So I was bored and decided to throw these together. What do you think?? 1) Thou shall leave thy campsite as clean if not cleaner than thy found it. 2) Thou shall tow safely (Safety chains, proper capacity hitch for load, properly loaded, trailer bearings packed, etc.). 3) Thou shall treat all RV tires as sacred (proper inflation before every trip, replace every 7-10 years, cover when not in use, weigh motorhome to determine proper inflation, etc.). 4) Thou shall stock proper safety equipment (fire extinguishers, road hazard markers, etc.). 5) Thou shall listen to and obey thy designated spotter when backing the RV (and not get distracted by anyone else). 6) Thou shall obey all RV park/campground rules, especially quiet hours. 7) Thou shall clean up after thy pets and not leave them unattended. 8) Thou shall be responsible for thy children, for they are the most blessed, except when they disrespect others. 9) When driving on a hill, if thy rig has several cars behind it, thou shall pull to the side (when safe) to allow faster travelers to pass. 10) Thou shall operate thy RV safely, avoiding tiredness and strong drink (or smoke).
Good one Chris, too bad more Rvers don't follow many of them........ Safe travels, Terry.....(aka BankShot)
Think I said the above in the wrong way... Shoulda said "Too bad some Rvers don't abide by many of these rules ". I waited too long to edit it.... BankShot