Hi everyone, A friend and me were having a random conversation and he started talking about different types of endorsements. Then he mentioned endorsements by fire departments, and we thought it would be fun to see what types of products people in general would favor because of a fire department's endorsement. So I pose that question here in the general chat for you to answer: What types of products would you buy if they were endorsed by a fire dept? Or if you had to choose between product A and product B, would the fact that product A is endorsed by a fire department affect your decision making process at all?? Feel free to be creative and have some fun with this.
I think that either a smoke alarm or fire extinguisher that was endoresed by the F.D. would probably weigh in if I were deciding between 2 different brands....
Excellent question. I have to say I am a little bias, being my son is a firefighter. Considering they respond to more than just a fire, he has told me stories of certain cars that have done well in crashes, as well as types of home insulation, that burn slower. How about childrens clothes and costumes. He is my hero so I would buy just about anything they endorse. Just my bias opinion,
I don't favor endorsements of any kind. I'd rather sample a product for myself and then decide if I would use or not use the product. I certainly wouldn't run out and buy a product just because it's endorsed by a fire department.