The Review I Submitted Was Changed Without My Permission

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by RV Dog, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. RV Dog

    RV Dog
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    Mar 10, 2009
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    I submitted a review of a park that I really like... it was totally changed without any permission or notification. I have never had this happen before... What do I do?

  2. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    RV Dog,

    First let me say that reviews are sometimes edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity, but the main ideas and comments are not supposed to be changed to a great extent.

    That said, we do not find any reviews under the name RV Dog. Did you use a different name to submit them? To look into this we need to know what name you used and the name of the park you are referring to. You may submit this two different ways. 1. You can send me the information using the website's personal message system, or 2. you can click on the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of each page and send the information that way. Either way the information will remain secure.

  3. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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  4. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    RV Dog,

    Like TX said use "Contact Us" and tell what happen or what was wrong with the review.

    To others: Checked in reviews is a hard job that all admins face each day. We see mistakes that you would never think a person would make. Great review and then rate the park a 1, nightly rate will come in as $1 yet this park rate has been $35 for years and no information to support this amount, reviews come in with so much Red underline it is hard to see the review due to all the spelling mistakes, review will change the correct website address and phone number to one that is wrong, information in comments will tell you this is the wrong park due everything is wrong in review - admins work parks to the point they know by looking at information in review that this is the wrong park, reviews come in with all CAPS - wrong per the rules but who reads the rules in the first place, you will see a poor review that we cannot read or understand so do we post it so others can translate it? The list could run into pages each month like this. We like to keep this site so a person can read the reviews and the information is as correct as possible. Admins are all RV people and like others we all make mistakes at times. As people write in and point out mistakes we fix them as soon as we can. No website is every 100% correct on all items but we all try hard to keep it right. :)
  5. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    Don't get me wrong - y'all do an awesome job. I just don't agree with changing a score without the reviewer's permission. Better to tell the reviewer to explain the score and not post it until they give more reasons.
  6. mikel

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    Jun 10, 2006
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    I reviewed a park in San Antonio I've stayed multiple times, but not since the last review. There were numerous problems from reservations, price and the actual site condition. I backed them all up with solid objective examples during the review.

    I was actually contacted by RV Park Reviews, saying the owner of the park would like me to reconsider my rating. I explained the situation, by email, having previously filed a complaint with the park's national office. Nothing was changed by RV Park Reviews. Hopefully it helped the park. I am generally pretty lenient and try to take into account everything and possible fault. If the park has no control, I don't mark them down. However rude staff, unsanitary situations - for extended periods of time - meaning sometimes it takes a while to clean the messes some idiots make, etc are considered.

    Be objective, don't get mad if the guy next to you is drunk, or it rained in your RV when you left the windows open or you forgot to check for generator use times.
  7. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    Over the years of posting RV park and campground reviews on this site, I've had a couple things changed. 99% were my spelling goofs. :p

    I also learned NOT to publish owner/manager/caretaker names too.

    Years ago, I went on a dog poop rant about some park. (Long forgotten even where we were now. Just remember being really upset.) Review was posted: with an abreviated version of my rant.
    I got the message.

    Someone, on another thread, mentioned holding off on the posting of their reviews. Would post the following day, etc., sort of a cooling off period.

    I know my spelling REALLY improves when I'm not upset... :lol:
  8. flatraveler00

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    Jun 19, 2012
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    I submitted a review awhile back and have yet to see it posted. Just how long does it take for one to get approved?

  9. Mario Machado

    Mario Machado
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    Jul 8, 2012
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    QUOTE(flatraveler00 @ Jul 23 2012, 07:47 PM) [snapback]30149[/snapback]

    I submitted a review awhile back and have yet to see it posted. Just how long does it take for one to get approved?


    It just happened to me too. I have noticed that a review to the same campground I wrote a review has been posted. I don't understand the criteria or if there is a problem with their servers. I would like to see what the problem is.
  10. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    To flatraveler00:

    It appears that you have submitted only one review. Our guidelines require that you submit 3 reviews before any of them is posted.

    To Mario Machado:

    We could not find any reviews submitted under the name Mario Machado. Is it possible you used a different name to submit your review? Do you remember getting a "thank you" screen after you submitted your review? If not, your review was not submitted successfully. We can look further if you will click on the "Contact Us" button at the button of each page and provide us with the name of the park you reviewed, the date you submitted your review, and if you used a different username.
  11. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    I check the system and you have not posted any reviews on our website. You may have the wrong website in mind.
  12. Mario Machado

    Mario Machado
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    Jul 8, 2012
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    QUOTE(John Blue @ Jul 24 2012, 10:37 AM) [snapback]30162[/snapback]


    I check the system and you have not posted any reviews on our website. You may have the wrong website in mind.

    Hi texasrvers John Blue
    Thanks for your responses to my post.
    As I wrote above I posted my review to a campground I have visited recently and the past 2 years, to your info I don't remember getting a thank you screen.
    I will post a review to the campground again.
  13. TXBobcat

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    May 15, 2006
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    I have posted a number of reviews over the last few years as we fulltime. I would like to know if there is a way to read my reviews of campgrounds. I have wanted to see what I posted about a campground before I go back to visit them again.

    I know I can see the reviews of a person that were posted, sort of like a timeline, but I can't always remember the last time I was at a specific campground. I have also changed how I review the campgrounds over the years.

