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    We that reside in the central Florida area are also wondering what has happened to spring. Today's forcasted temperature will only reach the mid 80's ...Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,,,,,,,,,,,,,:rolleyes::cool:
    Rollin Ollens, mdcamping and BankShot like this.
  12. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Nobody likes a braggart Paythebill.............:D You Floridians should not be throwing stones at us crazy Californians as you folks sit thru hurricanes whilst we sit thru warm, gentle breezes most of the time..........:p What was that I saw on the news earlier this morning? Some cold and wet weather heading your way..........:eek:

    Eat an orange and batten down the hatches on your RV..........BankShot...........(aka Terry)
    Rollin Ollens and mdcamping like this.
  13. mdcamping

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    Jul 3, 2007
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    Terry, Darrell, you folks can hijack this thread anyday, besides it's still weather related. :cool:

    Darrell stay safe! want to see you posting for a long time!

    Paythebill, can you share some of that warm weather? send it up here! :p

    Rollin Ollens likes this.
  14. Rollin Ollens

    Rollin Ollens
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    Sep 17, 2007
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    Good top hear from you P T B! FYI we just spend the last three and a half months is the Ca/Az/Mex desert. For the most part we were in the high 70s low 80s so now, having to come face to face with that awful "S" word, reality is hitting and hitting hard. I would love to go back to Yuma and Tucson for another couple of months of dry heat. Having said that, NYDutch tells me that your moist heat is worth checking out too so expect to see us in a few years(depending on how long it takes to work our way across the country).

    Drive safe and we will see you down the road.

    Darrell & Jerry
    #14 Rollin Ollens, Mar 18, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
  15. Rollin Ollens

    Rollin Ollens
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    Sep 17, 2007
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    Okay Terry, here is the plan. We are in Lathrop, Ca right now. I always expect Mother Nature to toss a curve ball any time so I would rather be ahead of the game. We will leave here tomorrow morning probably around 9:00 AM. Google Earth says you are about 1.5 hours away. I set my cruise at 55 so I'm betting we are closer to 2 hours out. We will have coffee ready for 11:00 AM. We can have a few moments to shoot the S and I can still be over the hump well before the snow hits.......we hope.

    I know you are an early riser so I expect you will be reading this long before we hit the road. I'll PM our telephone number.

    Looking forward to that hand shake!!

    Thank you everyone for letting us hijack this thread. This way I won;t have to keep cruising RV Parks around the country looking for a coach that has a "Bankshot" badge.

  16. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Just sent you a PM (twice I think?) but sent it before I read your post here on this thread. 11 am works for me so I'll be at that Park and Ride a few minutes before then. I gave you my landline on that PN so will shoot you off another one right now with my cell number on it in case you get delayed. I'll be leaving my house to run some errands before I get there. But I will have my cell phone on as my significant other and most bestest co-pilot always reminds me to turn it on ..........:D

    See you around 11 am............Terry
  17. Rollin Ollens

    Rollin Ollens
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    Sep 17, 2007
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    03_I 80_Over the hump_04.JPG 03_I 80_Over the hump_05.JPG [QUOTE="BankShot, post: 56481, member: 78433..........:D

    See you around 11 am............Terry[/QUOTE]

    Thanks BankShot for your guidance. We made it over the hump with no issues and we beat O'l Mom Nature. I can see why Caltrans says to carry chains and I'm even more glad I didn't need them.

    It was super meeting you and having a coffee. On day we may be able to do it again.

    Save travels and warm weather.

    mdcamping, NYDutch and BankShot like this.
  18. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    You picked a good day to travel over Donner Darrell. Thanks for sending the above pictures. Great meeting you and Jerry also (and Mimi of course.......:D) Wish we could have been right behind you but with the coach in the shop that was not to be. Travel safe and enjoy the open road as you are now doing as full timers................

    All the best, Terry...............(aka BankShot)

    PS: Sent you a PM last night...........
    #18 BankShot, Mar 20, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
  19. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    Darn! If I'd had more time, I could have sent you my copy of the "Donner Party Cookbook" someone gave me a few years ago. It sits on my bookshelf right next to the "Road Kill Cookbook"... ;)
  20. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    OUCH!!! That's a good one NYDUTCH, bet you enjoy some really good eating as you travel the highways and byways...........:eek: Cast iron stomach I presume you have......... :D

    Regards, BankShot...........(aka Terry)

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