Holy cow .... camping princess!

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Medic73, Apr 9, 2018.

  1. Medic73

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    Jun 7, 2004
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    Been reading the forum (this one and others) and am AMAZED at peoples expectations when they are CAMPING.

    OK I sorta get it - your in your big motorhome and you don't want to drive on dirt or gravel (YIKS). So when I see a one/off (i.e 1st) review of a campground - I / you can be pretty sure they have an axe to grind.

    BUT ................................................ princess.

    100+ reviews and your complaint in your 1/4 - 1/2 million dollar MO is that 45.00/night is too much to pay for a full service site (you know who you are) and OMG you wern't waited on by a concierge AND didn't have 100 mb/sec WiFi .......... and OMG dirt..... please go park in a WALMART.
    Paythebill likes this.
  2. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    I read the above post and was going to just move on and not chance stirring up a hornet's nest but then remembered a neighbor who lived up the road a piece a few years ago that did own and use a motorhome that was worth more than most houses on the street. He and I would sip a cold one every so often and I would love to listen to him rant and rave about how the local Chevron station could get away with charging so much more for their gas than the indy stations nearby. He refused to fill his motorhome or any of his other vehicles at Chevron and used the indy stations all the time. No doubt he could afford to pay the higher prices because the guy was in fact a millionaire several times over. Gas price rants along with how he would also rip into the markets in the area for charging so much for fruit and veggies made him sound like a real cheapskate although he most assuredly wasn't. Here's my point in all this. You don't suppose he got to be a millionaire by being "frugal" do you? I do because I happen to be the same way in the same areas. I will spend money when I feel I need to but I refuse to pay the prices for things when I feel I'm being ripped off. An RV park that charges $45 a night but offers very little in the way of amenities and has us parking on dirt pads that are not level and the hookups are poor, etc. is not going to have our coach spending the night there. But we will pay that to stay at one that offers a bunch of amenities and has level concrete or asphalt pads, etc. We don't like paying the prices being charged by some parks anymore than a "princess" would as we have a budget we live by when traveling and we live on that budget so we can continue to travel. Don't be so hard on others that might actually be really neat folks if you met them. They probably are just being a bit frugal also so they too can keep traveling on down the road. Don't mean to offend you in any ways Medic73 and also don't want to start anything by posting what I said. We are all different and we all have things that bug us or tick us off that rolls off the back of another RVer like water off a duck's back. Keep those posts coming and welcome to the forum. Lots or really neat folks here once you get involved and get to know them...................:D

    Safe and happy travels, BankShot................(aka Terry)
    Paythebill likes this.
  3. mdcamping

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    Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    One way to look at a reviewer with a long review history is how consistant are the reviews. If the reviewer is consistantly scoring low then at least the reviewer is "consistant" or has a pattern of just scoring low. Those type of reviews still have a valve in my opinion. :)

    Paythebill and BankShot like this.
  4. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    When we choose a park for a stay we usually stay at one of the highest rated parks in a particular area. IMO these days I fully expect to pay $40-50 per night (including taxes) for such accommodations with full hookups. I rarely use any of a park's amenities; all I want is an attractive, easy to access and safe place to spend the night. Although paved roads and pads are nice; I really don't mind gravel or even smooth dirt. When we're traveling our MH gets plenty dirty; a little dust from the park isn't such a big deal IMO.

    I'm not saying that I wouldn't enjoy paying less, but it seems as if I rarely can these days. Therefore, I am puzzled by complaints that $45 is too much unless a park is unusually attractive. For this summer's vacation I think I am holding reservations ranging from $35-82. This includes both overnight stops and destination parks.
    Paythebill likes this.
  5. Medic73

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    Jun 7, 2004
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    soooooooo .... interesting responses, (Bankshot) valid from your perspective, but from mine - no.

    I guess I was responding TOO BROADLY when I should have responded more specifically.

    Broadly because I like to read the new reviews and often see (terrible reviews - 1st and only review) ... YAA you (not you Bankshot) got a burr up your butt about something that you took umbrage to.

    BUT I saw a review of one of the spots that I have been to, and - (maybe there should be a direct feedback on someones review - you know review the review).

    The complaints the multi-poster (I should - will go back and look at the posters hx - good idea) were petty ..... had been all discussed / rated and talked about on previous CG reviews .... this should not have been a surprise.

    ie: boutique / tiny CG, dirt roads / $$ as there are FEW CG options anywhere else close and the cherry on top ...... this is a working farm .... the owners are busy .... self serve .... get your own cable TV equipment. They will eventually be around to collect $$.

    So ....... OK some like the glamping life - if so review the CG here - no surprises. (checked 23% poor - terrible ... please check before you book so your not disappointed 1 out 4 stays).
    #5 Medic73, Apr 10, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2018
    Paythebill likes this.

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