Newbies - Please Help!!!

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by californiagal01, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. californiagal01

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    Mar 2, 2009
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    Hello everyone,

    I'm planning a 10 day RV trip from San francisco in April. We are going to be 8 people(6 adults,2kids) in a 31 ft class C which we are renting and which sleeps 8. I have some questions which I hope you can help me with

    1. I noticed that most RV parks have a rate for 2-4 peple, what about in our case-how much extra...?

    2. when RV parks show that they have showers & laundry, are these coin operated or included...?

    3. We are planning to go from SFO - los angeles - Grand canyon - Las vegas and then back home. Can this be done in 10 days...?

    4.We've never driven anything bigger than an SUV, would a 31 ft Class C be tough...?

    5. I already have a AAA membership, do RV parks give a discount for this or should I get something else...?

    Thank you so much in advance!!!
  2. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Welcome CAgal:

    You have quite an adventure ahead of you, and I'm sure our members will be glad to help. Here are some answers for you.

    1. The rate for more than 2-4 people varies with each park. It might also be a different amount for adults and children. Just be sure to call ahead and ask.

    2. Usually showers are free. Usually laundry facilities are coin operated, and again the amount varies anywhere from $1.25 to $3.00+ per one washer or dryer. However, there are places that do charge for showers, and in 10 years of RVing we have stayed at 2 places that did not charge for their laundry facilities.

    3. In my opinion, yes, but it all depends on how long you want to stay in one place. You can certainly drive this distance in 10 days, but I cannot see you getting any quality time at any of the locations. However, people travel in many different ways, and this might suit you just fine.

    4. It will be a bit different, but it should not take too long to adapt. If you get a chance to practice beforehand that would be good. If you're planning to rent the RV ask the rental company for some "lessons" several days before you plan to leave.

    5. Again it depends on the park. Just call ahead and ask. There are several RV park memberships out there. They range anywhere from $24/yr (KOA and Good Sam) on up for the more exclusive memberships. The usual discount for the less expensive memberships is about 10%. If you pay around $35 a night (could be more with the extra people) for 10 nights you would save about $35. You can decide if it's worth it.

    Hope this helps and have a great trip.
  3. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(californiagal01 @ Mar 2 2009, 06:07 PM) [snapback]15287[/snapback]

    Hello everyone,

    I'm planning a 10 day RV trip from San francisco in April. We are going to be 8 people(6 adults,2kids) in a 31 ft class C which we are renting and which sleeps 8. I have some questions which I hope you can help me with Good luck with 8 people in a Class C! That should be an interesting challenge.

    1. I noticed that most RV parks have a rate for 2-4 peple, what about in our case-how much extra...? Some do require extra, but many if not most don't. The amount will depend upon the individual CG.

    2. when RV parks show that they have showers & laundry, are these coin operated or included...? Normally, these are free.

    3. We are planning to go from SFO - los angeles - Grand canyon - Las vegas and then back home. Can this be done in 10 days...? It's a little ambitious, but doable. The only thing is that you may not get the chance to do all the sightseeing you would like to do.
    4.We've never driven anything bigger than an SUV, would a 31 ft Class C be tough...? No problem at all.
    5. I already have a AAA membership, do RV parks give a discount for this or should I get something else...? The vast majority of parks will give AAA a discount.
    Thank you so much in advance!!!
  4. BobNuttmann

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    :) Sounds like lots of fun. We rented many times before buying.

    Hello everyone,

    I'm planning a 10 day RV trip from San francisco in April. We are going to be 8 people(6 adults,2kids) in a 31 ft class C which we are renting and which sleeps 8. I have some questions which I hope you can help me with

    1. I noticed that most RV parks have a rate for 2-4 peple, what about in our case-how much extra...?Varies per park. Commercial parks normally will charge more, public most likely not

    2. when RV parks show that they have showers & laundry, are these coin operated or in[color=#FF0000]cluded...?Commercial - Koa etc normally have free showers and charge for laundry - State parks county parks and so on usually charge for showers (sometimes) and sometimes have not any showers, and normally will not have laundry. But varies with park. Be sure to get trailer life or woodalls camp book for guide. Both can be accessed on line too. I also like AAA camp books and Frommers makes a great camp guide too

    3. We are planning to go from SFO - los angeles - Grand canyon - Las vegas and then back home. Can this be done in 10 days...?
    Should not be a problem. Just keep in mind that a camper does not go as fast as a car on average.

    4.We've never driven anything bigger than an SUV, would a 31 ft Class C be tough...?
    Class Cs are very easy to drive. It is like a big van.

    5. I already have a AAA membership, do RV parks give a discount for this or should I get something else...? Generally yes, although more give discounts for Good Sam Club

    Just as a comment. About five years ago we rented a 31 ft class C in San Diego and drove with seven people in it. 5 adults or young adults, 1 teen. 1 2 year old, 1 big dog. We had a wonderful trip. We went all the way to Eagle lake in N CA. That is about the same distance you are going.

    Thank you so much in advance!!!
  5. pianotuna

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    Jan 7, 2007
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    Hi Californiagal,

    Do plan on spending lots of time outside the RV. 8 folks in an Class C may be a bit over the top.

    Plan on averaging no more than about 50 mph. Your route without any side trips is over 1600 miles.

    San Fran to LA =~ 8 hours

    LA to Grand Canyon =~ 9 hours

    Grand Canyon to Las Vegas =~ 5 hours

    Las Vegas to San Francisco =~ 12 hours = one heck of a miserable day.

    I think most "seasoned" RV folks want to drive only about 4 to 5 hours a day.

    I'd find somewhere I wanted to stop between Las Vegas and home. Such as Yosemite National Park.

    Sounds like a great time to me! (Got room for one more adult? LOL)

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