Gray Water Recycling

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by pianotuna, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. pianotuna

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    Jan 7, 2007
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    Hi all,

    There are a few folks who have gone to the trouble of using a system that filters gray water and then uses that water to flush the toilet. The system below is intended for a house--but with some modifications (such as loosing the tank) it could be easily used in an RV.

    Does anyone know of a company that retro fits such a system? Costs would be a "T" before the dump valve, a filter (changeable and cheap such as a 30 micron unit), a 2nd pump, and some means of winterizing the pump.
  2. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    We use the Gray water from washing dishes. We dump it into the Black tank. This adds more water to Black tank (a good thing) and saves space in Gray tank. If we dry camp this will buy a little more time before you need to dump again.
  3. John S.

    John S.
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    Nov 2, 2003
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    I do not really worry about grey vs black tank. My grey tank is 110 gallons or so and my black tank is 54 gallons and my water is 102 so I run out of black tank before I run out of grey. Also the newer coaches have gone to one large holding tank and that is a good idea as well. I also have a bornfree and it has much smaller tanks but hte black still fills first. My grey is twice as big as my black tank. Now I can say we can dry camp over a week with no issues with either tank.
  4. Denali

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    Jan 11, 2005
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    QUOTE(John S. @ Aug 19 2009, 06:20 AM) [snapback]18445[/snapback]
    ... Also the newer coaches have gone to one large holding tank and that is a good idea as well. ...
    I think you are mistaken. I believe that Foretravel and Newell have rigs with a single waste tank, but I have never heard of any other big rigs doing that. I know that Monaco, the largest single produce of diesel pushers until they went belly up this year, never did that.

    What happens if you overfill your waste tank? Does the contents back up into the shower? ("Don't do that" is not a useful reply. :) )

    Dave Rudisill
    2004 Beaver Monterey
  5. John S.

    John S.
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    Nov 2, 2003
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    Dave you are right on Monaco not using a single tank but I have seen it in bus conversions and truck conversions as well. I have been told it works better though I have two tanks. I understand about filling and backing up into the shower as well.... Not a pleasant picture or site or smell.

    If you are boondocking though and recycling grey water or boondocking and your single tank is bigger than your water supply as is the case then this should not happen.I fear it would happen when you are hooked up only.
  6. Denali

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    Jan 11, 2005
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    QUOTE(John S. @ Aug 20 2009, 05:49 AM) [snapback]18490[/snapback]

    Dave you are right on Monaco not using a single tank but I have seen it in bus conversions and truck conversions as well. I have been told it works better though I have two tanks. I understand about filling and backing up into the shower as well.... Not a pleasant picture or site or smell.

    If you are boondocking though and recycling grey water or boondocking and your single tank is bigger than your water supply as is the case then this should not happen.I fear it would happen when you are hooked up only.

    Good point, John, but it depends on how you boondock.

    We have spent months at a time boondocking in Quartzsite. I have a 30 gallon "Water Boy" fresh water bag with an attached 12 VDC pump. When I go in to town, I fill that up in the back of the Explorer (toad), so we have unlimited fresh water.

    We dump our dish water down the toilet if it isn't too greasy.I also have a 10-gallon blue boy that I use for gray water. I can lift that 85 pound thing into the back of the Explorer to take to the dump station. Every 7-10 days I call a honey wagon and have both tanks pumped. We let both tanks fill up before we call them.

    Our favorite honey wagon in Quartzsite is "The Duck." His motto is "The Duck Sucks for Twenty Bucks." :)
  7. John S.

    John S.
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    Nov 2, 2003
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    That is one of the reasons I keep the Foretravel, the tanks are huge. I looked a a newell the other day and they had 200 gallons of water and a large single tank that would hold about the same. You gave up some storage underneath but it was for a race car owner who camped at the track. I guess it was a hardship.....

    I can go at the kids house a week with no problems and can make two weeks in the Foretravel if we are careful.

    I would love to get out to AZ again. I spent a month and a half out there a couple years ago. It was great weather in the winter compared to the snow and ice here in the mountains of VA. then again last winter was very pleasant and not a huge snow or cold machine. It has been that way for a couple of years now but I fear the reversion to the mean will hurt us this year.

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