Closet Chaos

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by nicki, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. nicki

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    Aug 23, 2008
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    In the grand scheme of things I realize this is a very trivial question, but something is driving me CRAZY!! :angry: We are on a month long road trip, changing CG's every 2-4 days, and after each move all my hanging clothes are in a big heap on the floor in the closet. I do not have any drawers or any other obvious place to put my clothes, just this closet. It is relatively spacious closet by RV standards, and I have it packed tight (I thought the tightness would help it all stay put, but no.) I have tried many different configurations of bungee cords, but still the clothes fall. Does anyone have an idea/solution for me?? Is there a certain kind of RV hanger that I am not aware of? Thanks!! :)
  2. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    We travel around on long trips and never had one item to fall yet. Our closet is on the large size and has his and her side with pole that run near top like at home. We have run over rough roads and RxR tracks with no problems. All hangers are the same ones we use at home. We have lots of drawers to keep items in as well. We also move about every two days to a new place to check out. You have a lot of up and down movement to kick clothes off pole.
  3. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    Hmmmm. I'm stumped also. :(
    We also have a hanging clothes closet in the back of the rig, so you'd think all the bouncing around would unhinge all the hangers. Never really thought about yes...everything is mushed to one end, but nothing has fallen off the rod.

    Nicki, are the hangers bouncing off the rod, or the clothes slipping off the hangers... to fall into that heap?
  4. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    We, too, have the home-style rod in our closets, and we have knocked all our clothes off on very bumpy roads--but only 2-3 times. I have heard that if you use wire hangers you can bend the top part farther down so that the hook is longer, and that is supposed to help, but we have never tried it. Another trick that is supposed to work is to put foam pipe insulation over the rod. It should be thick enough to fill out the hook. We did try that, but the problem is this also makes it difficult to slide clothes on the bar and to actually remove hangers from the closet. That, IMO, was more aggravating than picking up the clothes.

    Good luck finding a solution.
  5. pianotuna

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    Jan 7, 2007
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    Hi Nicki,

    My Kustom Koach had that as a problem--until I realized that at the "rod" (not really a rod--more like a piece of metal with holes) had a wooden part that folds down. Since I discovered that--not a single item has ended up on the bottom of the wardrobe.

    I'm sure it would be an easy retro fit if your "rod" is at the very top of the cupboard.

    Good luck!

    QUOTE(nicki @ Aug 21 2009, 04:26 PM) [snapback]18521[/snapback]

    In the grand scheme of things I realize this is a very trivial question, but something is driving me CRAZY!! :angry: We are on a month long road trip, changing CG's every 2-4 days, and after each move all my hanging clothes are in a big heap on the floor in the closet. I do not have any drawers or any other obvious place to put my clothes, just this closet. It is relatively spacious closet by RV standards, and I have it packed tight (I thought the tightness would help it all stay put, but no.) I have tried many different configurations of bungee cords, but still the clothes fall. Does anyone have an idea/solution for me?? Is there a certain kind of RV hanger that I am not aware of? Thanks!! :)
  6. nicki

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    Aug 23, 2008
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    FosterImposter, to answer your question, the hangers are bouncing off the rod with the clothes still on them. It is a plastic rod, or maybe plastic covering something sturdier. I have plastic hangers.

    PianaTuna, thanks for the suggestion--I think I will look for that type of rod.

    The closet is on the far back wall of the TT, I'm sure that's the bumpiest spot. Maybe my husband is a bumpy driver ;)
  7. pianotuna

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    Jan 7, 2007
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    Hi Nicki,

    Where is the "rod" now? Can you describe it?
  8. Cheryl

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    Mar 16, 2004
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    My guess would be that the plastic hangers have a very "short" hook and the plastic rod is probably thick in diameter. Try wire hanges as Texas suggested, with the hook bent to give the hanger a more of a grip. Also, I use these hangers:|cust_picks
    at home as well as on the road. They are sturdier and everything stays on them, even tank tops with thin straps.
  9. nicki

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    Aug 23, 2008
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    Hi Don--to answer your question, the rod is in a CG in Maryland ;) in a closet at the far back wall of the camper, in the quad bunkhouse (I took over the kids' closet because it is the biggest storage area in the entire camper.) The closet is bookended on both sides by the bunkbeds. The rod is like a regular one at home, a few inches from the top of the closet. The closet itself is the height of the taller bunks, not all the way to the ceiling. The rod is plastic or maybe plastic coated. I have thought about covering the rod with something more "grippy" but don't really know what that would be, maybe some sort of rubbery adhesive-backed material. The clothes stay on the hangers (even after they've fallen)-- it's just that the hangers do not stay on the rod.

    It's to the point where one of the first things the kids do when we stop and set up is go back to the closet, and see if the clothes/hangers have fallen so they can be the first to bring me the good or bad news--it's always bad! They've never not fallen!

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