Members Column Suggestion

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by Jack B, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. Jack B

    Jack B
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    Jul 21, 2014
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    Texasrvers, could I toss in a couple more suggestions?

    The Members tab to the right of Forums pulls down to Notable Members and Registered Members, among other topics.
    For Notable Members you should add a tally, "Helpful Reviews". If someone wanted to be notable, it would seem the best measurement would be the very mission that we are here for: good reviews that help travelers. Besides "Likes" plays to a different audience, the people who participate in the forum. "Helpful Reviews" is a real peer vote by the users of the site for travel. Also "Likes" tends to reward people who are glib, "Helpful Reviews" is a thank you for good, solid info when it was needed.
    I think you'd be surprised to see a whole new list of names and faces. A lot people who have many "Helpful Reviews" do not participate in the Forum. But I think they are "Notable".
    Also, Registered really have to put a line across the top with: 0 through 9 and A through Z, so we can go to that section when looking for a member. Otherwise it is impossible to use. Have you tried it?
    Try to find Texasrvers, it almost can't be done, even if you could guess at approximately what number page it might appear on. We need a way through 4,388 pages.
    Thank you
  2. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Thanks for your suggestions. I think you have a very valid points about recognizing helpful reviews, and I will pass that along to our programmers.

    As for your second suggestion, I jumped on that one as soon as this feature appeared, and something is supposed to be done to it to make a search more user friendly, but I am not sure exactly what will be implemented.

    And you keep tossing out those suggestions any time you want to!

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