What Are Your Pet Peeves Rv'ing?

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by imagardener, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. GandJ

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    Oct 28, 2011
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ Sep 6 2012, 03:50 PM) [snapback]31007[/snapback]

    ... I would bet the attendant didn’t know how to do it, or he/she was being dishonest.

    We were thinking the attendant was giving himself a nice pay raise and wondered if he did this only to people with Canadian license plates, like our friend. Sad, if true.
  2. mdcamping

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    Jul 3, 2007
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    QUOTE(MaineDon @ Sep 6 2012, 03:13 PM) *

    Although I posted earlier on this thread, can I add another pet peeve? Hope so. Those horrible, RV- user unfriendly, gas stations...

    QUOTE(FosterImposters @ Sep 6 2012, 06:38 PM) [snapback]31009[/snapback]

    A big AMEN to that one!

  3. Tom

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    Oct 12, 2004
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    Threads like this are fun to read. Besides all the peeves already listed: We hate arriving to find garbage in the fire pit. Seems some people just assume that the next campers will enjoy burning their garbage. Well, we DON'T!

    Cigarette butts --- I know it has already been mentioned. I used to smoke a lot, and I always, ALWAYS threw away my butts in the appropriate container. Why do smokers think nothing of flicking their butts on the ground?

    Dumping grey water on the site. Few things are so wonderful as pulling up to a campsite and when walking around it to figure out where to pull in, stepping in a nice, soapy mushy spot - where obviously the previous campers drained their grey water tank. Wonderful.

    Dogs left alone in campers. What makes people think their dog enjoys being locked in a camper for hours during the day? And YES, your dog barks when you are gone!! I don't understand people who treat their pets like that. When we camped with our dog, we planned either to stay at the camper with her or bring her along on our day trips.
  4. Andrea Silkman

    Andrea Silkman
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    Sep 11, 2012
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    QUOTE(vincee @ Aug 14 2012, 03:06 PM) [snapback]30589[/snapback]

    Three peeves, 1 Barking dogs, 2 Large family groups at several adjoining campsites 3 People driving on cruise control in the left lane oblivious to all traffic around them.

    Large family groups as a pet peeve? Friends and family enjoying the great outdoors together should be encouraged in my eyes, I don't think people do it enough..... and yes, I do it often. We have had some of our best vacations camping as a group (as a child and now as an adult). Family values that were passed on to me from my parents, and I'm now passing them down to my children.

    They paid for their sites, does it really matter if they know each other or not?
  5. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    My biggest pet peeve is my wife nagging me about every six months to wash the RV. Don't worry, I'll get to it eventually.
  6. joez

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    Mar 9, 2008
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    What Are Your Pet Peeves Rv'ing?

    Pulling into a favorite campground only to find it is nearly full of permanent residents and now looks and feels like a low rent trailer park.

    Smoky campfires when summer nights are 85 degrees and the smoke lingers in an inversion layer eight feet off the ground.

    Being awakened late at night by arrivals with bright lights, loud engines, slamming doors, and people yelling at each other while they attempt to set up in the dark, and the corollary

    Early on the road people who have to warm up their diesels, turn on bright lights, slam doors and yell at one another at 6 am while they prepare to leave.

    Loud ATVs, dirt bikes, and personal watercraft in campgrounds and on adjacent lakes
  7. mdcamping

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    Jul 3, 2007
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    QUOTE(Lindsay Richards @ Sep 12 2012, 12:42 PM) [snapback]31103[/snapback]

    My biggest pet peeve is my wife nagging me about every six months to wash the RV. Don't worry, I'll get to it eventually.

    Interesting, My wife's biggest pet peeve is that I pay too much attention to the RV and not enough to my chores that need to be done around the house! :D

  8. jan-n-john

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    Nov 1, 2007
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    Here's one that hasn't been mentioned I think. My current pet peeve is that so many parks install cheap, small, faucets for the water supply, and point them in the most inconvenient possible direction, so that you are guaranteed to scratch and bloody your knuckles trying to attach your water hose and then turn on the water. It might have cost an additional $2 to do it right in the first place, but nooooo.

