Campground Filter Suggestion

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by Keeter59, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Keeter59

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    Oct 17, 2013
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    Is there a way that you can add a filter for paved vs. gravel sites? I would MUCH rather stay on a paved site and with all the other great filters I hope you can add this one too.
  2. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    I believe the filters all relate to specific "yes/no" questions relating to a park. They are not taken from the reviews. To add another filter would require inserting a new question and it would have no effect on the ~200k reviews already in the system.

    I would also caution you about relying too much on the filters, anyway. The way the software works, a park's "score" in response to one of the questions, such as Shade trees Y/N? is determined not by the "majority" of the answers to that question for that park, but, rather, by the vote of the last person to enter a review. You might not think that is an issue since something like shade trees is pretty easy to answer and you would think that the answers ought to be pretty consistent. Unfortunately, they are not as consistent as one might imagine since many people answer them from their own perspective. Someone might write in his/her review that "there were a few trees around but there was no shade on my site!" Or they might write "the swimming pool was closed for the season" and check the "no" box.

    Although this may not sound sensible, I gather it would take a major change in the software to have the answers to the questions be determined by the majority of the reviews. And even then, what would happen when a park with many reviews suddenly decides to install a wifi system. Would you want to have to wait for years until the majority of the posted reviews acknowledged its presence? No system I can think of would avoid all possible problems.

    The site admins do try to check things when a reviewer suddenly changes a park's status relative to these questions, but with ~200 reviews per day for much of the year we don't catch them all. Therefore, I wouldn't put that much credence in using the filters. You might be leaving out parks that would meet your requirements. I have much more faith in the descriptive reviews.
  3. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    That is why it is up to the person looking up the campsite to check many reviews to get a feel for the park. We reviewers can be very fickle and it isn't usual to see very different reviews from the same park. A bad neighbor for one night can lead to a bad review. We always read a bunch of reviews when narrowing down on a campground. I have been in many parks that had paved, gravel, and grass sites in different parts of the park. it would be very hard to make a filter correct. If all else fails, call them and ask. You can state your preferences then.

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