We are looking at a trip into the mountains of North East Ga. I will be traveling from Kentucky down I-75 headed to Helen Ga. I notice google maps takes us off I-75 at Sweetwater Tn and traveling what appears as back roads which seem to get worst the farther into the mountains you travel. My question is does anyone know this route and how roads are for a 36 ft 5th Wheel?
I just saw your post today. Hope it is not too late to reply? I know the route you mention very well as our summer home is off TN 68 and we travel it often. TN 68 from I-75 through Sweetwater to Tellico Plains is a pleasant drive with rolling hills and a nice,wide road. After Tellico Plains (a beautiful place) there is a steep incline for 10 miles but the road is good with frequent passing lanes. At Coker Creek, the mountains become a little tighter and the road is more curvy. After Coker Creek, it descends to the Hiwassee River and becomes very curvy. After crossing the river, there is a steep grade up to Farner. After that, the road follows rolling hills and mostly easy curves to Ducktown, where it joins US 64. You can continue on TN 68 which become GA 5 to Blue Ridge, GA. and on to Helen. The section from Tellico Plains to Ducktown is about 30 miles and we have traveled it with a number of different RV's, U-Hau's, & etc. Several years ago, US 64 through the Ocoee Gorge was closed for over a year and this route was the alternative route to reach I-75. DOT did their best to widen the curves and otherwise make it more user friendly. Remember that 18 wheelers and other traffic use this route with no problems. Just take it easy. lizzie
FYI, if your reply was to late for Paul and Linda just know that it will help others. It is great that you detailed the road from point to point. Makes us want to to the trip and perhaps, one day we will. Darrell & Jerry