    Crappy WiFi of course is up there. I recently got a hotspot on my iPhone so hopefully that one will recede in importance for me.
  9. edcornflake

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    May 14, 2010
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    QUOTE(joez @ Sep 12 2012, 02:24 PM) [snapback]31105[/snapback]

    Pulling into a favorite campground only to find it is nearly full of permanent residents and now looks and feels like a low rent trailer park.

    I don't fault the seasonal folks, but it would be nice to know ahead of time what the % of seasonal to transient is. I like when folks mention that in their reviews. I prefer not to hit CGs that are more than 50% seasonal, I end up feeling like an interloper.

    The Gas Station item mentioned earlier is another one - on a trip from NJ to FL this year we hit a few that were petty hair raising to get in/out of. 3 point turns witha 38 foot 5er in a driving rain are not fun. Also, gas stations that have Diesel, but then have green pump handles for regular gas as well... makes it a whole lot tougher for me to hit the right lane - make the diesel pump a little more obvious, please!

    Charging for the kids is my #3. I'll pay it if it's a nice place, but I'm not happy about it.
  10. nedmtnman

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    Sep 14, 2008
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    We just left a park that the sewer hook ups were hose connection high so the hose layed on the ground with a big drop in both ends. Also advertising wifi the doesn't work.

    Also driver sloooowly pulling onto the interstate and then realizing Oh yeah we need to speed up.
  11. Full-Timer RV'er

    Full-Timer RV'er
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    I guess I am more of a live and let live type person... I mean yeah there are some things that truly annoy me, although most things I can resolve as being human idiocy....

    My biggest is rude or unhelpful staff... Give me a break.. You run a "consumer" business. If you can not / will not be friendly and inviting to people who are paying you to stay in your park, please find another line of employment. I grew up in a major resort community and regardless of your "job" you were to always be helpful even on your "bad" days.....

    Second - people with slide outs... you do NOT own the park.... Remember there are people "stuffed" in behind you and you taking up half their yard is not fair.... We left one park because we could not truly open our door because of the neighbor's slide outs....

    Dirty Camp Site.... Come on folks you packed the trash in, pack it out... I wish I could truly count how many time we have had to go in clean up our camp site before we could let our dogs out... Sucker sticks, candy wrappers, juice bags, straws, cigarette butts etc.....
  12. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    OK, I can go with your first and third annoyance, but people with slide outs? Really? It is not the person's fault they were put in a site that was not big enough to accommodate their slides. What are they supposed to do? Not put their slides out? Many RV floorplans require the slides to be out in order to walk to the back of the unit. I think it is OK to be annoyed with campgrounds that have narrow sites, but not with the RVers who have simply opened their slides so that they can use their RV.
  13. Full-Timer RV'er

    Full-Timer RV'er
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    Ok I will give you it is not the slide-outs fault. It's the owners of the slide outs, just like owners of "bad" dogs and kids. I can not tell you how many times I have watched a person with slide outs come into "camp". They push themselves as close as they can to the hook-ups on the back side, making sure they have enough "front" yard for their awning, chairs, slide out, etc and to be damned with the person behind them. That is my problem with slide outs. Many if not most parks were "created" long before slide outs. As such they really are not designed to fit them, although they do their best to accommodate them....
  14. GandJ

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    Oct 28, 2011
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ Oct 7 2012, 07:37 PM) [snapback]31443[/snapback]
    Many RV floorplans require the slides to be out in order to walk to the back of the unit. I think it is OK to be annoyed with campgrounds that have narrow sites, but not with the RVers who have simply opened their slides so that they can use their RV.

    We met a lady last winter that had a two-door travel trailer like that. When the slide was in, she couldn't get to her bathroom or bedroom without going outside and using the back door. How inconvenient that would be in the rain or in the middle of the night if you wanted a snack from the kitchen.

