So lets hear it, full time, touring, long weekends or anything in between. Whats your plans? Were still working 40 so the past few yrs we try doing 1 camping trip a month with a 2 week trip in Aug. for April: 4 nights. For almost 10 years I have been doing our yearly camping, trout fishing trip on the Natchaug River at Nickerson family campground in CT as my 2 boys go also! May: 3 nights at Copake Camping Resort In NY, as they have some rail trails that we plan on taking our Hybrid bikes on. June : 4 nights at Camden Hills State Park ME. Very scenic area I have been told. Lots of artsy shops for my better half, biking, kayaking! July: 4 nights at knobels PA as we still meet up with our RV friends that we have been seeing for many years Aug. is our 2 week trip. We will start our trip at Hartwick Highlands Campground at Cooperstown NY for 4 nights, as I am a big baseball fan and love the country feel of the area. Next we will meet with the same RV friends at Association Lake KOA on Lake Ontario for 3 Nights. After which kathleen and I will be heading up to Lake POG at Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario for 4 nights. Then back to 1000 island Ivy Lea KOA at 1000 island NP Ontario for 2 nights. We will finish our trip with a 1 night stay at Turning Stone NY. (one thing of note I built in more stops and kept the stops under 300 miles as I am having a harder time driving over 8hrs/300 miles) Sept: 4 nights, still up in the air, but maybe Atlantic Oaks again at Cape Cod Eastham MA. as we love the cape! OCT: 4 nights Not planned yet as we will probably join up with our same RV friends and we usually plan it out together when we meet in July Wish I could do more trips but we are still working and I have run out of Vacation time for this year! LOL I plan to post back a changes that may happen!
We fully expect to continue living in our motorhome fulltime, but worsening medical issues may keep us parked next to our Adirondack cottage for longer periods. We're still in Florida right now, but we'll begin drifting northward next week when we move over the state line a few miles to southern Georgia.
Wow, mdcamping. I have never been able to plan that far ahead but we try to take a major trip (4-5 weeks) in the spring and again in the fall. Sometimes we manage to take 1 or 2 week long trips in between and we'll keep it up as long as we can.
Wow! Sounds very nice. I think we will be hitting you up for tips when we hit your neck of the woods. We just returned to Canada from our winter travels so we will be hanging around the Bow Valley in Alberta again for the summer. Next winter we will be checking out Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. If anyone has any tips on what to do and see We would be interested in hearing from you. Thanks already to Joel for some tips he has already passed on. Darrell & Jerry
With three months of the year already gone we have missed our first trip that we normally take in Feb due to some medical issues. As of now our scheduled trips are as follows: April - Vista/Pala, CA July - Winchester Bay, OR Aug - Bellevue, WA Nov - Battle Ground, WA We normally will make at least 5-6 trips per year and each one is at least two weeks so we will have to get our butts in gear for 2020 and make that happen again.......... BankShot................(aka Terry)
Leaving in May return end of October and we are going to try and see as much of Canada as we can. No firm plans!
PS: Left out, or did I simply forgot , a trip to AZ in May so it appears we may still be on track trip-wise for the year after all.......... BankShot...........(aka ???)
We have to put in for our vacation time on both our jobs by the end of January, in some ways it works out better as some of the places I book are tough to get into... lately the past 5 years or so noticed it's been even more difficult. Guess its good for business at the campgrounds but can be a PITA getting a quality site in a preferred location. We would love to take a 4 week or so trip but our jobs only allow 2 weeks off maximum so we can only go just so far. Down the road hopefully soon we will be able to take longer trips and go more west... or just anywhere! Mike
April 14-20 : Spring Break with our granddaughter - Grand Canyon National Park June 7 - July 3: Rapid City Area, Yellowstone, and Glacier National Park July 25 - ? Grants Pass Oregon enjoying the Rogue River, Astoria Oregon, Columbia River Gorge, the rest up in the air but we won't be returning home until summer is gone
After numerous long trips this year we decided to stay close to home. We will still be gone for a month or so but all our travels will be in Manitoba,North Dakota and Minnesota covering less than 1000 miles.
Our finances have been straining for a while but we're looking forward to a weekend camping trip in April. My wife is working for an income tax service and should get a nice commission check. The Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area (Land Between The Lakes) has discount rates for the month of April (along with all Ky. state parks). My wife has been planning this for a while and has found a nice campsite near the lake, with electricity for $9/ night!! Looks like that's where we'll be the last weekend in April.
Unfortunately, due to time & money constraints, we will have to take our main trip this year by plane (ugh, ugh, ugh). Going to Florida staying with a family friend, and taking a 3 day car trip to Orlando (present for youngest son graduation). We may be able to take 4th of July long weekend trip to the mountains, but we shall see. Chris g.
Better you than us. We hate flying these days. Back in the day, passengers were treated as guests not cattle. It may be quicker and for folks that don’t have the luxury / time for ground travel, it is a necessary evil in our view. What a wonderful gift for your son though! Our best wishes for his future!! Darrell and Jerry
This Saturday we will be leaving for Camden Hills State Park ME. Bringing the Bikes & Kayaks... might sneak in some Bass fishing also. Planning on getting my Lobstah fix! Mike
When we were on Prince Edward Island four years ago we were buying lobster at $4/lb Canadian!! I hope the catch is just as good this year.
Sunday we head to Knoebels, PA for 4 nights, looking forward to meeting friends and having a few cold brews. Mike