Hi all, I have a missing or broken switch on my KIB Micro Monitor Tank system panel ( Model KIB M28VW). I would like to know if I need to change out the entire unit or if it is possible to remove and replace the switch component only. If so, how easy or difficult is it to pull the switch out to find the type of switch to order, and if know where to order (type). I attached some Pictures of the panel (KIB M28MW) showing the missing/broken switch when I bought the trailer recently. It is a 2008 33ft Palomino Thoroughbred Travel Trailer. Thank you kindly for your help
https://www.amazon.com/KIB-M28VW-Micro-Monitor-System/dp/B009WQPV8O Its 13 years old I would just replace the Monitor. Good luck Mike
The pump switch replacement is a pretty easy fix if you are somewhat of a handy kind of guy. It just snaps into place. You need to remove the face plate in order to squeeze the retainers that hold the switch. Make note of where the connections plug in. It is important that yuou get them correct as the toggle switch is lit (three poles). Does everythinbg else work on the monitor? If not, then I would do as Miuke suggests. Replace the entire monitor. https://www.amazon.ca/KIB-SWOKLED1-...ocphy=9001547&hvtargid=pla-570241815509&psc=1 If you scroll down the Amazon link you will find the monitor for sale as well as just the switch. Darrell