Tomorrow I am going to pick up my new AGM batteries. I have thought about it for years and have decided on the Group 27 Lifeline. I have researched for months. I took my old Gel batteries out this afternoon for trade in. any thoughts?
Hi Lindsay, Congratulations on the new batteries. Make sure to charge them up to 100% as often as is humanly possible. Any chance that Group 31 would fit? How many batteries in the bank? Be sure to tell us any differences you find between them and the Gel ones you had before. Do you have a solar charging system? What converter (make and model) do you have?
Lindsay, We use two 8D AGM in motorhome for house battery and in two years I have not done anything to them. I did add a little grease to post and lugs on day we changed them out but I doubt you need to do anything. They work great.
We have had two 6 volt AGM batteries in our little camper for 3 years. Like John, I have not done anything to them and they are doing fine. I do have a 3 stage smart charger. And I also have a temperature sensor that cuts off boost charging when it's over 80 degrees. I was told that it was easy to overcharge them in really hot weather, which could cause them to leak. Not sure if that's true or not, but I have been very happy with our maintenance-free AGM batteries. I think you made a good choice, Lindsay!
The group 27's were the largest that would fit. I had a hard time getting the Group 27 gels out as I have to turn on end and and wiggle around. They are located under the entry steps as with most Winnie's. I picked them up and will install tomorrow. I hated to see the Gels go, but they wouldn't hold a charge anymore. I am hoping these AGM last longer than I do. I sold to my wife by convincing her that the lead/acid ones were $100 more and these were realty only $150 more than that. Boy are they heavy. I got oil changed and filters changed today. Sanitized the water tank. Doing the small stuff to get ready. My daughter has an appointment that my wife will accompany next week and then we hope to be off. Editing now. I got the batteries to fit into the compartment. Not an easy task. I was only able to hook up one lead as darkness overtook me. The post has a brass screw running down the center of it making hookups easy. The battery also came with an instruction manual.