  14. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Go to a campground that you know you have reviewed. At the bottom of the review you wrote there will be a link that you can click on to see the rest of your reviews.
  15. TXBobcat

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    May 15, 2006
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    Thanks.. I found my answer while browsing some of the threads.

    It would be intresting to beable to see something in the review that would tag a person that is reviewing without giving his name. That way I coud see if that person is the same person reviewing certain ways. Sorta Oh... I have seen that persons reviews and they are dependablen but not reveiling who they actualy are.

    Thanks for the reply.

  16. rkw99

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    Aug 2, 2011
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    I submitted a couple reviews and got messages saying I had to edit certain things before they would be posted. Things such as general background about myself like ages of my kids and the route we had taken, etc. There was other things like the fact I mentioned other campgrounds which I can understand is not appropriate. However, I think it is relevant to a review what my situation is so that others can understand if my perception might be relevant for them. I won't post reviews to a website that censors reviews as is basically being done here. I am glad that I realize that now because I did not before and wondered why the reviews were so generic. So while I will still use this site as a tool for choosing campgrounds, I will take it all with a grain of salt and I am not bothering to waste my time thoughtfully composing a review only to have to censor it for it to be posted.
  17. dalsgal

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    rkw, the reviews are supposed to be about the campground itself and nothing else. I don't know what you sent in but giving the route you took has no bearing on the camground and it's being good or bad. Saying you have young children that did or didn't use the pool or play area would probably be okay but the majority of people are interested in the basic facts about the actual campground and nothing more.

    I'm sorry you were upset but I, for one, am very glad the moderators tries to eliminate too much personal info from the descriptions. Facts, not detailed emotions, are what this site is my opinion.
  18. pianotuna

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    Jan 7, 2007
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    So, you will take, but not give back to this site?

    Follow the rules. Don't give your life history. No one gets paid for being an admin here, and often there are hundreds of reviews waiting to be vetted.

    QUOTE(rkw99 @ Sep 14 2012, 01:36 PM) [snapback]31131[/snapback]

    So while I will still use this site as a tool for choosing campgrounds, I will take it all with a grain of salt and I am not bothering to waste my time thoughtfully composing a review only to have to censor it for it to be posted.
  19. Denali

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    Jan 11, 2005
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    QUOTE(dalsgal @ Sep 14 2012, 01:09 PM) [snapback]31132[/snapback]

    rkw, the reviews are supposed to be about the campground itself and nothing else. I don't know what you sent in but giving the route you took has no bearing on the camground and it's being good or bad. Saying you have young children that did or didn't use the pool or play area would probably be okay but the majority of people are interested in the basic facts about the actual campground and nothing more.

    I'm sorry you were upset but I, for one, am very glad the moderators tries to eliminate too much personal info from the descriptions. Facts, not detailed emotions, are what this site is my opinion.

    Well put.
  20. Snidely Whiplash

    Snidely Whiplash
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    Apr 18, 2012
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    QUOTE(rkw99 @ Sep 14 2012, 01:36 PM) [snapback]31131[/snapback]

    I submitted a couple reviews and got messages saying I had to edit certain things before they would be posted. Things such as general background about myself like ages of my kids and the route we had taken, etc. There was other things like the fact I mentioned other campgrounds which I can understand is not appropriate. However, I think it is relevant to a review what my situation is so that others can understand if my perception might be relevant for them.

    I've experienced the same thing. I think the vast majority of reviews are held to very reasonable standards. I think the admins for the site deserve a lot of appreciation for the good job they do here. I'm sure it's a lot of work for very little reward. That being said, I think there may be one or two reviewers who are a bit overzealous and expecting "Just the facts, ma'am".

    QUOTE(rkw99 @ Sep 14 2012, 01:36 PM) [snapback]31131[/snapback]
    I won't post reviews to a website that censors reviews as is basically being done here. I am glad that I realize that now because I did not before and wondered why the reviews were so generic. So while I will still use this site as a tool for choosing campgrounds, I will take it all with a grain of salt and I am not bothering to waste my time thoughtfully composing a review only to have to censor it for it to be posted.

    Recently I posted a review for Johnny's RV Resort and made the opening statement that "Johnny is outright lying by calling this a resort". The review was changed to "It is outright lying to call this a resort". I wasnt trying to call anyone out, I dont know if there really is a Johnny at Johnny's RV Resort, but I thought it was a bit nit-picky to change the review that way. There were also MANY changes made to that particular review (sentance structure, phrases, etc) which made it read like I was unable to write a grammatically correct couple of sentances and threw off the entire tone of the review. I mean, how much stock would you put in a review that was incomprehensible and grammatically very poor?

    QUOTE(dalsgal @ Sep 14 2012, 02:09 PM) [snapback]31132[/snapback]

    rkw, the reviews are supposed to be about the campground itself and nothing else. I don't know what you sent in but giving the route you took has no bearing on the camground and it's being good or bad.

    Actually, I find it to be quite relevant to reviews, and try to include in my reviews whether access is easy or not for a large RV from the direction I used to access the park.

    On rare occasion I used to tell my son "My house, I pay the bills, I get to make the rules" and I get it that it's the same here on this website where I am a guest. But I wont go to the trouble to write reviews if all that is wanted are generic reviews that differ very little from one to the other. Besides, I think most people reading the reviews are better served by getting an unedited version of the review from which to make their own determination as to the reviewers credibility.

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