Get The Park Name And Location Correct

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by acampingfan, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. acampingfan

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    Aug 3, 2010
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    Just a suggestion for those who "POST" reviews on here. If your going to do so, at least get the Correct information posted! As a quick example, In Grand Teton National Park(which I have been to) there are a ton of comments regarding Colter Bay CG. More than a few of these comments are not about Colter Bay but instead in the narrative, there about Gros Ventre. So, here I am looking for reviews about Colter Bay and most everything Im reading is about Gros Ventre. When you look at comments under the Gros Ventre section, there is (1) comment????? I wont even get into the confusion about Colter Bay RV Park opposed to Colter Bay Campground. Geez.....!!!! I know its tough to remember sometimes the name of the Park your trying to Rag on(or compliment)..but come on. IMHO

    Im sure Im not the first to address this, am I? :D
  2. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Even before your post, we were aware that the Grand Teton NP listings are a mess, and we have been trying to straighten them out.

    Part of the problem is we have not yet verified the correct names for the different campgrounds (especially those in or near Colter Bay). A member recently sent in what he claimed were the names, but there was no other source that showed these names to be correct. He also said one campground was for tents only when the website clearly states that they have tent and RV sites. See the problem?

    We are also aware that there is a duplicate campground name under GTNP and Moran, WY. We believe the park by this name is actually in Moran, but we cannot tell if the reviews for the GTNP listing are for the Moran park or for one of the GT parks, but we’re working on it.

    We know that some of the reviews for Gros Ventre are under other listings, and we will eventually get them moved. We think this probably happened because members chose to tack the review onto an existing park rather than filling out a new park form. So your "suggestion" to reviewers to be sure to choose the right park is appreciated.

    We will eventually get this straightened out as well as we can, but past experience with other national parks (i.e. Big Bend NP in Texas) has shown us these will probably still continue to get mixed up.
  3. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(acampingfan @ Aug 26 2011, 03:18 PM) [snapback]27313[/snapback]

    Just a suggestion for those who "POST" reviews on here. If your going to do so, at least get the Correct information posted! As a quick example, In Grand Teton National Park(which I have been to) there are a ton of comments regarding Colter Bay CG. More than a few of these comments are not about Colter Bay but instead in the narrative, there about Gros Ventre. So, here I am looking for reviews about Colter Bay and most everything Im reading is about Gros Ventre. When you look at comments under the Gros Ventre section, there is (1) comment????? I wont even get into the confusion about Colter Bay RV Park opposed to Colter Bay Campground. Geez.....!!!! I know its tough to remember sometimes the name of the Park your trying to Rag on(or compliment)..but come on. IMHO

    Im sure Im not the first to address this, am I? :D

    You definitely not the first to address this type of problem, but I will tell you what will happen. The people that run this forum/web site will bust their butts to research and get the appropriate answers for everyone. They have done it for me and they will do it in you case as well.

    If you notice how many reviews have been made you will understand why there can be confusion at times. It's similar to me rating a CG as a "9" and you rating it as a "5". Kinda like different strokes for different folks.
  4. acampingfan

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    Aug 3, 2010
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    I have to say that I have used the "RV Park Review" for many years but havent bothered with the Forum so much. I have seen these issues before here although it only really came to light today as I am planning to go to Colter Bay CG. I have been to Gros Ventre and I knew right away what I was reading didnt add up. So I guess in my disappointment, I lashed out about this problem......sorry if I ruffled any feathers, it was just me blowing off some steam. Thanks..... :)
  5. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    My feathers are quite smooth; thanks for your concern. :) I just thought you deserved an explanation as to why we have such a mess for these listings. Our members deserve and have come to expect accurate information, so it is a frustration to us when we cannot readily provide it.
  6. Fitzjohnfan

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    Apr 6, 2010
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    There are the same problems in Custer State Park, SD. some reviews are under the specific campground, and some are under the generic heading for CSP. I mentioned it to the admin folks and I trust they are woking to correct it as best as possible.

