How Much Do Other "numerical" Scores Affect Your Rating?

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by DXSMac, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    When you prepare a review, is your review "colored" by the numerical scores other people assigned?

    When I read previous reviews, I try really hard NOT to notice the numbers, only the comments. (This is hard to do...)

    Then, I try to assign my own score based on what I wrote. After I figure out what score I want to give, then I look to see what number others gave. Most of the time, I'm in line.....

    But it's hard not to be influenced by the numbers.....

  2. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    When you prepare a review, is your review "colored" by the numerical scores other people assigned?

    Like you, I try not to look when doing the review, but do look when selecting the campground. I try to compare apples to apples. We just stayed at 2 state parkes which I rated pretty high. I judged against other state parks. Neither had sewer or WiFI, but state parks frequently don't. I don't rate against a KOA with a pool and all. All that information is listed anyway. I just write the review and the correct number jumps out at me. I once downgraded a park because the ranger lady was nasty about us using Passport America discount club and put us into a bad site when others were availalbe during the off season. Rate them as you would rate a beautiful woman, 1 thu 10. You don't have to get all of the measurements, eye color, hair color and the rest. The number just comes to you, but don't tell my wife.
  3. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    QUOTE(Lindsay Richards @ Nov 13 2008, 07:32 PM) [snapback]13890[/snapback]

    Like you, I try not to look when doing the review, but do look when selecting the campground. I try to compare apples to apples. We just stayed at 2 state parkes which I rated pretty high. I judged against other state parks. Neither had sewer or WiFI, but state parks frequently don't. I don't rate against a KOA with a pool and all. All that information is listed anyway. I just write the review and the correct number jumps out at me. I once downgraded a park because the ranger lady was nasty about us using Passport America discount club and put us into a bad site when others were availalbe during the off season. Rate them as you would rate a beautiful woman, 1 thu 10. You don't have to get all of the measurements, eye color, hair color and the rest. The number just comes to you, but don't tell my wife.

    I stayed at a privately owned park near a beach, and they had a fantastic "off season" rate, I couldn't believe how cheap it was! But when I asked if they had Good Sam or AAA, the lady said "no" but she copped this "tude" like...... "I can't believe you are asking for a discount, our off season prices are already cheap!!!!" I debated about whether to mention that in the review, but I decided not to. I didn't get put in any better or worse spot than anyone else so I just figured it was a "thing."

  4. BBear

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    Feb 20, 2004
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    No, other numerical scores do not affect my rating when I do my review. I base my review solely on my experience and not that of others.

    That's not to say I don't look at other numerical ratings when looking for a campground. But, more important than the numerical score is the review that is written. Because, unfortunately, you will have people give a campground a low mark or a high mark based on just one thing and these are the reviews and numerical ratings I tend to read and disregard in making a decision to go to a campground, because there is more to a campground than just one aspect.

    I tend to give more credence to those people who post "overall" reviews of their experiences at campgrounds and who just don't talk about one thing they either liked or disliked.
  5. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    I have noticed I rate more conservatively that couple years ago. Not radically mind you. :(
    Am curious...when researching a route, if a park has been recently rated in the 7,8,9+ quadrant, it gets marked on the map as a potential stop. How do you research?
  6. BBear

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    Feb 20, 2004
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    QUOTE(FosterImposters @ Nov 14 2008, 12:51 PM) [snapback]13903[/snapback]

    I have noticed I rate more conservatively that couple years ago. Not radically mind you. :(
    Am curious...when researching a route, if a park has been recently rated in the 7,8,9+ quadrant, it gets marked on the map as a potential stop. How do you research?

    I won't rule out any campground just based on the rating. But, like I said before, when I do my research I look at the review and what is said about the campground and the reasoning for the rating. And, the remarks are what I base my decision on staying or not staying at campgrounds.

    I tend to see those who give an overall review of a campground usually give ratings that are mid-range and those are definitely ones that I would want to stay at. But, I also won't rule out staying at lower rated campgrounds just because in the review the person had just one issue with the campground that wouldn't even affect me. And, not just to point the finger at those who rate a campground lower because of one issue, the same goes to those who rate a campground high based on one issue, like perhaps the location or that they have free Wi-Fi. I like to know more about a campground than just one or two things. But, that's just me, lol.


    Oct 5, 2008
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    Good question!

