Insurance - "mechanical Breakdown Protection"

Discussion in 'Trip Planning and Travel Concerns' started by Chay, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. Chay

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    Sep 23, 2007
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    My husband and I just bought a 2002 fifth-wheel. We're not newbies -- we owned a motorhome (new) previously and after two years decided a fifth-wheel would suit us better. We have the opportunity to buy the add-on insurance ("Performance First") for $1495 for four years, and are wondering about that.

    I'm inclined to do it, since the rig is five years old already and the refrigerator, air conditioner, etc. could go out any time. I don't want the hassle. DH isn't so sure. He's weighing the costs of $1495 now vs. nickle and diming us down the road, and since he's HANDY, doesn't think we need it.

    I'm sure there are plenty of opinions here, and we'd love to hear them! Thanks ...

    (we're retired, by the way, so money - now and later - definitely is an issue!) :blink:

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