Full-time Camping With Dogs

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by doggrrl, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. doggrrl

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    Aug 15, 2009
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    Hello, I am new to this site. Just wanted to get some information.
    My parents used to be fulltime RVers until they had to quit when my mother became ill. Now, 12 years later, my dad really wants to get back out there and camp fulltime in a travel trailer. I was recently laid off, so I am planning on travelling with him for a while--he's in his late 70's and I don't want him out there by himself. (Also it's something I've always wanted to do myself and it's the perfect opportunity!) The problem is that between us we have 5 dogs. They are all well-behaved, spayed, non-aggressive, etc. I am a former vet assistant and humane officer, so I am extremely conscientious about caring for my pets and not allowing them to bother others.
    My question is this: is it possible to find places to stay with that many pets? There is no question of "getting rid of" any of them--they're our family. We always pick up after them and would not leave them unattended for extended periods.
    I was also thinking of offering "pet-sitting services" to our fellow campers if the park didn't already have that service available. Do you think the other campers or park managers would be interested in this?
    Thanks for your input!
  2. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(doggrrl @ Aug 15 2009, 03:23 PM) [snapback]18341[/snapback]

    Hello, I am new to this site. Just wanted to get some information.
    My parents used to be fulltime RVers until they had to quit when my mother became ill. Now, 12 years later, my dad really wants to get back out there and camp fulltime in a travel trailer. I was recently laid off, so I am planning on travelling with him for a while--he's in his late 70's and I don't want him out there by himself. (Also it's something I've always wanted to do myself and it's the perfect opportunity!) The problem is that between us we have 5 dogs. They are all well-behaved, spayed, non-aggressive, etc. I am a former vet assistant and humane officer, so I am extremely conscientious about caring for my pets and not allowing them to bother others.
    My question is this: is it possible to find places to stay with that many pets? There is no question of "getting rid of" any of them--they're our family. We always pick up after them and would not leave them unattended for extended periods.
    I was also thinking of offering "pet-sitting services" to our fellow campers if the park didn't already have that service available. Do you think the other campers or park managers would be interested in this?
    Thanks for your input!

    Most places I've stayed have restrictions on breeds, not necessarily on number of dogs. However, I would venture to guess that many, if not most, would not agree to x number of dogs. What that number is would probably depend upon park management.

    With regard to petsitting, this is a good idea. However, many campgrounds located in popular tourist areas do offer that sort of service. This also would be something you would have to discuss with park management. If it was acceptable, don't expect to make much money as most pet owners prefer to have their pets in their RVs.
  3. Denali

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    Jan 11, 2005
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    Five dogs. Wow.

    I wouldn't let a dog ride in the trailer, so that means five dogs in the tow vehicle all the time. Wow.

    We have been on the road for seven years now, and I don't recall ever seeing anybody in a campground or an RV park with five dogs. Since they all would need to be on a leash all the time, how would that work?

    Most RV parks would not allow you in with five dogs. Most campgrounds probably don't care, but everybody requires that they be on a leash all the time. Remember, you won't have a fenced yard for them, and you will be living in what amounts to a VERY small apartment with no living room.

    Good luck.

    Dave Rudisill
  4. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    In the early '80's we traveled with 4 small dogs in a very small RV, and we were never turned away from a park for having too many pets. Walking them was always a tangle of leashes, but 4 identical black and tan mini Dachshunds coming down the road on a walk did draw a lot of attention (in a good way). We did go off and leave them alone in the air conditioned RV for short periods and to my knowledge no one ever had a problem with this or complained about them.

    Times are a bit different now. More parks have weight, breed, and number of pets restrictions. And if you've read one of the other topics on this website you know there are some places that will not allow animals to be left unattended even if they are inside the RV. This may make it a bit more difficult to find places that will allow your dogs, but if you plan ahead and ask about the rules hopefully you will be able to find parks that will accept them.

    Good luck with your travels.
  5. doggrrl

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    Aug 15, 2009
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    Thanks for the input! I know that 5 dogs is kinda crazy, but I didn't intend to be doing this when got them! They were all rescues that I ended up with through my job--one was left locked in the basement when his owners moved, another was picked up in a garbage dump as a puppy with a broken leg that was never treated, etc. (yeah, I'm a sucker). When I got them I owned a house with a big fenced yard, but I moved 150 miles and spent every penny I had to take a new job and now, after 1 1/2 yrs., I'm out. So it's not like I have anyplace else to go right now, and I want to make my dad happy and give him a chance to live his dream for a little while anyhow. The dogs won't like the confined space, but maybe I'll stay in shape walking them 2 at a time! (My dad can walk his dog and I'll walk my 4) Hey, it's gonna be no picnic for me living in about 30" with my dad either, but as long as we're all with loved ones, I think we'll be okay! The biggest problem will be finding places to stay, I know! But I'l trying to go into this with a positive attitude that everything will work out and it will be a great adventure!
  6. John S.

    John S.
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    Nov 2, 2003
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    I travel with 3 small dogs. I think the size of the dogs matters as well as the breeds.I know that some insurance companies will restrict certain breeds. I like all dogs and in a way it is not fair but some people have latched onto breeds for no good and it hurts all of us. I think you will be ok but you might have issues at some campgrounds but you should be able to find dog friendly ones too.
  7. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    QUOTE(doggrrl @ Aug 16 2009, 09:28 AM) [snapback]18356[/snapback]

    I know that 5 dogs is kinda crazy

    Not at all. We had 7 animals at one time, but we had a big house and yard and weren't traveling in an RV then. We once met a fellow RVer who was traveling with 6 cats. I think it is even better that you rescued yours. I wish all abandoned and/or hurt animals could be so lucky to find a good home. Keep up the good work.
  8. Cheryl

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    Mar 16, 2004
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  9. RV Camper1

    RV Camper1
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    Jul 10, 2005
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    While five might be more than some of us would want, you are not "some of us." If the five dogs and two of you can be happy in the RV, they why not? You have already indicated that you do the things required for proper travel with pets so I just don't see the issue.

    Yes, there are parks which do have limits on size, or breed or numbers, but there are also many parks which do not. Just select those which don't. In addition, some of the best places to stay are public parks such as state or Corps of Engineers parks which are more spacious and usually cost less. I really thing that for the most part, these would be a better choice for you with the crew that you have.

    And good for you for heading out with your dad. I am about ten years younger, but hope to continue for five to ten more years, myself!
  10. nicki

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    Aug 23, 2008
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    I have to admit that if I pulled up next to you in a CG and counted your dogs I would be very skeptical at first (even though I am a dog lover) but I would be very quickly won over once I saw them on leashes, saw that you were tending to them, and realized you were not allowing them to bark all day long. And my kids would probably beg to help you with the dog walking!! If any of your dogs are small, you could get one of those metal play yards and set it up outside the camper for them. (Not sure if this is allowed because then they technically aren't on leashes, but as your hypothetical neighboring camper I would fine with it.)

    And doggrrl, you are not a sucker, but a kind, humane person. The world needs more people like you. Good luck.
  11. Cheryl

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    Mar 16, 2004
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    Not sure if this is allowed because then they technically aren't on leashes

    So far this has been allowed at every campground I have been to. I always ask when making the reservation. But you would need more than one, I have 5 I fasten together. And you could use them for larger dogs. They come in varying heights - from 24' tall to 48".

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