How To Completely Cancel My Involvement With Rvpr?

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by RV Dog, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. RV Dog

    RV Dog
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    Mar 10, 2009
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    I have become very disappointed with RVPR. It is supposed to be an impartial site for reviewing campgrounds and all aspects of a stay. Sadly, it appears more increasingly so that many reviews are not posted accurately and as the original poster intended. I do no wish to be involved with a site that allows this inappropriate behavior. How do I have my account deleted?

  2. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    If you want to cancel your membership, you need to request this by clicking on the Contact Us button located at the bottom of each page.

    However, I am at a loss to understand your disappointment with the site. You state that it is because “many reviews are not posted accurately and as the original poster intended.â€￾ I’m wondering what evidence you have that this is happening. Since members cannot see the reviews that are submitted, how do you know that they are being changed before they are posted? I know that some members have claimed this, but the admins are only allowed to change the grammar and spelling. If the content does not meet our guidelines, the review is deferred, the reason is explained to the reviewer, and he is asked to make the changes himself. Anything he resubmits that is posted is still his wording—not ours.

    And if you are referring to any of your own reviews that you feel were changed, let me inform you that I looked at your last 16 reviews going back to January of 2011. Not one of those reviews had its contents altered, but there were several corrections to spelling and grammar. Of those 16, two were deferred. You made changes to them, and then they were posted, just as you resubmitted them (except for the aforementioned spelling and/or grammar corrections).

    So again, I do not understand your dissatisfaction.
  3. kcmoedoe

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    May 22, 2008
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    And I would hold the site administration responsible for the refund of all the monies and fees you have paid for their reportedly poor service. And don't let them get away with telling you the check is in the mail. The only way to safely get a refund so large is by wire transfer. You may even want to alert your bank that your account will be receiving a deposit in the amount of $0,000,000.00 so they will be prepared. Financial transactions like that are not part of the everyday routine for most banks.
  4. Big Moose

    Big Moose
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    Jul 28, 2007
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    This post reminds me of a quote from Benjamin Franklin "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do."
  5. dalsgal

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    If you don't like this site, or us, then just log out and leave. You don't have to come here to read reviews, post or complain. All you have to do is move on.
  6. nedmtnman

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    Sep 14, 2008
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    QUOTE(dalsgal @ Dec 27 2013, 07:24 AM) [snapback]35447[/snapback]

    If you don't like this site, or us, then just log out and leave. You don't have to come here to read reviews, post or complain. All you have to do is move on.

    Yup, Well said. He only had 2 posts to begin with LOL.
  7. RV Dog

    RV Dog
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    Mar 10, 2009
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    Thank you for your respectful comments. I don't think I made myself fully clear as to my concerns. Although I have posted some reviews and I am aware that these have not been altered in appropriately I am looking at the overall posts in general. I rely on RVPR for accurate and realistic reviews so as to base my reservations on. I have always believed RVPR to be impartial and unbiased in the reviews submitted. I don't believe there is collusion on a grand scale but based on comments of other posters in other forums (people I personally know and respect) the consensus seems to be that the RVPR of years ago has changed and that some, not all, admins or mods are feeling it necessary to alter reviews to put a positive spin on the comments. In addition, all aspects of the RV park stay should be allowed to be reported from the initial communication, reservation process and stay through to the departure. Also, I would appreciate someone letting me know if RV park owners and or operators comprise part of the admin / mod base.

    I don't mean to be negative but there is a saying that "Perception is Reality" and it does appear that the perception of RVPR as being impartial or unbiased is being questioned in the general forum community. I welcome respectful comments to suggest otherwise. Remember one thing. News travels fast in the RV community and perceptions can indeed become reality.
  8. kcmoedoe

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    May 22, 2008
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    QUOTE(RV Dog @ Dec 27 2013, 01:14 PM) [snapback]35450[/snapback]

    Thank you for your respectful comments. I don't think I made myself fully clear as to my concerns. Although I have posted some reviews and I am aware that these have not been altered in appropriately I am looking at the overall posts in general. I rely on RVPR for accurate and realistic reviews so as to base my reservations on. I have always believed RVPR to be impartial and unbiased in the reviews submitted. I don't believe there is collusion on a grand scale but based on comments of other posters in other forums (people I personally know and respect) the consensus seems to be that the RVPR of years ago has changed and that some, not all, admins or mods are feeling it necessary to alter reviews to put a positive spin on the comments. In addition, all aspects of the RV park stay should be allowed to be reported from the initial communication, reservation process and stay through to the departure. Also, I would appreciate someone letting me know if RV park owners and or operators comprise part of the admin / mod base.

