Open Road Forum, I Believe Managed By Good Sam

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Galli, May 28, 2006.

  1. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    I wonder is anyone of you is or has been a member of the Open Road Forum and if so what’s your opinion with respect to a management’s ethic in dealing with the member.
    Recently, I was replying to a member that was unsure of whether to read or not to read The Davinci’s Code since the religion did discourage it.
    My reply was that the religion is a matter of faith, however, I would feel diminished if I should read only what a religion tell me to; in closing my statement, I even apologized if my comment did somehow upset the reader.
    Two days later after my publication, my commentary was cancelled, I wrote twice to the Moderator asking the reason for this arbitrary action since that chat does not provide guideline of the subjects permitted for discussion, however, not even an acknowledgement was received.
    I wrote a third letter to the chat management and…. I am still waiting for an acknowledgement….
    Now regardless of the subject debated, don’t you think that it should be due an acknowledgment from the Administrator informing why my article was deleted?
    Your opinion would be greatly appreciated
  2. Big Ben

    Big Ben
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    Nov 12, 2004
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    I have been a member of it for several years. You probable won't like my answer either. I don't think an RV Forum is the place to be a discussing books other than those pertaining to RVing. I would guess your article was deleted because it was totally off subject. My I suggest you read the rules of both forums. I think you will find the answers to your question there.
  3. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(Galli @ May 28 2006, 10:03 PM) [snapback]4291[/snapback]

    I wonder is anyone of you is or has been a member of the Open Road Forum and if so what’s your opinion with respect to a management’s ethic in dealing with the member.
    Recently, I was replying to a member that was unsure of whether to read or not to read The Davinci’s Code since the religion did discourage it.
    My reply was that the religion is a matter of faith, however, I would feel diminished if I should read only what a religion tell me to; in closing my statement, I even apologized if my comment did somehow upset the reader.
    Two days later after my publication, my commentary was cancelled, I wrote twice to the Moderator asking the reason for this arbitrary action since that chat does not provide guideline of the subjects permitted for discussion, however, not even an acknowledgement was received.
    I wrote a third letter to the chat management and…. I am still waiting for an acknowledgement….
    Now regardless of the subject debated, don’t you think that it should be due an acknowledgment from the Administrator informing why my article was deleted?
    Your opinion would be greatly appreciated

    Thank you Big Ben, I am ready to accept your point of view, however, allow me to clarify two things (a) I could not find a club's policy to verify the guideline; (B) I was not the one who initiated this issue but only a commentator, if your hypothesis was valid, they should have deleted the opening message, not the comments that followed. I appreciate your comment notwithstanding that it doesn’t apply in this case.
  4. beddows

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    Dec 20, 2005
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    They are pretty uptight there about religion or politics. If you want to have discussions (or more often arguments) I would try one of these 3 forums, all of which were started by refugees.

    The Open Door

    Campfire Soapbox

    Unto theBreach

    I warn you some of the folks there are downright nasty, especially if you are on the left end of the political spectrum.
  5. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(Galli @ May 29 2006, 07:36 AM) [snapback]4294[/snapback]

    QUOTE(Galli @ May 28 2006, 10:03 PM) [snapback]4291[/snapback]

    I wonder is anyone of you is or has been a member of the Open Road Forum and if so what’s your opinion with respect to a management’s ethic in dealing with the member.
    Recently, I was replying to a member that was unsure of whether to read or not to read The Davinci’s Code since the religion did discourage it.
    My reply was that the religion is a matter of faith, however, I would feel diminished if I should read only what a religion tell me to; in closing my statement, I even apologized if my comment did somehow upset the reader.
    Two days later after my publication, my commentary was cancelled, I wrote twice to the Moderator asking the reason for this arbitrary action since that chat does not provide guideline of the subjects permitted for discussion, however, not even an acknowledgement was received.
    I wrote a third letter to the chat management and…. I am still waiting for an acknowledgement….
    Now regardless of the subject debated, don’t you think that it should be due an acknowledgment from the Administrator informing why my article was deleted?
    Your opinion would be greatly appreciated

    Thank you Big Ben, I am ready to accept your point of view, however, allow me to clarify two things (a) I could not find a club's policy to verify the guideline; (B) I was not the one who initiated this issue but only a commentator, if your hypothesis was valid, they should have deleted the opening message, not the comments that followed. I appreciate your comment notwithstanding that it doesn’t apply in this case.

