During peak summer months the reviews get backed up, sometimes reviews will not get posted for a week or maybe more, so just be patient as they will post. Also have read there is some level of automation screening concerning the reviews approvel. Some reviews will go directly on line where some will go into a review query for manual approval. Newer reviewers or reviews that may contain certain language may also go into a review query for manual approval. But again this is no big deal as many of my reviews still don't make it through the automation screening. Please don't hold me to everything on this as I am just a member also but I'm probably covering most of it Mike
Thanks. Just was weird because a positive review I wrote this morning went live immediately and the negative review I wrote on Sunday is in limbo. Thanks again!
The automated screening system is a bit quirky at times, but it does seem to err towards the manual review side, which is probably a good thing. One of the things it looks for are peoples names in a review that could be against the rules, but that also seems to trigger when the park name is a also person's name and is mentioned within the review. All in all it does work pretty well though. As Mike said, this time of year the volunteers get buried in new reviews, so give it some time.
NYDutch is right. The system is programmed to catch certain things that an admin might need to look at but the system can be quirky. For instance, if someone commented that they ahd stayed at the park in April, the system does not know if that is being used as the month or a personal name so it queues it for admin review. A lot of times there is nothing wrong with the review, but the system can't make the distinction.
I write my reviews on Microsoft word, then do my paste & click to RVPR. Sometimes while writing my review on mw I will get a message that a particular sentence is fragmented. Though I don't see a problem... I wonder if the RVPR automation screening is picking up on it also and sending the review for manual approval? Maybe both share some base programming similarities? Mike