"A Heads Up When Renting a Vehicle"

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by BankShot, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Just went thru an experience with the rental car company we have been renting cars from since we began RVing This is our first bad experience and I can fully understand how and why it happened. We reserved a vehicle back in early Feb. for our upcoming trip and decided a few days ago to contact them just to reconfirm that we will be there on the specified pickup date. I'll make this as short as my old brain can make. An assistant answered my call and when I gave him my confirmation number and date of pickup he hesitated and then told me they are not open on Saturdays and haven't been since mid March. Asked me if we could change our pickup to Friday to which I told him we could not. So he said he'd have the manager who was not in yet, contact me within an hour to try and straighten it out, etc. That call never came so I started searching for other rental car companies in the immediate area and fortunately found a Toyota dealer who did and I ended up getting a car for the exact dates we need it and even got a discount because we are staying at an RV park three blocks up the road who they cooperate with when the park send them customers. I then called the rental car company's corporate offices and also send a message on their website telling them what happened and asked the question as to why we were not given the courtesy of a call or email weeks ago to let us know they were no longer going to be open on our arrival date. Got a call from a regional manager this morning apologizing all over the place and at the same time telling me how screwed up things are right now due to COVID19. That office is staffed only by the manager and one part time assistant, and the manager is doing the work of four other people plus trying to keep the doors open. All's well that end well and I just let it go and told the regional manager we'd still continue renting vehicles from them in the future and that I did understand the predicament many companies are in right now due to COVID19. Just wanted to forewarn anyone who may do what we do in renting vehicles when they travel as this could also be happening at many other rental car locations across the country. Make sure you confirm your reservation and pickup date at least a couple of weeks, or more, before you leave. We would have really been in a pickle had I had not confirmed ours and we would have driven up to the facility in our motorhome only to find the "CLOSED" sign on the door. That would have not made BankShot a happy RVer.....:(

    Travel safe and stay in good health, BankShot...............(aka Terry)

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