Medical Care For Full Timers

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by 2fulltimers, May 19, 2008.

  1. 2fulltimers

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    May 19, 2008
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    As full timers my husband and I have "maintainence perscriptions" (medications we have been on long term such as thryoid) As some of you may know prescriptions are only good for one year and then they must be renewed by a physician. We don't wish to return to our previous home yearly and our previous primary care physicain will only renew them if he sees us. There must be other full timers who face this dilemma. How do you resolve it without going through a number of needless tests when visiting a new physician?
  2. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    Welcome aboard 2fulltimers ! :D
    Similar challenge with DH's maintainence blood pressure meds. First year we stayed several months with relatives, who recommended a fabulous pharmacist in their small town. She did ALL the leg-work. Netted 6 months worth of meds, at a considerably better price than in southern California I might add. We eventually DID return for the winter, so a simple Dr. visit and blood test resolved perscriptions for another year.
    ;) I must note:
    We've drastically simplified our medical lives: no insurance layer. Have been receiving incredible (50-70%) discounts by paying cash: meds, blood tests, physician visits, etc. Our once 'primary' physician expressed relief he didn't have to hassle with an insurance company to gain us enough meds to travel fulltime.
    Have you folks identified a favorite RV park (s) where you'll spend couple months as basecamp or winterover site? Seek out a physician (or pharmacist) in those areas. Even insurance companies recognize folks move...and should (?) allow you to change your primary physician once in a while.
    Hope this helps. Cheers! B)
  3. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    My wife also has a lot of meds to take each day. She and I use the same doctor and have done so for years and years now. She takes her long list to Doc and tells him this is what I need for the next six months or more. She missed one drug one time (left at home) and she called his office to FAX scrip over to local Wal-Mart store at home. We were in Durango and we stopped by Wal-Mart in Durango and picked it up. I think the key may be trust. Doc can trust that we will do the right thing and if we get into trouble we will call him. You need to find a good doctor some place (this will be very hard to do) and lay out what your life is like, not the type who sits in front the TV at home and waits to die. We travel over seas as well as by RV so we need someone who can understand this type of life. This plan has worked for years now.

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