Asinine Reviews

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by fpresto, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. fpresto

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    Oct 12, 2008
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    I usually scan all of the new reviews to get ideas for our next trip and I have seen some really unusual ones but a new one today just about takes the cake. It is a review of the Creekwood Farm RV Park in Waynesville, NC. This person starts off "I WILL NEVER STAY HERE AGAIN!!! " So I decided to read to see what was so bad. His/her complainent was that the ground crew asked their friend to move off of their porch I assume they meant from under the awning and take their kid inside while they weedeated and mowed the campsite. His /her words to describe this was "HOW RUDE!". He/she then compared them to a maid in a hotel or a waitress. When his/her friend complained to the manager he told them that it was prudent to move her child while they were cutting the grass. His/her description of this was "The nerve!!!!!!"
    Since they already rated the campground a one I guess they couldn't have gone any lower if the child had been struck by a rock or if the grass hadn't been cut.
    I honestly thought this review was a joke at first and there are not really people like that out there but I was wrong. I have never been to this campground but am tempted to go now because I know they cut the grass.

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