    When we bought our current camper, it was a decision between it and a KZ. When the salesman pulled in the slide on the KZ and we saw that we couldn't get to the back of the trailer, it was a deal breaker.

    It happens more often than you'd think!

    And I totally agree about placing the annoyment (is that even a word?) and blame where it belongs: With the campground!
  15. Full-Timer RV'er

    Full-Timer RV'er
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    QUOTE(GandJ @ Oct 8 2012, 01:51 PM) [snapback]31460[/snapback]

    When we bought our current camper, it was a decision between it and a KZ. When the salesman pulled in the slide on the KZ and we saw that we couldn't get to the back of the trailer, it was a deal breaker.

    It happens more often than you'd think!

    Hubby wants a newer unit with slides. I do not... I am the one that makes the on-the-raod dashes to the back.... I would really like to just modify this one to suit us better. He has a real issue with the narrow walk ways. I figure if we just did a few modifications it would be much better than purchasing a whole new one. Plus the modification would lessen the over all weight.... It would make it ours if you know what I mean....
  16. vincee

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    Aug 21, 2009
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    Yes dirty campsites can be a turn off to the excitement of pulling into the campground and enjoying the lifestyle. However bad and poor it is that there ARE some slobs out there. it is the Campground that is responsible for cleaning out the site before the next camper sets up. I just left Cedar Creek C.O.E CG outside of Nashville yesterday and the maintenance guy raked the stone pads with a garden rake after he blew the leaves off with a leaf blower. Some CG's owners cheap out with enough staff to clean the sites.
  17. RLM

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    Aug 24, 2006
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    My pet peeve is not having the campground all to myself so that I don't have to be concerned with pet peeves. :)
  18. Full-Timer RV'er

    Full-Timer RV'er
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    QUOTE(vincee @ Oct 11 2012, 07:04 PM) [snapback]31533[/snapback]

    Yes dirty campsites can be a turn off to the excitement of pulling into the campground and enjoying the lifestyle. However bad and poor it is that there ARE some slobs out there. it is the Campground that is responsible for cleaning out the site before the next camper sets up. I just left Cedar Creek C.O.E CG outside of Nashville yesterday and the maintenance guy raked the stone pads with a garden rake after he blew the leaves off with a leaf blower. Some CG's owners cheap out with enough staff to clean the sites.

    I agree and dis agree with your statements...

    Yes, there are some slobs out there, actually there seems to be A LOT of slobs out there....

    Yes, it is up to the Park Owner to upkeep the sites, it is up to the CAMPER to keep the site clean.

    I am of the "pack it in / pack it out" generation. When we arrived at our new camp spot each weekend, we had a game to see who could pick up the most trash PRIOR to setting up camp. This was done again before we left.... As well as during our stay. If we went for a hike and found trash, we picked up and placed in in the trash....

    What I have seen today is pure LAZINESS.... What amounts to bags of trash mere 30 feet from a trash can... Boy Scouts parking on grass areas, next to a sign that says "No Parking on the Grass".....

    Pure filthy laziness is all it is.... IMO...... & That is a MAJOR Pet Peeves of mine.... If you are outside camping, for pete sakes clean up after yourself & teach your kids to do the same....
  19. vincee

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    Aug 21, 2009
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    Any CG that I would have to pick up a bag of trash upon arriving at my site is not a CG that I will visit again. If staying in a hotel (I know, that's one reason we all love our RV's, we don't) and the sheets weren't changed and the bathroom was dirty, would you make up the bed yourself or clean the bathroom? I doubt anyone would. Why should campground owners get off any easier? We all should have certain expectations from businesses that we fork our hard earned money too!
  20. pkd31780

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    Sep 18, 2012
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    Since this just happened to us over the weekend.....

    RVers who do not turn off their outside lights and keep those next to you awake all night. Grrrrrrrrrr

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