Best Deal On A Site?

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by RVPR11, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. RVPR11

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    Jul 12, 2011
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    Hi, I'm a Canadian woman who can't take January and Feb cold anymore. I'd like some advice for buying, leasing, time-sharing, anything else, an desireable, fully serviced spot for my Class A, 30 footer, where I can know that for those 2 months, we have a place we can go where it is safe, warm, and fun. Even if it sits empty the rest of the year, or maybe I can rent it out to others when not used by me... anyway, really open to creative ideas, as always budget is an issue, so none of these 80,000 dollar spots in Florida. I'm looking for the least costly way I can do some version of this. All Ideas appreciated. I prefer east coast as I am on the east coast of Canada. Thanks in advance.
  2. Denali

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    Jan 11, 2005
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    In my opinion, you would be much better served by a short-term rental, for at least your first season. Once you get to an area that you like, you can investigate buying a site or taking our an annual rental contract.

    Committing to a site before spending a season there would be financially foolish. If Florida is like Arizona, where we spend most of our winters, there are hundreds of parks to choose from, and monthly rentals are readily available, especially if you reserve several months in advance.

    For example, one very nice park in Mesa, Arizona rents spaces for around $2,000 plus utilities for three months in the winter, but charges around $5,000 for an annual contract:
    Valle del Oro rate card

    You would have a very tough time renting out a site in the off season. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of such sites for rent in Mesa alone during the summer.

    Good luck with your exploration. It should be fun!
  3. Wink

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    Oct 17, 2008
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    I will jump in here for the east coast of Florida.As for timeshares or any thing like them run for you life or I should say your Bank Account.They are all a bill you have no control over how much it is going to be.Plus if you get sick or any thing and can`t come down your dues would still go on.They have very good sale pitches.A lot better than they turn out to be.Don`t believe for a minute that the pitches they give about you can all ways sell it if you need to.There are thousands trying to get out of those things across the country.
    As said just look for monthly rentals.There are many down here.Just reserve ahead of time as the good ones in Florida fill up fast starting about October.The further south the faster
    I live just south of Daytona and there are a few around me that are OK Camp Grounds.Sugar Mill Ruins Travel Park in New Smyrna Beach is one I can think of.It is quite all but race week and bike weeks and close to stores but not to close.We have Friends that stayed there a few winters.Until the husband got sick. As said above when they stopped coming but there rent stopped. Just do your home work and if you find one you like on line I will try to check it out as we camp some where one time a month some times in more than one park down here.
    Hope this helps and saves you some money and head ache. :)
  4. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    Being a Florida Native and resident, I highly recommend monthly rentals. During the land boom a few years back site prices skyrocketed and many, many sites are out there under water (owe more than the actual value). When a park get a lot of these and they start walking away, bad things can happen. I don't see the prices rebounding any time soon and if you rent, you can move around and find the best surroundings. Buying really locks you in. Finding a long term rental is not going to be hard in this economy.

    Good Luck

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