Free WiFi Box and Numbers of Reviews

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by Jerry S, May 6, 2017.

  1. Jerry S

    Jerry S
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    Jan 9, 2007
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    Now that I am back in the travelling mode, I have noticed that the parks I have reviewed so far all seem to have a "?" in the Free WiFi Box. These are parks that have had years of reviews including several from me. In each case I also submitted an "Edit" to put a check mark for Free WiFi. I have to think that something happened recently that cause many (if not all) park's review pages to show a "?" in the box even if reviewers have marked that the park does have WiFi.

    Also, I have noticed an unusually large number of reviews indicating that the reviewer has only "1" review. I thought you had to have "3" before any were posted. What gives?
  2. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    As I recall, the question about WiFi had originally had the option of including a price. It was reworded to specifically address "free wifi" and the system apparently isn't keyed to deduce that "wifi with a zero price" would be equal to "free". I'll pass your comments to the programming team to see if they can figure out a better way to handle this.

    Our policy was recently revised to remove the requirement to have submitted multiple reviews before any were posted. The policy was only minimally effective in deterring fake reviews and/or rants and it created other software issues. What you're noticing is that we have processed a large number of reviews from relatively new reviewers that were being held in the queue waiting for them to submit additional reviews.

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