    I don't mean to be negative but there is a saying that "Perception is Reality" and it does appear that the perception of RVPR as being impartial or unbiased is being questioned in the general forum community. I welcome respectful comments to suggest otherwise. Remember one thing. News travels fast in the RV community and perceptions can indeed become reality.

    Sounds like you should set up a competing system. Build the better mousetrap. Let the masses beat a path to your door. Then you can bask in the wealth a free site like this generates. Personally, if the site devolved into nothing but a Bee itching site for every perceived slight, it would lose it's value. To me, finding the good parks is much more important than being informed about some insignificant slight someone might have felt they incurred.
  9. dalsgal

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    I would ask those people that have made claims against this site to show you their reviews they claim were altered....both before and after. I honestly do not believe any review has ever been changed other than, as stated already, the spelling and grammar and many still have incorrect spelling in it. I also don't believe anyone wants to read a rant about something that happened to someone while in a CG. Making a comment about something is one thing but not long paragraphs where someone perceived they got a raw deal.

    To be honest, I feel your original comment was a bit of a rant. If you really wanted to be deleted you would have used the contact button and written to one of the admins and not posted in the general forum, unless you were testing to see if they would remove your post. I see many negative reviews on here and don't see where you see that any were altered to proved a favorable review.
  10. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    I follow a number of different RV forums, and I rarely see any negative comments on the reviews at RVPR. What I see the most are recommendations to use this site for trip planning. Of those negative comments I have seen, the majority seem to fall into the "I know someone that knows someone that said..." category, with very little first hand experience. Yes, there are a few complaints from time to time related to rejected reviews, some of which may be borderline valid. But given the judgement calls needed to edit reviews for publication, are understandable in my opinion. Other rejected complaints I've seen, fall easily into the "doesn't adhere to the published rules" category when the full details are revealed. Is the review posting administration here perfect? Of course not... This site is operated by humans with independent minds that don't all think exactly alike. The part that is pretty well perfect here though, is that even though errors do occur from time to time, the site administration is very quick to acknowledge and correct them, when the error is made known to them. If you know of any specific reviews that are questionable, let the administrator know about them, so they can be checked out. Just don't judge the site based on some "he said, she said..." unsupported info.
  11. mdcamping

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    Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    QUOTE(RV Dog @ Dec 27 2013, 01:14 PM) [snapback]35450[/snapback]

    In addition, all aspects of the RV park stay should be allowed to be reported from the initial communication, reservation process and stay through to the departure. Also, I would appreciate someone letting me know if RV park owners and or operators comprise part of the admin / mod base.

    I don't mean to be negative but there is a saying that "Perception is Reality" and it does appear that the perception of RVPR as being impartial or unbiased is being questioned in the general forum community. I welcome respectful comments to suggest otherwise. Remember one thing. News travels fast in the RV community and perceptions can indeed become reality.

    This site has a simple rule, write a few sentences that describe anything about the campground.
    I have been doing that for 6 years, never had a problem... not sure why some people don't feel they need to follow those rules.

    As far as news traveling fast through the RV community, I see this site sticking to values. When this site starts posting the one and done rant, flame or advertisement type reviews, that's when the RV community will turn on this site.. IMO

  12. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    I read many other RV forums and only rarely hear anything bad about this one. It is a free site and uses a lot of volunteer help (free). The campground owners have a large financial reason to cheat and some of them try. This especially true in this horrible economy. The site does everything it can to not publish these, but some probably slip through. Not publishing reviews until 3 are received is done to stop the cheaters. It also makes real campers upset. Running a site like this is very hard. When I was in the lodging business, Trip Adviser was used a lot by consumers and many of our competitors wrote glowing reviews about themselves and bad reviews about their competitions. Big incentive to do so. Here they try to stop it. As users, we have a responsibility to look at a group of reviews to make our decisions.
  13. RV Dog

    RV Dog
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    Mar 10, 2009
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    Thank you all for your comments. First let me say that I agree with dalsgal on my first posting be a rant. This is something I normally don't do but had just read a lot of negative comments on and coupled with hearing comments from two friends in a similar vein I felt a pattern was evident. I apologize for that initial posts tone.
    I have always relied on RVPR for publishing the TRUE feedback of it's reviewers. As far as comments made on financial contributions let me say that I do contribute each year to one RV forum each year and that is due to the amount of time I spend on it. I do not spend nearly the same amount of time on this forum but I still appreciate it for RV park reviews only.
    As far as the admins or mods. Are these made up by RV park owners or operators?
  14. GandJ

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    Oct 28, 2011
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    QUOTE(RV Dog @ Dec 27 2013, 01:14 PM) [snapback]35450[/snapback]

    "... some, not all, admins or mods are feeling it necessary to alter reviews to put a positive spin on the comments."