    I look at the scores when searching for campgrounds, but then do not look again when I rate them once we arrive. I am always curious though, to go back and see how my score (more my comments) compare to others. Always surprising to see different people's priorities. :)

  8. MaineDon

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    Jan 31, 2007
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    I don 't think I am affected by the previous reviews of others. I usually have a pretty good idea of what I think about a park after staying there; and try to express the good things and the bad things as succinctly as possible. I do read the reviews of others, but usually after I've written. When selecting a park to stay in, I definitely look for recurring themes in the reviews of others.
  9. weighit

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    Aug 31, 2006
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    Absolutely I look at the numbers rating before I decide to use a campground. If they are all low numbers, I don't even consider stopping and spending my money there. If they are mid to high, then I can be assured that in the past the folks who took the time to post a number have been mostly pleased. Why waste time on parks that just don't seem to get it???? I'm in control of my money and will spend it with those that earn it.
  10. Lee and Fran

    Lee and Fran
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    Feb 13, 2007
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    I rate a place strictly on how it is when I am there. And as for what others have post about a park, if the post is not in the past 90 days I find it may not be worth anything. I have found parks that are good and bad that changed ownership or manager within a 90 day period. I cant remember the names but a couple of times I have looked at parks and saw nothing said in months and arrived to find new facilities, new management, new owners and so on. In the past 12 months I have stayed at 6 or 7 rv parks of which two are under new ownership and two were under new management. 4 out of 7 changing and seemed to me for the better.
  11. KevinBurns

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    Oct 18, 2008
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    I do look at the numbers when picking a place to stay. Some of the places that have been highly rated don't really suit what we're looking for. I'll admit that I'm much more likely to research and consider a place that is highly rated. When it comes to posting a rating, I try to use what I think and not what someone else thought.

    So far, I've been pretty much in agreement with the ratings. I think most of what I've read has been accurate. We've only stayed at six places and rated three. The unrated places were just overnight stays and I don't think it would be fair to rate them on limited experience.
  12. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    The unrated places were just overnight stays and I don't think it would be fair to rate them on limited experience.

    Actually many people want to know if a place is a good place to stay just overnight. Those parks have certain characteristics--such as close to highway, low level of traffic noise, easy in/out, pull throughs available so no unhooking, easily accessible hookups, etc., anything that would facilitate staying just one night. Many reviewers state that they just stayed one night and did not see certain things, but they tell about what they did see. So go ahead and add your other 3 parks if you want to. All reviews are appreciated.
  13. RLM

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    Aug 24, 2006
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    I use the numbers. They help me decide a couple of things.

    One is where to start looking when there are numerous CGs listed in a particular geographical area. The places with higher ones get read first. Two, is if there is a major difference in the numbers between reviewers, I’m inclined to read the reviews more carefully. I may even check a reviewer’s previous history.

    The nice thing about reviews is that they are at least somewhat subjective. One’s opinion is so much better than a camp ground directory where those numbers are given based mostly on amenities. Now I grant that I’ve never been disappointed in a 10/10/10, but have been burned by some 8/8/8s.

    There is one number that is more important than the rest. That’s the dollar number. I find it a bit annoying for someone to put in a discounted rate and then not explain that it was. Same goes for state parks that charge extra for non-residents, extra guests, etc.
  14. Tom

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    Oct 12, 2004
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    QUOTE(DXSMac @ Nov 13 2008, 02:24 PM) [snapback]13877[/snapback]

    When you prepare a review, is your review "colored" by the numerical scores other people assigned?

    I guess it is. Hard to say. We read reviews of campgrounds before we stay at them, so when I sit down afterwards to write a review I remember the previous reviews. Also in many reviews you read things like "And the previous reviewer was wrong about...", so obviously others are being influenced by previous reviews.

    What I find really interesting is being the first to review a campground and not give a really good rating. I reviewed a campground and gave it a "7" for a variety of reasons that I detailed. A few months later, a bunch of reviews showed up that were 9s and 10s... by reviewers that only had 2 other reviews (read the 2 other reviews: they usually consist of one sentence) -- the minimum required to start posting reviews. Know what I mean? Obviously people and/or owners "defending" their campground. So... their "review" is influenced by previous reviewers! lol

    When reviewing a campground I keep in mind the type if campground when reviewing. A "rustic" state park will get a 10 along with a full-on resort from me if they are clean and well run.

    P.S. Wow, I just "reviewed" my reponse... how many times can you use the word "review" and variations of it in one "review" response? :lol:
  15. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    QUOTE(Tom @ Nov 20 2008, 08:00 AM) [snapback]14024[/snapback]

    What I find really interesting is being the first to review a campground and not give a really good rating. I reviewed a campground and gave it a "7" for a variety of reasons that I detailed. A few months later, a bunch of reviews showed up that were 9s and 10s... by reviewers that only had 2 other reviews (read the 2 other reviews: they usually consist of one sentence) -- the minimum required to start posting reviews. Know what I mean? Obviously people and/or owners "defending" their campground. So... their "review" is influenced by previous reviewers! lol

    Tom, I hadn't thought of that! Wow. I guess this can happen!

    I've only been "first" a couple of times.... and so far, no one has posted any other reviews to challenge my "Firsts."


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