How badly has the fires in the western states affected your camping? As large as these fires seem to be there has to be a lot of closed areas to camping and changing plans. We're just hoping that our upcoming trip to Spearfish South Dakota is to badly effected in September.
Currently the prevailing winds are blowing the smoke from most all of the fires in a north easterly direction and on over into Idaho and a couple of other northern states. The weather folks are saying however that a change in direction is right around the corner which means the smoke will no doubt blow back to the west and south more than likely. Depending on when you head Spearfish you may not have any smoke to be concerned about. Would be a good idea to keep a daily check on all this. Hope you don't run into any smokey areas and that you enjoy a safe and great trip............ Regards, BankShot..............(aka Terry)
Here in colorado, its a niight and day difference on each side of the continental divide. . The western slope is in a severe drought, has several fires, and wood burning bans everywhere. The eastern side got out of our drought sutuation over the winter and this spring. No wood burning bans, and the only smoke is from tye california and west slope fires. We have gone camping several times for weekend trips, and will go again next weekend. Chris g.
Sitting in Big Arm, Mt and paid for the site to be able to see across the lake, only you can't see anywhere near as much because of the smoke. No smell of smoke, but a thick haze. Otherwise, we are having a blast..
Getting the thick smokie haze here in CT this past week, today was the worst. Hoping for lots of rain out west!! Mike