Confused About Reviews

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by gilda, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. gilda

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    Aug 20, 2007
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  2. pianotuna

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    Jan 7, 2007
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    Hi Gilda.

    Reviews are now listed by date stayed--so sometimes when the camper posts the review a month or so later--it will be farther down the page.

    QUOTE(gilda @ Nov 9 2007, 09:46 AM) [snapback]9083[/snapback]

    I am having a problem with viewing the latest reviews. I'm not sure what the problem is. On the front where all of the newest reviews are, I click on the review. The new (latest) review is not coming up, only the older ones. I can tell by the number of stars and the dates. What am I doing wrong?
  3. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    I think I know what is happening. On the home page that lists the reviews the dates that are listed are the date the review was submitted (I think). Anyway if you will notice they are not always in date order. In fact the page displayed right now as I’m writing this has an October date mixed in with all the November ones. Anyway when you click on a review the link takes you to all the reviews for that particular CG which are now displayed in month/year order with the most recent review at the top. Here’s the problem I think you are experiencing. The newest review may not be the one listed on the home page. However, the one you actually clicked on will have a red box around it. You just have to scroll down until you find that red box.

    For instance let’s say that today someone submits a review for a CG they stayed at back in June. It will be posted on the home page with the date it was submitted (again I think). You click on the review and all the reviews for that CG are displayed. But let’s also say that between June and now there have been 10 other reviews submitted for this CG. The most recent review will be at the top of the page, but it is not the review from June, and if I’m correct it will not have a red box around it. To find the June review you must scroll down until you see the red box.
    Ok, that’s how I think this works. Did this make sense? I hope that I’m right and that this has helped you.

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