Hello! Is it possible for me to edit a post I have made, such as to fix an error or clarify a post? Thanks!
No, users cannot edit reviews after they are posted. However, if you have made a serious error that needs to be corrected, please send a message to the Help Desk. They can resolve this sort of issue.
This is not a matter of a "serious error that needs to be corrected". I asked a question about leveling jacks that I later realized was unclear. If I could have changed the wording I feel that I could have created some worthwhile discussion. Rather than create a new post, I was hoping to "clean up" my old post. Thanks.
Rick is asking about forum posts, Joel, not reviews. Rick, look at the "fine print" at the bottom of your posts for the "Edit" button. I just edited this post to add that info.
You bring up an interesting point. There's a limited time after the post is made that it can be edited by the poster, but I haven't determined what that time limit is. Joel, can you check that out for us?
I'm unaware of any time limit for editing. I just edited one of my posts from the first of August and that was even from the old system, but there may be a limit that I haven't heard about.
My post #4 that was posted yesterday in this thread cannot be edited now, but my #7 post from today still can. I'll keep checking #7 to see if the edit option goes away. Could it be that your elevated privileges as an admin allow you more latitude?
The option to edit wasn't available for the post in question about self leveling jacks. That's why I asked. My posts in this thread also do not give me an option to edit them. Thanks all! I clicked the "edit" button and I'm adding this sentence. Maybe there is a time limit for editing posts?
Yes - there is a two hour time limit on post edits. There are several reasons for this. First, there is the potential for abuse but more importantly, we've noted that some folks go back and amend posts to add more information. This is problem because folks don't go back and reread posts they've already read looking for updates. It's better to post a new update than to update an existing post. More folks will see the info.
Not sure what time zone you're in but that would seem to be consistent with a two-hour window since your #14 post was made at roughly 4pm CST.
Thanks for the edit time info, Janet. I understand the reasoning, and don't disagree with it, but I did want to clarify the time element.
You made your #7 post at 11:59 am EST and your #14 post was made at roughly 5pm EST. I'm confused as to whether #14 was made to let us know there's a problem with Janet's 2-hour window or for some other reason. Were you saying that your #7 post had just become non-editable which would have been a lot longer than 2 hours? Sorry if I'm missing your point.
Heh! No real point, Joel, just affirmation that the edit button was gone on the earlier post before I noticed Janet's post about the 2-hour edit window.