airstream in alaska - year round

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by paalmlie, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. paalmlie

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    Sep 29, 2004
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    Will a 28 foot airstream hold up year round in Alaska?
    Will the same type hold up with air-conditioner in AZ?
  2. Arizonian

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    Apr 25, 2004
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    Will an Airstream with an A/C hold up year-round in Arizona? Probably. Depending on where you are in Arizona, you may have to replace the clear coat because the sun will do it in. The sun will also rot tires and the A/C housing. We don't have an Airstream. Our trailer has a first genberation rubber roof, which has been a mixed blessing. All the white rubber chalked off after 7 years in the Arizona sun. I've recoated it with EPDM roof coat, but it's a pain. I miss the aluminum roof on our old Wilderness.

    As for Alaska, my wife's aunt and uncle spent a winter in their 32 foot Airstream in Anchorage many years ago. I believe that they used a temporary skirting, and also burned up a lot of propane. Even at that, they reported frost forming on the windows, and also on the walls where the ribd are riveted through.

    Not much of an answer, I know.
  3. PappaDee

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    Aug 28, 2004
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    :D If you decide to attempt a winter in Alaska, plan on staying in Anchorage area since it's somewhat warmer than further north. We had a great trip when we went two years ago and are going back next year, but we have not desire to rough it through a winter. We spoke to a couple who sayed one winter and they endend up renting an aprtment for the last few months instead of staying in their unit since it got so uncomfortable, but we don't know the type of unit. We are sure it doesn't make much difference and depends on the level of comfort a person desires.

    Have a great trip and don't be in a hurry to see all the great sites while traveling through Canada also. Fabulous country
  4. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    We spent couple weeks in Alaska in Sep. I think you would die in the winter months at -70. If you run out of propane one night you would not make it out for help. You would need a 1000 lbs tank. People in dead of winter do not move around a lot. I think you would need to live in a ice house to stay warm.

    On AZ, the sun is very hot (120 plus) in summer months. I think the sun would cook you in short order. You would need very large A/C system to stay cool.

    I think it is better to move to a place that the weather is better as the year changes. If you are hot move north and if you are cold move south. Airstreams have wheels.

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