    Wish the users would look over the parks in the area they stayed to see how they're entered into the system, so they get it right the first time.
  7. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    QUOTE(Fitzjohnfan @ Aug 27 2011, 12:48 AM) [snapback]27334[/snapback]

    There are the same problems in Custer State Park, SD. some reviews are under the specific campground, and some are under the generic heading for CSP. I mentioned it to the admin folks and I trust they are woking to correct it as best as possible.

    Wish the users would look over the parks in the area they stayed to see how they're entered into the system, so they get it right the first time.

    Yeah, this one is on our to do list, also. Typically we do not have much time to work on big problems like these in the summer due to all the reviews that come in. I hate to say it, but it could be winter before we have time to work on these problem areas.
  8. Jerry S

    Jerry S
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    Jan 9, 2007
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    The following problem seems to fit the category of this thread. Sorry to add to admin's work but I did notice a duplication error while researching a park I will be using again next week. It is the Wisconsin State Fair RV Park listed under Milwaukee, WI. There are 2 listing for the same park. A second listing was started in 2010. The original listing was started years earlier and has more reviews. While the park (the entire State Fairgrounds in fact) are in West Allis, WI. It is a suburb that border Milwaukee on the west. It is probably better to leave the park listed under Milwaukee because more people who want to be near Milwaukee will find it if it remains listed under Milwaukee.
  9. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Hey Jerry,

    This was an easy fix. Thanks for calling it to our attention.
  10. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    This is an update on Grand Teton park mix up. The admins have worked lots of hours to fix this mess. We have added a number of items to help people get the reviews in the correct park. Reviews were also moved into the correct place. The park information is correct at this time so we hope to keep it this way. It would help if people would take the time to look at the correct place and then click "Review this Campground".

    The other Nat. Parks will be worked on as soon as the summer rush is over. We have around 500 reviews we are worked on all the time know. :)
  11. Fitzjohnfan

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    Apr 6, 2010
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ Aug 27 2011, 12:08 AM) [snapback]27336[/snapback]

    Yeah, this one is on our to do list, also. Typically we do not have much time to work on big problems like these in the summer due to all the reviews that come in. I hate to say it, but it could be winter before we have time to work on these problem areas.

    No complaints here, you guys do an awsome job! keep up the good work.
  12. acampingfan

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    Aug 3, 2010
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    Just to be sure, my starting this "thread" wasnt directed toward the hard working group that administer this Forum and the Review's, it was more directed toward "us" the Reviewer's, to take a moment extra in assuring your Review goes into the Right place. I appreciate the work that goes into keeping all this information in a usable, understandable format.
  13. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    QUOTE(acampingfan @ Sep 4 2011, 05:34 PM) [snapback]27455[/snapback]

    Just to be sure, my starting this "thread" wasnt directed toward the hard working group that administer this Forum and the Review's, it was more directed toward "us" the Reviewer's, to take a moment extra in assuring your Review goes into the Right place. I appreciate the work that goes into keeping all this information in a usable, understandable format.

    I think the admins took your original post in the way you have expressed above, but it did point out a huge problem with Grand Teton NP. So we jumped in got it straight. We know there are many others that are like this--Custer State Park, as Fitzjohnfan pointed out--and we will eventually get to them. We do appreciate your suggestion that members take the time to be sure they have the park name and location correct. That would be a big help. So thanks for calling it to everyone's attention.
  14. Maine-iacs

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    Oct 4, 2004
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    I'm ashamed to say that I just joined the ranks of the boneheads! :ph34r:

    Please move my review of Colter Bay to the Colter Bay RV section. Also, the last review posted in that section seems to be a review of Fishing Bridge. It was from a new user.

    Thanks for this service you provide. We've been using it religiously on this Western trip.
  15. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    Your review was sent back with information on how to fix it. On the review that may be for Fishing Bridge, I do not see this information. The review could be from any Nat. Park from what I see. Can you tell me more? :)

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