Happy Birthday To Me

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Cheryl Fuller, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Okay guys - today is my 49th birthday - heap those good wishes on me!!! Have been busy with a new pup (what was I thinking???) We got a female maltese as a companion to our male. She is only 10 weeks old. When we bought her, they told us that she was paper trained. Guess what - they lied. The only thing she does with newspaper is shred it all over the floor!!! Our male was pad trained 4 days after we brought him home. We have had her almost a week and she shows no interest in going where she is supposed to. She does go EVERYWHERE else though, so I spend my days following her around, cleaning up pee and poo and saying "NO, bad potty" and running her to the pad. We are leaving next week to go to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone in the RV and I am dreading taking her as there is carpeting in the motorhome. I keep her confined to the kitchen now as it has a tile floor. Well, was just checking in as I haven't post lately.
  2. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    A big Happy Birthday from the Blue's and how did you get past the big 39? Good luck with Mr. DOG and have a great trip to the hole and Yellowstone. Keep rolling up the miles before we get to old to travel anymore. Remember life is good!
  3. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Thanks John. I guess I could claim I was 39 with 10 years experience!!! Actually, I have never had a birthday that bothered me. Some of my friends dreaded turning 30, then 40, but I have relished each and every one of them. And getting older certainly beats the alternative. And I agree - life is good. I remember 6 months ago, when I was crying constantly because my baby had moved out of the house and I was in the midst of a terrible empty nest syndrome and I thought I would never accept that he was gone - and now I am loving it being just hubby and me. As much as I love my kids, now when they come over and visit for a while, I am ready for them to go home. Yes, life is truly wonderful!!!
  4. Browzin

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    Mar 20, 2005
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    Happy birthday Cheryl, hope you enjoy celebrating the 10th anniversary of your 39th birthday. "OH TO BE SO YOUNG AGAIN". Enjoy it while you can, for some strange reason time just keeps marching on.
    Also good luck with the new puppy...
  5. Meterman46

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    Mar 12, 2006
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    Happy Birthday Cheryl, From the Murray's In Illinios Hope you had a Great Day!!!!!!!! We will be celebrating our son's 10th birthday july 4th and also mine 38th on july 7th. We will celebrating in style as we will be camping in TN . It's kinda of our way of celebrating his birthday seeing how hard it is to get friends over on the 4th of july. So we let him choose either a party....or a vacation guess what he picks most of the time....LOL he loves to explore everything and it is Family time We will always treasure as he is our only child. Once again Happy Birthday from the Murray's & Ruby ( our shepard/schnasser mix) Good Luck with the pup too
  6. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Gee, thanks guys, and I got a personal email from Cheryl so thanks to her too - who by the way just had a birthday too, but didn't tell us. Meterman, enjoy that youngster - too quickly they grow up and leave home. like I said, when that happens - it is awful - I don't think you were around here then, but I was on here boo-hooing about it at the time. I don't remember if it was John Blue or John S. but one of them was offering to send me a 29 yr. old if I was really that miserable. Hubby kepy saying how wonderful it was going to be because we could be a couple again and not just mom and dad and I didn't see it then, but now over 6 months later, I see he was right. Now I realize that we did a great job as parents and raised 2 wonderful, productive, successful men and I couldn't ask for more. But there are those times, I do wish I could turn back the hands of time and force them to go places with us!!! 38 - wow, you are just a young pup!!! And hello Browzin - don't think we have chatted since the "stove" topic. Hey, has anyone heard from Butch lately? I know BeastDriver is on the road so isn't actively posting, but haven't seen any from Butch in a while.
  7. Butch

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    Jul 23, 2005
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    We wish you a very Happy Birthday, (sorry We are a day late), but wish you the best. Have not heard from you lately, but hope you and yours have a great summer, safe travels and good health. Good luck with the pup.
  8. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    Cheryl: You are right. We are on the road but I am remiss in wishing you a happy birthday because I am so jealous of someone who is only 49 but gets to travel as much as you and your family! Congratulations. May you enjoy many, many more.

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