Need So Advice

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by rv1, May 9, 2014.

  1. rv1

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    Jul 20, 2009
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    Ok my wife signed us up at a time share rv resort when at bass pro. Name of time share company is bluegreen vacations. It's at Shenandoah valley va. It's a presidential rv pad has personal hot tub looks real nice. Now the deal is got to listen to them try to get you for 2hrs then they say you are free but I looked them up on net it said they are real pushy and 2 hrs turn into 6 they keep trying all week to get you to buy a time share. Now my question is should we just eat the $200 we put down? I really don't want to waste a week vac at work & the gas $ going form chi to va for a week of hell. Has anyone been to something like this or even this very one?
  2. kam

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    Jun 2, 2012
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    QUOTE(rv1 @ May 9 2014, 06:07 PM) [snapback]36512[/snapback]

    Ok my wife signed us up at a time share rv resort when at bass pro. Name of time share company is bluegreen vacations. It's at Shenandoah valley va. It's a presidential rv pad has personal hot tub looks real nice. Now the deal is got to listen to them try to get you for 2hrs then they say you are free but I looked them up on net it said they are real pushy and 2 hrs turn into 6 they keep trying all week to get you to buy a time share. Now my question is should we just eat the $200 we put down? I really don't want to waste a week vac at work & the gas $ going form chi to va for a week of hell. Has anyone been to something like this or even this very one?

    I don't know about RV timeshares, however I was a timeshare owner for years until finally I paid to get rid of it. I would NEVER go to another 'FREE" timeshare weekend. Yes, they pressure you the entire time to buy. Even after you buy they continue to pressure you to buy more. The last meeting I went to was promised to be 45 minutes, 5 hours later the sales lady insulted my boyfriend and we got up and walked out. We did get our free gift after we complained loudly in front of other guests, something I would not normally do. So my advice....RUN! Run far & run fast in the other direction.
  3. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    What was the $200 dollars for? If they want you to buy a timeshare, the stay ought to be free.
  4. rv1

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    Jul 20, 2009
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    QUOTE(kam @ May 9 2014, 06:38 PM) [snapback]36513[/snapback]

    I don't know about RV timeshares, however I was a timeshare owner for years until finally I paid to get rid of it. I would NEVER go to another 'FREE" timeshare weekend. Yes, they pressure you the entire time to buy. Even after you buy they continue to pressure you to buy more. The last meeting I went to was promised to be 45 minutes, 5 hours later the sales lady insulted my boyfriend and we got up and walked out. We did get our free gift after we complained loudly in front of other guests, something I would not normally do. So my advice....RUN! Run far & run fast in the other direction.
  5. rv1

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    Jul 20, 2009
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    Thanks pretty much answers my question
  6. rv1

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    Jul 20, 2009
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ May 9 2014, 07:27 PM) [snapback]36517[/snapback]

    What was the $200 dollars for? If they want you to buy a timeshare, the stay ought to be free.

    No wasn't free $200 for a week stay on presidential lot. The lot looked amazing hot tub concert pad brick fire pit wouldn't mind going if wasn't a timeshare crap
  7. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    I'm assuming you are talking about Shenandoah Crossing in Gordonsville, VA. Did you look at the reviews on this site? Some good, some not so, but at least they give you more info.
  8. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    Buying one of these is like getting a STD. You have it for life and then they sue your heirs. Running away will be the best $200 you ever spent. We went to one of these by Thousand trails. After 20 minutes, I told the guy we were not going to buy, but would be happy to listen fo the 2 hours. I asked him if he worked on commission and wouldn't it be better to talk to somebody else. During the "pitch" he dropped the price from $7,000 to $2,800. They let us go early and when my wife said she wanted the $50 Wal-Mart gift card promised, they said we had to listen to the entire program to get it. I said OK, we will finish the 2 hours, but won't buy. They let us go with the card.
  9. Fitzjohnfan

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    Apr 6, 2010
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    I would lean toward eating the $200.00 and not going. If they have you on their property, they could continue to hound you to join the entire time, and/or, make your stay" difficult " if you say no.

    My dad joined one in the 1980s and used it quite bit for a few years, but we found that going to the same place, even if it's well cared for, can become boring. Plus the maintenance fees started becoming more expensive per year, than if we just paid a nightly rate for two weeks. It took him several years and many threats from lawyers to get out of his lifetime contract. Remember, you got an RV to travel, not just be a hotel room on wheels.

    What's interesting is, the same place my dad bought into for $5,000.00 + $350.00/year maintenance fees, is now open to the public. Its still a nice park, and my family usually visits it about once a year.

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