Trees, Trees, Unwanted Trees

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Galli, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    OK, it might be an unusual question but since there are so many members on this chat, I hope to find some one with good ideas. :rolleyes:
    There is a Linden tree growing on the edge of my property, let’s say, 50% of the roots are in my property and the rest in the neighbor land, while the tree is growing is damaging my fence and the roots are making a mess of my garden. :ph34r:
    I have shown the problem to the fellow neighbor but he doesn’t give a hood and he is not planning to look for a solution. :angry:
    Because of the attitude above, I am looking for a way to solve the problem by killing the roots growing in my property and if that would kill the tree too, well, I shall say a prayer when it dais. ;)
    I had several suggestions like cut the Bark ring or to put copper nails in the truck or put salt around the base or spray it etc… but this would be invading some one else property, what I would like to find is some chemical(s) to put on (my) part of the property in order to kill the freaked tree by damaging the roots. :rolleyes:
    Does anyone have a good suggestion, i.e. drilling the roots and pore in ????
    Glad to hear from anyone with good ideas
  2. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    No problem. Go to Home Depot and pick up some Roundup Weed Killer. Get the one that kills roots and all. You mix it with water. Drill into the roots of tree and add in the Roundup to holes. Do this over a number of holes to speed up the kill time. If you do this tree will die in two to three weeks and note you can not stop the damage. If you change your mind to bad, tree will die.
  3. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(John Blue @ Jun 1 2010, 03:51 PM) [snapback]22348[/snapback]

    No problem. Go to Home Depot and pick up some Roundup Weed Killer. Get the one that kills roots and all. You mix it with water. Drill into the roots of tree and add in the Roundup to holes. Do this over a number of holes to speed up the kill time. If you do this tree will die in two to three weeks and note you can not stop the damage. If you change your mind to bad, tree will die.

    John Blue...YOU ARE A SAINT, Thks
  4. grim509

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    Feb 25, 2008
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    Actually, depending on the size of the tree, roundup more than likely will not do the job. Tordon will do the job better as it is specifically made for killing trees. It doesn't take much either.

    However, beware. If you neighbor finds out you killed his tree, then he may be able to sue for damages.

    The better bet would be to bring this up to your township zoning board and see if you can get a legal resolution to this matter first. (If the tree is damaging your fence, you may be able to take legal action to force him to remove the tree.)
  5. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(grim509 @ Jun 2 2010, 08:15 AM) [snapback]22356[/snapback]

    Actually, depending on the size of the tree, roundup more than likely will not do the job. Tordon will do the job better as it is specifically made for killing trees. It doesn't take much either.

    However, beware. If you neighbor finds out you killed his tree, then he may be able to sue for damages.

    The better bet would be to bring this up to your township zoning board and see if you can get a legal resolution to this matter first. (If the tree is damaging your fence, you may be able to take legal action to force him to remove the tree.)

    That's on other alternative to consider, however, do you consider that the city hull takes ages before any action and in final analysis, I would act only in my property part.
    I appreciate you input grm509 and I shall consider this too
  6. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    Sometimes these things can balloon out of all proportion. You might consider just cutting back the roots on your side down to grade level.
  7. edcornflake

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    May 14, 2010
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    Give the tree a nice tin foil hat before the next big thunderstorm, see if you can get it hit by lightning! At a minimum, the hat will prevent aliens from reading it's thoughts. ;)
  8. RV Camper1

    RV Camper1
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    Jul 10, 2005
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    Since the tree is growing on the property of Galli, and the neighbor does not care, what basis could that neighbor sue over? None! The tree is your to cut down or kill or whatever. You do need to make sure that the thing falls your way, but that is about it. It is yours to kill as well. If you cut the tree down, rock salt in holes drilled into the stump will also kill it.
  9. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Sorry to dispute you, but I read the original post to say that the tree IS on the neighbor's property, but the roots grow over on Galli's property and are messing up his garden. Also the tree is damaging his fence. He can't get the neighbor to do anything about the tree so he is wondering what he can do to the roots that are on his property and basically doesn't care if what he does kills the whole tree. At least that is my understanding of the situation.

    I can sympathize with Galli about the damage being done to his property, but if the tree is in fact on the neighbors property and Galli kills it then I think grim509 has a point. The neighbor may be able to sue for the intentional damage done to his property. I would certainly find out the legal ramifications before taking action.
  10. bjma

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    Aug 1, 2007
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    QUOTE(Galli @ Jun 1 2010, 04:32 PM) [snapback]22347[/snapback]

    OK, it might be an unusual question but since there are so many members on this chat, I hope to find some one with good ideas. :rolleyes:
    There is a Linden tree growing on the edge of my property, let’s say, 50% of the roots are in my property and the rest in the neighbor land, while the tree is growing is damaging my fence and the roots are making a mess of my garden. :ph34r:
    I have shown the problem to the fellow neighbor but he doesn’t give a hood and he is not planning to look for a solution. :angry:
    Because of the attitude above, I am looking for a way to solve the problem by killing the roots growing in my property and if that would kill the tree too, well, I shall say a prayer when it dais. ;)
    I had several suggestions like cut the Bark ring or to put copper nails in the truck or put salt around the base or spray it etc… but this would be invading some one else property, what I would like to find is some chemical(s) to put on (my) part of the property in order to kill the freaked tree by damaging the roots. :rolleyes:
    Does anyone have a good suggestion, i.e. drilling the roots and pore in ????
    Glad to hear from anyone with good ideas

    they make a RoundUp for woody plants... spray when they are not home.

    use a sawzall with a long blade and cut into the ground along the fence line.

    IF your laws are like ours, fences are installed 6 inches inside the property line. If it is your fence, then you own 6 more inches, if it is his fence, he owns 6 inches into your yard.....

    wrap a copper wire tightly around the trunk on the tree, in a couple years, the wire will weaken the trunk and the tree could be broken off at that point.
  11. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Out of curiosity, how big is this tree?

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