    Thanks beddows and no I am not an extremist, as a matter of fact, I am very much a compromising person; my issue was the management behavior, luck of ethic and not policy for guideline.
    I will explore your groups to see what they look like,
  6. saturn7

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    Mar 11, 2006
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    I just signed up for this forum, one of the particular notes in the agreement I signed is that there be no religious discussion and my notes might be wiped out without further discussion. alimarie
  7. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    QUOTE(beddows @ May 29 2006, 11:20 PM) [snapback]4296[/snapback]
    They are pretty uptight there about religion or politics. If you want to have discussions (or more often arguments) I would try one of these 3 forums, all of which were started by refugees.

    The Open Door

    Campfire Soapbox

    Unto theBreach

    I warn you some of the folks there are downright nasty, especially if you are on the left end of the political spectrum.

    Thanks for the links Beddows - I checked out the Camfire Soapbox. You said that people can be nasty if you are on the "left end of the political spectrum". Being what would be considered a "right winger",(very conservative in both political and religious views) thought I would check it out. I only checked out 2 topics - one on evolution and one on politics, and both of them seemed to be dominated by liberal opinions. I am going to check out the other 2 when I get a chance. I didn't know anything about those forums, so again, thanks.
  8. beddows

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    Dec 20, 2005
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    The campfire is more to the left of the other 2, the breach is furthest to the right, the open door seems to have a mix. Personally I tend to be to the left, so I much more enjoy political forums that are to the right. What is the fun of discussing politics with people who agree with you?
  9. slick60

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    May 27, 2004
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    QUOTE(Galli @ May 28 2006, 09:03 PM) [snapback]4291[/snapback]

    I wonder is anyone of you is or has been a member of the Open Road Forum and if so what’s your opinion with respect to a management’s ethic in dealing with the member.
    Recently, I was replying to a member that was unsure of whether to read or not to read The Davinci’s Code since the religion did discourage it.
    My reply was that the religion is a matter of faith, however, I would feel diminished if I should read only what a religion tell me to; in closing my statement, I even apologized if my comment did somehow upset the reader.
    Two days later after my publication, my commentary was cancelled, I wrote twice to the Moderator asking the reason for this arbitrary action since that chat does not provide guideline of the subjects permitted for discussion, however, not even an acknowledgement was received.
    I wrote a third letter to the chat management and…. I am still waiting for an acknowledgement….
    Now regardless of the subject debated, don’t you think that it should be due an acknowledgment from the Administrator informing why my article was deleted?
    Your opinion would be greatly appreciated

    I agree with Big Ben. I am a Christian but the forum is a site for Rver's and Rv related issues. Read the rules and you will get a good idea of what happened to your post. :D
  10. RVman3252

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    Jun 17, 2003
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    I also am a very strong Christian and certainly have my opinion of politics too, however like others have said, these forums are for discussions of RV matters. The rules clearly state this, so one must obide. As far as the Moderators not responding to your PM or email, I would guess these un-paid folks have a full time job just "policing" the forums. I don't believe anyone would be singling your posts by deleting them. In my opinion these are both great forums which us folks of the RV lifestyle are lucky to have and enjoy for no cost to us.

  11. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(slick60 @ Jun 5 2006, 08:49 AM) [snapback]4341[/snapback]

    QUOTE(Galli @ May 28 2006, 09:03 PM) [snapback]4291[/snapback]

    I wonder is anyone of you is or has been a member of the Open Road Forum and if so what’s your opinion with respect to a management’s ethic in dealing with the member.
    Recently, I was replying to a member that was unsure of whether to read or not to read The Davinci’s Code since the religion did discourage it.
    My reply was that the religion is a matter of faith, however, I would feel diminished if I should read only what a religion tell me to; in closing my statement, I even apologized if my comment did somehow upset the reader.
    Two days later after my publication, my commentary was cancelled, I wrote twice to the Moderator asking the reason for this arbitrary action since that chat does not provide guideline of the subjects permitted for discussion, however, not even an acknowledgement was received.
    I wrote a third letter to the chat management and…. I am still waiting for an acknowledgement….
    Now regardless of the subject debated, don’t you think that it should be due an acknowledgment from the Administrator informing why my article was deleted?
    Your opinion would be greatly appreciated

    I agree with Big Ben. I am a Christian but the forum is a site for Rver's and Rv related issues. Read the rules and you will get a good idea of what happened to your post. :D

    ;) I have no problems with your statement, however, the issue now is not the contents of my message but the lack of ethics in not serving my enquiry.
    I cannot agree with your statement that….”they are volunteers and don’t have time to reply.. etc..”, I am sorry but whenever you are covering certain position(s) , in this case the Moderator, you have certain responsibilities that cannot be avoided; business is business, regardless whether it is volunteered or not.
    Furthermore, notwithstanding my earlier statement, the Good Sam Club, it is NOT a charitable organization, therefore, the staff must be paid, at least, a minimum salary .
    Commenting on my original message, I was not the one who did initiated the argument of the Davinci Code, I am the one who provided the comment on the article already there and my wards were not offensive, bushing or against religious; having said the above, I assume that the item that should have been deleted according to the general policy should have been the original one.
    In closing, I am not against religion(s) or violent in discussing politics or any other arguments that may come on the chat but, being an educated person, I like to be treated as such when I address some one or some organization or in a specific debate.
    Well, I am sorry if I took too long in stressing my point but I really care that you understand why I was upset on this issue
    Regards Galli :D
  12. RVman3252

