Northern California Coast

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by Buffalo Rider, May 3, 2016.

  1. Buffalo Rider

    Buffalo Rider
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    May 3, 2016
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    Greetings all,
    I'm new to the forum but like many of you, I've been using Rv park reviews for years t plan trips and review parks.We travel in a 40ft American Eagle, mainly throughout the western states as far over as Missouri.

    We planning a trip up through California with a small extended stay in the San Francisco area. So my question and point of this thread. Aside from a couple of parks in Santa Cruz, can someone tell me why in the name of Pete, there aren't any decent parks from Santa Cruz all the way up through Bodega Bay or even to Forte Bragg? Every park I've searched within 2 hours of San Francisco is nothing more than a parking lot of cement or dirt. Or if it's more than that, it's lacking 50 amp service or it can't handle big rigs, or the highlight of their web site is a picture of a propane tank and some cement pads. The California Coast has some of the most pristine scenery in the US and while we've got hotels galore, unless I'm missing something, few if any nice RV Resorts! Help! Any suggestions?
    I've committed to my wife that as soon as I retire I'm going to buy 40 acres and create a clean, scenic, well serviced, full hookup resort with shade, trees and spaces large enough to have a private conversation and not worry about the guests next to you overheating everything. Sorry, my first post and I'm ranting but good gosh, I'm blown away!
    Thanks for listening.
    Jason Goodwin likes this.
  2. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Hi Steve and welcome to the forum and to RVPRs. I know exactly what you are saying here as we too have tried in vain to find a decent RV park on the coast north of SF and just recently did find one. We spent a week in Bodega Bay at Bodega Bay RV Park which is located about a mile north of where Inn at the Tides is. It is right on 101 however back far enough that there is no traffic noise and the sleeping is great. We can highly recommend this park and, your 40' AE will fit in just fine. Check out the reviews on it and you can read mine along with many others. We've never stayed in Fort Bragg so can't give you anything to go on for that area but I know there are a couple of parks there. We have found that even out of the area you mention that most parks on or even near the ocean charge an arm and a leg to stay there and many cram you in like a sardine in a can. We simply don't go for that type of accommodations period. Wish I could be of more help but perhaps someone else has found a park that is doable and will jump in with some additional info for you.. Safe travels and make sure to write a review on any parks you stay at so the rest of us can hopefully try them at some point down our respective roads we travel.........................

    BankShot (aka Terry)
    Jason Goodwin likes this.
  3. Buffalo Rider

    Buffalo Rider
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    May 3, 2016
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    So after a little digging I found a great place just northwest of Bodega Bay called Parkers Resort and can I tell you, it's a resort with real camping. You ca have hookups or find your own place in the woods. Have a look, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!
  4. Buffalo Rider

    Buffalo Rider
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    May 3, 2016
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    And just like that, the hope is short lived. Parker Resort is beautiful but, no sewer and no 50amp.

    I should also say that I've spent 20 years camping in a tent on the side of a mountain or in the desert so I'm in no way a motor home snob. But, I've scratched and saved for those 20 years to be able to have a coach and travel the country and if I find a nice place, I'd like to stay a couple weeks. Difficult to do on 30amp in a bus and no sewer.

    The search goes on,
  5. Buffalo Rider

    Buffalo Rider
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    May 3, 2016
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    I emailed Parker Resort on the Russian River to see if they take big rigs because I really need a place somewhat close to San Francisco. Intrigued by their photo's I asked if they had sewer, 50amp, etc and this is what the owner told me, responding via email at 9pm on a Friday night:
    I'm sorry, we do not offer sewer or 50amp. One of the reasons we are not a "parking lot" is due to the fact we have been family owned since 1962. The resort itself has been in existence for nearly 100 years. The best way to describe the resort is how our customers do, "wow". More than a quarter of our customer are in 40 foot Class A vehicles. They enjoy the ease of parking, large sites and accessibility to town. Please feel free to contact me personally with any other questions!

    After explaining the need to leave my rig for 3 days to attend a meeting in San Fran, she not only said no problem but offered, since I wouldn't be using electricity, to let me keep my rig in the site and only charge me a tent rate while I was gone. So for that kind of reply on a Friday night I figure it's worth a shot. Family parks with pride of ownership are some of the best experiences one can have. Heading up in June and plan to report back.
    Meanwhile, the quest for the ever rare combination of a non parking lot, full hookup RV spot with surrounding nature continues up the California coast.
  6. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Steve -

    Did you by chance check out Bodega Bay RV Resort that I mentioned? We have checked into Parker Resort but it's not our thing and perhaps BBRVR is not yours but at least check out the reviews and their website if you haven't already. It is not a parking lot and one nice thing is that it is completely surrounded by a stand of large Pines that keep the ocean winds from tearing your awning off when they blow.............. :eek:

    Regards, BankShot (aka Terry)
    Jason Goodwin likes this.

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