    Perhaps the positive spin you see is exactly what the reviewer(s) wrote. Personally, we tend to stay at
    places that already have good reviews on RVPR. Then I submit my own review, which is usually positive

    Just out of curiosity, why would it matter if mods and/or admins are cg owners or operators?
  15. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    QUOTE(RV Dog @ Dec 27 2013, 07:17 PM) [snapback]35462[/snapback]

    As far as the admins or mods. Are these made up by RV park owners or operators?

    The volunteer editors here that I know personally are definitely not CG owners or operators, but they are dedicated RV'ers. I would be surprised if ANY of the editors or the admin here are financially connected to a CG beyond paying for sites or possibly work camping.
  16. RV Dog

    RV Dog
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    Mar 10, 2009
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    Thanks for answering my questions. I was only curious as to who forms the admin/mod base. I appreciate your answers.
  17. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    The following reply is from one of the admins on this site who wishes to remain anonymous:

    It sounds like you have been reading the same threads over in the RV.NET forum that I have. There is quite a bit of misinformation there.

    Let me clarify.

    The admins on this site are in continual contact with one another. In general, we can all see all the reviews that are deferred ("rejected") back to the reviewers, as well as the reason they were deferred and the feedback that is ALWAYS sent back along with the deferral. A review is never deferred just because it is negative, and reviews are never changed to make them less negative.

    That said, a review that is nothing more than a rant, with little or no substantive information about the park, will be deferred. A review that only reports a negative incident will be deferred. A review that includes a negative incident but is primarily a description of the park, its amenities, etc., will be accepted. It is entirely possible that an acceptable review might contain nothing but negative comments about a park.

    There are people who are unhappy because we have deferred their angry "reviews" complaining about a mishandled reservation, a rude park manager, dogs running loose, etc. Each has been given an opportunity to resubmit his/her contribution, including the complaint, in a useful review of the park that provides information helpful to other readers. In many cases they simply resubmit the same rant, and it goes into the bit bucket.

    None of the admins on this site is in any way connected with any RV park or campground, except that some work as work campers as they travel. (They are not permitted to submit reviews of parks where they work.) The site is not funded by the RV park industry. Park owners or anyone affiliated with a park are not allowed to submit reviews about their own park, but they are allowed to post comments in the forum. We try to be diligent in preventing falsely positive reviews submitted by park owners and their friends and families.

    In the six or seven years that I have been an admin here, there has been no change in the policy or standards for approving reviews based on their content. We have always deferred submissions that do not provide useful information to the next RVer, including submissions that consist of nothing more than "Nice park. We would stay again." Isolated incidents, whether positive or negative, are not sufficient.

    We admins are volunteers. We are all long-term RVers who do this simply to contribute to a site that has been valuable to us as we travel.

    I hope that helps.
  18. GandJ

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    Oct 28, 2011
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    Well stated, AnonAdmin. I did not see the referred-to postings on and nothing pops up when doing a search for it. Hopefully the
    OP on this thread will pass this info on to his/her friends over there.

    Nice to clear up the misconceptions. Thanks to the OP for the
    opportunity, at least.
  19. RV Dog

    RV Dog
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    Mar 10, 2009
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    Thank you so much for your clear and consise replies. This is what I was looking for. And yes, I am going to be taking this info to the parties who are putting out inaccurate and desparaging comments. I also reiterate my apology for my first post. That I had believed these comments to be true. I always remember that there are three sides to a story. My side, your side and the truth. Thank you
    RV Dog
  20. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    Just as in the world at large, there are a lot of yoyo's in the RV world. It is impossible to please everybody all the time. We must all make own decisions as to what is correct and prudent. Several years ago, we had a moderator die unexpectedly and there was a general outpouring of sympathy for his family. It is a thankless job. About a year ago, I had a review rejected and thought what is going on here. When I reread it, I had talked only about the great things to do in the area and nothing at all about the campground itself. It was correct to reject the review. I went back and rewrote the review with the actual campground information and it was posted right away. If you want to be mad at somebody, be mad at the cheater campground folks who attempt to game the system by writing bogus reviews (both good and bad). They make things difficult for the site and campers. Some time back, they posted an actual review. It had about 25 spelling and grammatical errors in it and was almost unreadable. Somebody had to spend a good while on it correcting it before it could be posted. All of this is done for free.

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