Can I suggest that the Lat/Long be written on a single line so that it can easily be cut and pasted into mapping software such as Google Maps. In its current form I have to copy as follows: 31.118659 Longitude: -99.333048 and then delete the Longitude and put a comma in in order for Google Maps to accept it: 31.118659, -99.333048 Thanks
I understand your suggestion and it has merits, but I'm puzzled as to why you would need to cut and paste the coordinates into Google Maps when there's a Maps link for every RV park. I'm simply curious what you are doing with the data.
I do copy and paste because I am usually plugging it into a route I am planning and also I copy into the spreadsheet I use for my trip planning so I can easily go back to it at the time of travel to that destination
That's kind of what I had figured. I'll write your suggestion up as a site improvement. I can't guarantee when it will be acted upon but it will be in the queue.