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    Jun 17, 2003
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    I understand that you are upset, and even understand why... but when there are rules to those free forums, which clearly state no politics or religion discussions... the Moderators are just up-holding those rules. I did not read your post, but I can only guess it leaned into a religion discussion a bit too far, and not reading the thread, I'm guessing the original post did not.

    Like I said, without reading your post or the entire thread, that would be my guess. I stand with my statement that those Moderators are probably covered up, just reading all of the posts and editing or deleting some... leaving very little time to respond to "why me" emails. I have been told many times these Moderators are not paid, but no matter if they are or are not, the rules are in place and available for reading.

    It would be hard for me to believe that they are "singling" you out by deleting or editing your posts. I doubt they have the time to respond to all of the PM's or emails they get. I certainly would not let this stop you from participating in these forums, as there is a lot of good information which can be exchanged between RV'ers.

    Good Luck and Happy Camping...

  13. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(Galli @ Jun 7 2006, 07:34 AM) [snapback]4355[/snapback]

    QUOTE(slick60 @ Jun 5 2006, 08:49 AM) [snapback]4341[/snapback]

    QUOTE(Galli @ May 28 2006, 09:03 PM) [snapback]4291[/snapback]

    I wonder is anyone of you is or has been a member of the Open Road Forum and if so what’s your opinion with respect to a management’s ethic in dealing with the member.
    Recently, I was replying to a member that was unsure of whether to read or not to read The Davinci’s Code since the religion did discourage it.
    My reply was that the religion is a matter of faith, however, I would feel diminished if I should read only what a religion tell me to; in closing my statement, I even apologized if my comment did somehow upset the reader.
    Two days later after my publication, my commentary was cancelled, I wrote twice to the Moderator asking the reason for this arbitrary action since that chat does not provide guideline of the subjects permitted for discussion, however, not even an acknowledgement was received.
    I wrote a third letter to the chat management and…. I am still waiting for an acknowledgement….
    Now regardless of the subject debated, don’t you think that it should be due an acknowledgment from the Administrator informing why my article was deleted?
    Your opinion would be greatly appreciated

    Hi again, it is nice talking with you, however, I wish to stress that, I don't believe the Moderator is after me or my writing, I believe that it is more a policy of the enterprise of not to provide a proper response. I am traveling often to the USA and I have to recognize that you are superb in dealing with the people, in general, and that gave me a cold shower for this luck of interest.
    I wanted to attach the original message for your perusal but it has been deleted, sorry.

    I agree with Big Ben. I am a Christian but the forum is a site for Rver's and Rv related issues. Read the rules and you will get a good idea of what happened to your post. :D

    ;) I have no problems with your statement, however, the issue now is not the contents of my message but the lack of ethics in not serving my enquiry.
    I cannot agree with your statement that….”they are volunteers and don’t have time to reply.. etc..”, I am sorry but whenever you are covering certain position(s) , in this case the Moderator, you have certain responsibilities that cannot be avoided; business is business, regardless whether it is volunteered or not.
    Furthermore, notwithstanding my earlier statement, the Good Sam Club, it is NOT a charitable organization, therefore, the staff must be paid, at least, a minimum salary .
    Commenting on my original message, I was not the one who did initiated the argument of the Davinci Code, I am the one who provided the comment on the article already there and my wards were not offensive, bushing or against religious; having said the above, I assume that the item that should have been deleted according to the general policy should have been the original one.
    In closing, I am not against religion(s) or violent in discussing politics or any other arguments that may come on the chat but, being an educated person, I like to be treated as such when I address some one or some organization or in a specific debate.
    Well, I am sorry if I took too long in stressing my point but I really care that you understand why I was upset on this issue
    Regards Galli :D
  14. PatJ3

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    Oct 20, 2004
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    Just a comment: many years ago, I was taught by my parents not to discuss religion or politics with anyone unless you were related to them...and even then to tread softly. Most people take either or both very seriously and their thoughts and feelings are theirs and you will never change them unless they are willing to be changed, which they probably won't be. I try to keep my religiious beliefs and political opionions to myself. I feel mu opinions on those topices are no one's business except my own. Just my POV. Thanks for listening.

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