New Forum Member

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by ijitterbug, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. ijitterbug

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    Jun 26, 2009
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    Hello to all readers here on the Forum.

    I simply want to take just a moment to ask each of you to think about the following.

    Have you taken the time to notice and recognize the attitude that an overwhelming majority of RV'ers and campers in general possess?

    Always ready to assist when needed or asked. Willing to share tips and advice to each other in order to help have the best RVing experience possible.

    These attributes and pervasive attitude among RV'ers is unmatched anywhere else.

    Think about the uncountable numbers of times you have interacted with another RV'er or camper on your travels up and down and across the continent.

    Take the time to rejoice in the fact that you are among such a wide ranging group of persons. Indeed, these same people come to be valued as "family".

    I truly believe you will be astonished by what you will discover as you reflect on your experiences.

    A "philosophy" or inner belief which has sustained me throughout life can be simply stated in the following gift to you...............


    As we begin to revel in the joys of Summer and the opportunities to travel this great land of ours, I reflect on the wonders of friends gained and cherished in my lifetime.

    To each of you, my friends, I give “The Cloak of Friendship”.

    Formed from the very fibers of my soul and coated with deepest emotion,
    a cloak to enshroud you with love and caring.

    A cloak to protect you from the heartaches and troubles of life,
    a shield to keep you safe from unkind thoughts and unpleasant events.

    A cloak to be worn even as a reversible, to reflect inwardly and outwardly
    the generosity and good nature of your being.

    Helping you to be shielded from some small amount of adversity,
    allowing you to cheerily travel forth on life’s pathway.

    When you are lonely or need comforting, a cloak to gather about you in warm
    feelings. To feel the nearness of my friendship and concern for your well being.

    This “Cloak of Friendship” is made possible because of your friendship toward me.
    Because you are my friends, I can in turn give this cloak to you.

    Thank you for being my friends.

    Jerry aka ijitterbug

    PS. I look forward to “seeing” each of you here on the Forum.
  2. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    Welcome! I have stopped for RVers, once I saw 5th wheel stopped, I stopped and asked if they needed 911 to be called, they said they had someone coming.

    I have had way too much help from RV'ers, I think I am in the "I owe" position.

  3. Butch

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    Jul 23, 2005
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    Welcome ijitterbug, have to agree with you that you can make and meet great friends in the RV world..............we sure do enjoy meeting and making new friends on our travels. Good luck, good health, and safe travels friend....
  4. mdcamping

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    Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Thank you Jerry for a wonderful inspiring post... and welcome to the forum! :D

    I in turn will try to pass this cloak of freindship to other Rvers..

    See you around the boards,
    Your friend, Mike
  5. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    I always try to help folks if I am in the RV or not. Lving in Fl, I have lots of chances to help old folks. Most people do appreciate and I think helping people also gives the helper a great feeling also. Lots of Rv's out there, don't have a clue. When I see a retal RV, I try to help them and answer a few questions. We get a lot of Europeans with CruiseAmerica rentals.

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