Even recalled Norcold fridges can catch on fire

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by docj, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Several weeks ago we had a bit of excitement in our RV park when the fridge in a neighboring 5th wheel caught on fire. Since this is an ownership park, the RV was unattended because its owners were at their home several hundred miles away. If one of my neighbors hadn't seen the smoke, the entire RV would have gone up in flames. As it is, there was serious smoke damage in addition to the damage caused by the fire department breaking in and removing the fridge.

    Today I walked by the site and noticed the fridge lying on the driveway next to the RV. Since I knew from the owners that the rig was a 2006 model I was curious as to whether or not the fridge had been properly recalled. Sure enough, hanging by a wire was the little "black box" that is installed during the recall--proudly labeled as a "High Temperature Protection Device" or something like that! [​IMG] I guess it didn't work all that well.

    I'm not posting this to criticize anyone's decision to use an RV fridge instead of a residential (which we now own), but because I wanted to make sure people realized that these fridges can catch on fire and, at least in this case, the recall device did not protect it. I get worried when I read of people resetting those limit switches because they don't want to be inconvenienced. Your life and those of your family could be at stake.

    Joel (AKA docj)

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